Chapter 133|Shen Jungkook's Secret

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Sang Lisa turned around and looked at the layout of the room, slightly surprised.

There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Whether it was the furniture, decorations, or color tones, it was a little similar to her room in the Sang family's villa.

Compared to Shen Jungkook's room next door, this room was much warmer and had a hint of comfort to it.

Sang Lisa hesitated for a moment, but she still walked to the wardrobe and opened it. Suddenly, she was stunned.

It was indeed as Rong Yan had said. The closet was full of women's clothes. But these were all the clothes she had worn before.

Back then, she had faked her death. In order to avoid suspicion, she hadn't taken any of the clothes she had worn.

What she didn't know was that after Shen Jungkook bought the old house, he had moved some of the clothes into this room.

Sang Lisa's gaze swept past the dresses as she looked at each one carefully.

Somehow, she felt that these clothes had something in common. Were they all the clothes that she had worn in front of Shen Jungkook?

She could no longer remember what occasion some of the dresses were for, but they were probably what she usually wore.

But some of them still left an impression. For example, the bright pink fluffy princess dress that made her feel extremely embarrassed in front of Shen Jungkook.

At that time, she had been in the rain, so her father had asked his secretary to buy her this dress to change into. Unexpectedly, when she went to visit Shen Shaofeng at the hospital, she had met Shen Jungkook and Xia Sitong.

She could still vaguely remember the embarrassment and awkwardness she felt.

And another example was the starry sky blue dress.

It was the one she wore when she was sending Xia Sitong home on the night of Han Tianyi's birthday party. Xia Sitong had run into a drunkard, and Sang Lisa almost got her dress ripped from fighting the man.

It was also that night that she had mustered the courage to tell Shen Jungkook that she was just curious about him.

Moreover, there was also a purple chiffon dress that Sang Lisa would never forget.

That time, she was tricked into a private room by Ding Aojia at Shengshi Club. Ding Aojia took off her clothes and took pictures of her. It was Shen Jungkook who came in time and saved her.

Sang Lisa's hands stroked those dresses one by one, her heart slightly trembling.

Her gaze fell on a white tasseled dress with a hundred flowers. It was the dress she had worn on her eighteenth birthday.

She still remembered that she had picked and tried on this dress in front of the mirror for a long time before finally choosing this one.

It was also that night that she had met Shen Jungkook.

The fleeting glance that started everything.

She thought that she was the only one who remembered him, but he actually remembered her too?

Otherwise, how could this dress appear here?

Sang Lisa's hands trembled as she closed the wardrobe. She tried her best to calm her emotions and turned around.

When she looked up, she saw a door that was quietly closed.

Rong Yan said that when she wanted to go inside there to find medicine for Shen Jungkook, but he stopped her with a shout even while having such a bad headache.

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