Chapter 103|Alright, I'll Wait for Your Reply

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Sang Lisa did not hate Shen Jungkook.

After all, he was the first person she had fallen in love with when she was a young girl. Even though she had been afraid of him because of that nightmare, she had never hated him.

The Shen Jungkook in the real world was completely different from the one in the nightmare.

He had never hurt her when the relationship between the Sang family and the Shen family was at its worst. Instead, when the reporters surrounded her, Shen Jungkook helped her out and even apologized to her when Shen Shaofeng said bad things to her.

She still remembered how well Shen Jungkook had treated her, both in the past and in the present. However, because of that nightmare five years ago, her subconscious had been telling herself that Shen Jungkook wasn't a person she should like.

These thoughts slowly rooted in her as time passed.

As for Shen Jungkook, she had always regarded him and her as two people from different worlds; parallel lines that should never cross each other.

In her dream, Shen Jungkook must've hated her, and that was why he took revenge on the Sang family. But now, he had feelings for her.

Shen Jungkook was right. Reality and nightmares are different. In fact, they ran in opposite directions. Sang Lisa realized that she was even more disappointing than she had thought.

The last time, his words weren't even considered a confession, but it already made her uneasy. Now that he had really confessed, her heart was beating uncontrollably.

This was the first time that she had lost her usual calmness in face of someone's confession. Instead of her usual demeanor, she felt helpless and flustered.

"If you still don't like me and want to leave, I won't stop you."

The man's deep voice fell by her ear again. "I will still keep my promise to you at the beach in Yuecheng."

If she really didn't like him, he would still let her go even though he was reluctant to. After all, for the past five years, all he had wanted in his life was for her to live well.

However, before she left, he still wanted to try and fight for a bit, even if the chance was extremely slim.

She had been rejected by Shen Jungkook before, and she decided to stop liking him afterward. However, after hearing Shen Jungkook's words...

Sang Lisa's heart was beating at an unprecedented speed, and even her head felt a little dizzy as if she was lacking oxygen.

Her rationality told her that she should reject it; It was best not to try anything out or start anything with Shen Jungkook. However, her slow-witted nerves didn't react in time.

She heard herself say in a voice as soft as a mosquito, "I-I have to think about this more..."

Shen Jungkook was stunned for a while before he realized what Sang Lisa had just said. He had thought that she would reject him directly, but he didn't expect her to say that she wanted to think about it. To him, this was already a surprise.

Shen Jungkook's eyes were unusually gentle as he looked at the girl, whose ears were almost red. His voice was also overly gentle as he said, "Alright, I'll wait for your reply."

Seeing a person who had always been cold suddenly become so gentle was truly a scary sight.

Sang Lisa's heart trembled.

By the time they returned to the hotel room, Sang Lisa's mind had finally calmed down. She couldn't tell if she was feeling regretful, nervous, or something else; her heart was in a mess.

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