Chapter 23

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"But are you sure?"


"Ok, that's... that's... I don't know what to say. Thank you, I guess" June said with a nervous laugh.

"You've earned it. This is your hard work paying off" her manager replied.

"Thank you."

"Now go tell the girls. I'm sure you are looking forward to it."

"I am, yes. And again, thank you very much" June smiled before leaving the office, jumping through the corridor and trying not to scream.

"Ouch, careful!" someone said after bumping into her.

"Mason! Hi, sorry."

"Are you ok? Why are you grinning like that?"

"I got the best news ever, Mase. The best!"

"Can you share them?"

"Of course! Next Sunday I'm gonna be on the bench. I've been called up again!"

"Oh my God, June. That's amazing!" he said, hugging her and lifting her in the air. "I'm so happy for you."

"Thank you, Mason. It means a lot coming from you keeping in mind that you hate me and all that" she said once her feet were on the floor again.

"I don't hate you, June."

"But you said..."

"That I hated you, yes. Past tense. I don't anymore."

"Oh, that's... umm... thank you?"

"You're welcome" Mason laughed. "Have you told anyone? About being back, I mean."

"I haven't had time, they just literally told me. You are the first person who knows."

"Then you probably are dying to tell the girls. And Ben too."

"Lauren and Vittoria will want to throw a party" she laughed. "And they actually might. We are going out tonight with Reece and some of the boys, do you want to come too?"

"I..." Mason said, scratching the back of his head.

"Urgh, I'm sorry. It's too soon, isn't it? You just said you don't hate me anymore, but that doesn't mean that you like me or that we can be friends or..."

"No, no, it's fine, June. I mean, maybe it is too soon to be friends, but we can definitely be friendly."

"Oh, ok. Good."

"And I would love to join you tonight and celebrate that you are back, but I can't. I have date."

"Wait, with a girl?"

"Yes, with a girl" Mason chuckled.

"That's great!"

"Yeah" he said. "We've already gone out a few times and it's been nice."

"I'm really happy for you, Mason. Hope this works out."

"Me too. I think I like her" he said with a shy smile. "Anyway, did they tell you if you will be playing this weekend?"

"No, the gaffer didn't say anything. But I guess that if things go well I will get to play a few minutes."

"Then if I'm not busy I will be there watching you. And then we can have a drink at the party that I'm sure the girls will throw you."

"Perfect" June smiled. "I should probably go and tell them."

"Yes, you should" he smiled back. "And promise that you will be careful when you tell Chilly. Don't scare him."

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