Chapter 86|A Long and Arduous Road in Chasing His Wife

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Sang Lisa was stunned and Wen Xu was speechless. "Tianyi, what are you saying? Last time, my sister called Shen Jungkook to plead for the Wen family, but he didn't even answer her call."

"Just because he didn't take it doesn't mean he won't remember old times."

Han Tianyi grabbed Sang Lisa's hand and said, "Lili, Shen Jungkook once stayed by your grave for seven days and seven nights. He even fainted and was sent to the hospital. Shen Jungkook likes you, and he will never reject any of your requests!"

On the day of Sang Lisa's death, Han Tianyi went to her funeral. As he was leaving, he saw Shen Jungkook standing in front of her grave and not leaving.

Seven days later, Han Tianyi and Wen Xu were supposed to celebrate Sang Lisa's seventh birthday, so he couldn't sleep that night. The next morning, Han Tianyi went to the cemetery first.

However, he saw the ambulance parked at the cemetery gate with a boy around his age standing anxiously beside it.

Han Tianyi heard the doctor's voice as he said to the boy, "He didn't sleep, rest, eat, or drink for seven days and seven nights in front of the grave. Even if he's young and in good health, he shouldn't have tormented himself like this!"

Afterward, the ambulance quickly drove away. Han Tianyi didn't see who the patient was, but he remembered the boy's face.

Three years later, when the Han family was in trouble, his father, Han Shangrong, brought him to Phoenix Technology to beg Shen Jungkook to spare their family.

At that time, the Phoenix's Vice President, Guo Muyang, personally came out to receive them. Han Tianyi then realized that the anxious-looking boy in front of the cemetery was Guo Muyang.

"But you didn't see the patient clearly, did you?"

Wen Xu found Han Tianyi's speculation unbelievable; He didn't believe him at all. "You only saw Guo Muyang. How can you be so sure the person who was taken away by the ambulance was Shen Jungkook?"

"It's him, I'm definitely not mistaken."

"Before my family went bankrupt," Han Tianyi said with certainty, "I went to visit Lili's grave for two consecutive years on her death anniversary. I would meet Shen Jungkook every time I went there. Moreover, the cemetery staff said that once he arrived, he would sit in front of Lili's grave for a long time!"

Han Tianyi used to like Sang Lisa as well. He could see the sadness in Shen Jungkook's eyes when he looked at Sang Lisa's photo on the tombstone.

"That's because my sister saved him. Due to that, he feels that he owes her."

Wen Xu scoffed. "You don't know how my sister pursued him back then. She really lowered her stance and treated him as well as she could, but what about him? He was extremely cold to my sister and didn't even bother saying a word to her. Scratch that, he didn't even want to look at her. If he really likes my sister, hehe, that would be the biggest joke in the world!"

Sang Lisa felt the same way as Wen Xu. How was that possible? How could Shen Jungkook like her?

If he liked her even a little, he wouldn't have been so cold to her back then. Later, she tried her best to make up for her past actions, and Shen Jungkook's attitude towards her finally changed. However, it was still impossible for him to have any feelings for her.

Sang Lisa really didn't dare to think about it.

"Tianyi, you've really got it all wrong."

Sang Lisa said helplessly, "Shen Jungkook misunderstood the Sang family back then, and I happened to save him. He only feels nothing but guilt towards me; Guo Muyang told me that himself."

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