Chapter 27

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"June, where do you think you are going?"

"To my date with Ben."

"Looking like that?" Kiera said. "No way."

"What is wrong with my clothes?" June asked.

"You can't go out on a date wearing jeans and an England hoodie."

"Why not? It's Ben, he's seen it all already, good and bad."

"But you are going to a restaurant. You can't show up looking like that."

"Well, this is all I have" June shrugged.

"Come with me" Kiera said, taking her hand.


"To Ella's room. She brought some fancy clothes."

"Why?" June laughed.

"It's Ella. Do you seriously have to ask?"


"Don't laugh, Chilwell" June said as she walked towards him. "If you dare laughing, I'm killing you."

"I won't, I promise. But you are wearing something under that coat, aren't you?"

"Of course I am, you idiot" she replied, rolling her eyes.

"It must be tiny, tho."

"It's one of Ella's dresses, that's why it is so short on me. I didn't bring anything fancy and the girls forbade me from leaving the hotel wearing jeans and one of our hoodies."

"But they allowed you to leave wearing one of the huge coats?" Ben laughed. "And how come you didn't bring anything less casual?"

"Because I came here to play football, Chilwell. Not to go partying or having you asking me to be your girlfriend and wanting to go out to celebrate."

"Sorry" he chuckled. "Are they still being annoying about it?"

"All the damn time" June sighed.

She had had to tell them. The moment they landed in Australia, they could tell something was going on, that the stupid smile on her face wasn't because she was happy the flight was finally over.

"Poor Maxwell" Ben pouted, making fun of her. "But I'm glad they force you to wear something nice, because we are going to a fancy restaurant."

"Fancy? How fancy?"

"I'm wearing a blazer and my best shirt."

"Oh my God. I'm going back to the hotel" June said, turning around.

"Oh, c'mon Maxwell. That dress can't be that bad."

"It is worse! Don't tell Ella, but I look like a... you know."

"Show me and I'll tell you if that's the case."

"No" she said, crossing her arms over her chest.

"June..." Ben said, giving her the puppy eyes he knew she couldn't say no to.

"Ok, fine. But if you laugh..."

"You'll kill me, I know" he said. "Bloody hell, Maxwell."

"Is that a good bloody hell or a bad one?" June asked.



"Good because you look smoking hot, but bad because we'll probably have everyone looking at us at the restaurant, and we want to go as unnoticed as we can."

"Great. Just great" she sighed. "Why did you have to ask me to be your girlfriend when my suitcase is just tracksuits and trainers?"

"Love works in mysterious ways" he smiled. "But c'mon, we are gonna be late."

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