Chapter 84|I Want to Do Something for Him

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Shen Jungkook's dark eyes were fixed on the girl, and there seemed to be flames burning in his eyes.

It was as if a ray of light had suddenly shone into the darkness, making those who had no hope suddenly have a fervent desire.

Meeting his gaze, Sang Lisa felt slightly uneasy. "So, will you agree to my request?"

"I agree."

Shen Jungkook said quickly, "I promise you that I'll be patient in the future. I'll let you finish your words, and I won't throw a tantrum."

Sang Lisa heaved a sigh of relief. "I have a second condition. Will you agree to it?"

"I agree." Shen Jungkook nodded without hesitation.

From the moment he heard that she had broken up with Xie Shi'an, Shen Jungkook's heart was beating like a drum, almost jumping out of his chest.

No matter what conditions she had, he wouldn't reject them and would agree to them.

Sang Lisa smiled and said, "That's good. In the future, after the acupuncture is done, you must sleep well and not force yourself awake again. Constantly waking up just to send me back isn't good for your recovery."

Shen Jungkook was speechless. He seemed to have agreed a little too hastily.

Was it too late to regret now?

As Sang Lisa inserted the silver needles, Shen Jungkook's splitting headache finally eased a little. His consciousness gradually sank into the darkness, and even though he was extremely reluctant, he still couldn't help but close his eyes.

Sang Lisa's gaze fell on Shen Jungkook's face, her emotions indescribably complicated. Now that she thought about it, Guo Muyang was right.

Back then, he didn't hand over the evidence in his hands to the police or the media because he really didn't want to ruin the Sang family.

However, her nightmares had planted seeds of prejudice in her heart against Shen Jungkook.

What she had feared most in her nightmares never happened. On the other hand, Shen Jungkook had been tormented by nightmares of her death and faced an illness for five years.

In the past, Shen Jungkook was the one who felt guilty about her death. But now, she felt a little guilty about it.

When Sang Lisa left the room gently, the city's neon lights and the stars in the sky reflected each other outside the living room's floor-to-ceiling window. Bustling and cold tranquility filled the atmosphere.

For some reason, she remembered what Rong Yan had said the other day. The child said that she had gotten up in the middle of the night to drink water and saw Shen Jungkook standing alone in front of the window in a daze.

To Shen Jungkook, that night was probably just a normal one; a sleepless night haunted by his nightmares.

After pondering for a while, Sang Lisa suddenly felt like doing something for Shen Jungkook. She really felt sorry after lying to him for so many years.

Sang Lisa hesitated for a moment, but still went to the kitchen. When she opened the refrigerator door, she was stunned. Why were there so many pomelos?

She remembered the first time she came to Shen Jungkook's place. He had brought her a glass of freshly squeezed pomelo juice. Did he like this drink too?

Sang Lisa wanted to look for milk, but there wasn't any in the fridge. After some thought, she placed an order for takeaway.

It was night time, so the delivery was fast. Sang Lisa occupied herself in the kitchen.

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