Chapter 42|Her Funeral

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"Uncle Sang, how's Sister Lisa?" Wen Xu asked anxiously.

Sang Minglang went up to him. "Dad, what did Lisa say?"

Sang Pengcheng looked at Shen Jungkook with a complicated gaze. "She didn't say anything. She just told us not to worry."

He walked slowly to the bench and sat down. He lowered his head and said no more, looking extremely sad.

The air felt heavy again.

In the middle of the night, the monitoring equipment in the ICU suddenly screamed. Then came the panicked footsteps of the nurse and doctor.

Sang Lisa was pushed into the emergency room for emergency treatment again. This time, however, she never woke up.

"The stab wound was too close to the patient's heart. I'm sorry, but we did our best." When the doctor's words fell into his ears, every word was like a thunderclap. Shen Jungkook's heart shook and shattered.

Wen Xu threw himself beside the bed and cried like a child.

Sang Pengcheng's expression was dazed as he stood there, as if the blow he had suffered was too great. He actually did't know how to react.

The white cloth covered Sang Lisa's shallow face. The girl's exposed hand was as pale as jade, and there were still needle marks left behind by the infusion.

Shen Jungkook's hands trembled. He wanted to open the cloth and see her one last time. The emotional Sang Minglang rushed over and shoved him away.

His eyes were red as he said sternly, "Shen Jungkook, you killed my sister. How dare you face her?"

Sang Minglang really hated Shen Jungkook to death.

It was because of him that his sister had that hateful nightmare—the reason why she was bent on leaving Ming City. That was why she died today.

The reason the Sang family had become like this was all because of Shen Jungkook!

Shen Jungkook stood silently and watched as the Sang family and Wen Xu escorted the girl on the hospital bed away.

Something else seemed to have vanished with him.

News of Sang Lisa's assassination quickly spread throughout Ming City.

Everyone knew that she didn't hesitate to protect Shen Jungkook.

The murderer was said to be a fired employee of the Han family's Kexing Group.

The rise of Phoenix Technology had an important impact on the Han family's chip industry. Due to this, they had no choice but to reduce their costs and dismiss many employees of the chip project.

This person was also one of the people who had been dismissed. His family background was extremely tough. His parents were sick, and his wife had divorced him. Moreover, his youngest son also had a rare illness and needed a huge sum of money on medical fees every month.

He thought that it was Shen Jungkook who caused him to be fired, so he didn't hesitate to take revenge on the streets.

The nosy media were surprised that Sang Lisa was willing to die to protect Shen Jungkook.

They began to dig deeper into Sang Lisa's relationship with Shen Jungkook.

Sang Lisa had once given up on studying abroad because of Shen Jungkook. When Sang Lisa was trapped by the media, Shen Jungkook helped her out. When the Shen family went bankrupt, the Sang family sent 400 million in checks to help them. All of these details were dug out.

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