Chapter 109|Special Protection

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Sang Lisa had not added Shen Jungkook on WeChat and only had his contact number. When she saw the verification message, she felt a little strange.

Shen Jungkook added her as a friend, but he emphasized himself as her new boyfriend. What did he mean by this?

[When did you say you'd come to see me later?]

Without any small talk, Shen Jungkook's first sentence caught Sang Lisa off guard.

Sang Lisa thought for a moment and replied, [9 pm?]

She was just about to give him acupuncture treatment.

Shen Jungkook replied, [That's too late of a time.]

It was just three words, but Sang Lisa seemed to have seen the man's frown.

Sang Lisa replied, [Then when do you want to do it?]

Shen Jungkook replied, [At noon.]

Sang Lisa replied, [But It's only 10 o'clock now.]

It was only two hours away from noon, and she had only left his place half an hour ago.

Shen Jungkook replied, [So?]

Sang Lisa was speechless. Thinking of his injury, her heart softened.

[Then I'll go over to find you after lunch.]

Shen Jungkook replied, [You can eat with me.]

Sang Lisa replied, [No.]

Wen Xu was still at her place, and he had just asked her what she wanted to eat for lunch and had already made a reservation in advance.

On the other end of the line, Shen Jungkook stared at the girl's message and smiled. Reading her "No", he could imagine her saying that in a coquettish tone.

Sang Lisa contacted a teacher at her Medical School and told him that she would be taking a day off. At the same time, she borrowed an acupuncture kit from the school.

All of her things had been destroyed in that fire last night.

Wen Xu went to the school to retrieve it. When he returned, he heard from Sang Lisa that she had already been discharged.

Wen Xu was anxious. "Sister, it's just a few trivial matters at school. What's the point of going?"

"It's a trivial matter for you, but it's a professional improvement for me."

Sang Lisa said seriously, "I'm not injured at all; It's just that my throat hurts a little. I'll be fine after taking some medicine."

When Director Xue had asked her to study at Ming City University, although it was to treat Shen Jungkook's illness, this arrangement had taken a lot of effort.

Sang Lisa studied Western medicine, but this time, she was studying Chinese medicine.

The perception of Chinese medicine in society is somewhat polarized. Those who believe in it treat it like a god, while those who don't sneer at it.

Before she set off, Director Xue once said earnestly, "Western medicine does have many modern treatment methods, but Chinese medicine has been passed down in our country for thousands of years, so it must have its own advantages. Some diseases that Western medicine can't cure can be cured by Chinese medicine. For example, Shen Jungkook's headache and insomnia can be cured by Chinese medicine with a prescription and a period of acupuncture treatment."

What Director Xue meant was that he hoped Sang Lisa could dabble in both Chinese and Western medicine so that they could benefit each other. "It will be very beneficial for your future career."

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