Chapter 119|I've Endured Kissing You Until Now

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Sang Lisa couldn't understand why her brother would suddenly act poor. However, she had never interfered in his matters. Even her father could not interfere.

"When will you come to Ming City?"

"Tomorrow night,"

Sang Minglang still had some work to settle. "Where do you stay in Ming City? Are you staying in the school's apartment building?"

Sang Lisa stammered for a while before saying, "No, I just moved into a friend's house. There's no one living there for the time being..."

"That's great. Lend me your apartment."

"Brother, my place, well, it caught fire a few days ago. I can't live there anymore..."


Sang Minglang took in a deep breath, "Are you alright? Why was there a fire? Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you when you get there."

"Alright, you don't have to worry about where I'm staying. I'll make the arrangements myself. I'll give you a call when I arrive tomorrow night."

After hanging up the phone, Sang Lisa was filled with anticipation and apprehension.

There must be a story between her brother and Ruan Xiaoshuang.

She had hoped that her brother would come. If Ruan Xiaoshuang became her sister-in-law one day, she would be so happy. As for her uneasiness, it was because of her relationship with Shen Jungkook.

After all, no one hated Shen Jungkook more than her brother. His prejudice ran so deep that he would turn cold on the spot when he heard Shen Jungkook's name.

If her brother knew that she was already with Shen Jungkook, he might even think of murder...

"This is the arsonist. He has already escaped in the night."

In the office, Guo Muyang pointed at the surveillance video on the computer and showed it to Shen Jungkook.

In the video, a person wearing a hat and mask walked into the corridor with his head lowered. Not long after, he came out again.

More than 40 minutes later, the man had changed his clothes and appeared at Ming City Airport, still wearing a mask and a hat.

The other party was on the latest flight to Thailand.

Although the surveillance of the burning apartment building couldn't capture the face of this person, Guo Muyang was able to find the person's whereabouts through big data and figure comparison. Moreover, he also found the other party's name and specific situation.

"This person was released before this after serving his sentence. He was in prison twice for theft and was sentenced to many years. When he was released last year, his wife ran away, and his mother passed away. He's the only one at home, and his life is quite difficult."

Guo Muyang said, "He's probably just a pawn. An extra five million yuan appeared in his personal bank account out of nowhere. He set the fire, so he must have been paid to do it."

Shen Jungkook's eyes turned cold. "Who did it? Have you found out?"

"I've checked."

Guo Muyang's expression was hard to explain. "It's one of Long Junzhe's bodyguards."

"Long Junzhe is still being detained by the police. No matter how loyal a bodyguard is, where would he find the money to hire a killer?"

Shen Jungkook frowned. "There must be someone else behind this bodyguard."

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