Chapter 78|Walking in the Rain

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"I saw him coming out of the backstage with bruises all over his face. He looked terrible, so I chased after him and asked him what happened. He ignored me and drove away." Director Xue couldn't properly explain what had happened.

A bloody nose and swollen face? Who did he fight with?

Sang Lisa immediately dialed Wen Xu's number. The call went through, but no one picked up.

Her heart sank.

It was the first time in so many years that Wen Xu didn't answer her call.

Sang Lisa didn't hesitate and dialed Yun Li's phone. "Yun Li, are you off work? Director Xue just said that Wen Xu is injured and can't be contacted by phone. Can you go to my apartment and check on him?"

Yun Li was a financial reporter for a magazine in Yuecheng. According to her usual working hours, she should've gotten off work at this time.

However, tonight was a little special. The first medical charity night event in Yuecheng was being held. She and her colleagues had to interview a few presidents who came to attend the event. At this time, they were waiting outside the venue for the crowd to disperse.

Yun Li looked at the time and hesitated for a moment before saying, "Alright, I'll go and take a look."

The charity night event had just started, and there was still an hour and a half before it ended.

From the hotel venue to Sang Lisa's small apartment, it took less than an hour by taxi. There was enough time for her to rush back for the interview.

Yun Li exchanged a few words with her colleagues before hurriedly taking a taxi to Sang Lisa's small apartment.

She had the key to Sang Lisa's house, but no one answered when she knocked on the door, so she simply used her key to open it.

There was no light inside, and no one answered when she called Wen Xu. Puzzled, Yun Li turned on the light and looked around, only to find Wen Xu lying on the bed with his clothes on. He hadn't even taken off his shoes, and he was staring at the ceiling in a daze.

"I've been calling you for a long time, why are you not responding?"

Yun Li walked up to him speechlessly, only to discover that his face was bruised, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. She was surprised. "Who did you fight with? Why are you beaten up so badly?"

Usually, when Yun Li saw Wen Xu, he would always be like a thorn in her side and would say a few words to her for no reason. Today, however, he had yet to say a word.

"You're just getting hit. Can't you just hit him back? How old are you? Why are you still hiding and crying like a child?"

Although she felt that Wen Xu was a little pitiful, Yun Li's mouth didn't spare her. Who asked Wen Xu to always diss her? Today, she had finally found an opportunity.

Wen Xu acted as if he hadn't heard her. His eyes were fixed on her, and his soul seemed to have left his body.

It seemed that being beaten up had been a big blow to him.

Yun Li sighed and stopped laughing at him. Instead, she called Sang Lisa. "Don't worry, he's with me. He's hurt a little, but it's not a big deal. Hmm, okay, I'll help him deal with it."

After hanging up the phone, Yun Li followed Sang Lisa's instructions and went to the room to find the first aid box.

"Alright, I'm a magnanimous person, so I won't argue with you."

Yun Li opened the first aid kit and dipped a cotton swab in disinfectant alcohol. "I'll deal with your wound first..."

Before the cotton swab could reach Wen Xu, he suddenly grabbed Yun Li's wrist and turned over to sit up. He stared at Yun Li blankly for a moment. It was unknown whether he recognized her or not, but he suddenly got up and walked out.

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