Chapter 33|Why Don't You Take the Initiative?

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Sang Lisa felt wronged upon hearing Xia Sitong's words.

However, looking at Xia Sitong's crying face, she still patiently said,

"Sitong, you've really misunderstood me. I didn't go abroad because I was worried about my family. As for Shen Jungkook, I don't even like him, so why would I fight with you? If I wanted to snatch him away, I would've treated him the way I treated him at Ming City High School. I wouldn't allow him to be with any other girl, not even you."

Xia Sitong's expression was one of shock as her tears stopped.

"You shouldn't be worrying about me and Shen Jungkook."

Sang Lisa didn't have much experience in love, so she only gave a suggestion based on her understanding. "Instead, why don't you take the initiative? At least let him understand your feelings. Whether it works or not, we'll see."

What Xia Sitong should be worried about was her and Shen Jungkook's hearts.

They were still so young; nobody knew who they'd meet in the future and what kind of encounters they'd have. Things like these were tough to determine when it came to relationships. It was like how she'd loved Shen Jungkook so much, but a nightmare had destroyed all those thoughts.

Who knew if Xia Sitong would fall for someone else in the future? But right now, since she liked Shen Jungkook, it was better to take the initiative than to wait passively.

Xia Sitong didn't say anything for a long time, but Sang Lisa's phone rang.

"Ding Aojia?" Sang Lisa was a little surprised when she picked up the call.

"Sang Lisa, where are you?"

Ding Aojia's voice was a little rushed. "Wen Xu is in private room 9133. He's fighting with someone."

Sang Lisa was taken aback. "Isn't private room 9133 in the main building of the Shengshi Club? Why would he go there?"

"I don't know. I met an acquaintance and came over to say hello. All of a sudden, they started fighting after a few words."

Ding Aojia said, "He seems to be injured. He refused to go to the hospital even when I asked him to. You should come quickly!"

Wen Xu's temper was indeed quite bad at times. On the other hand, it wasn't like he'd never fought with others before.

However, he'd usually not make a move unreasonably. Instead, the other party usually provoked him first and stepped on his bottom line.

"Ding Aojia, help me take care of him. I'll be right there."

Sang Lisa was worried that something had happened to Wen Xu, so she hung up the phone and left in a hurry.

Remembering that Xia Sitong was still there, she turned around, "Sitong, I'm sorry. Something happened on Wen Xu's end, so I have to rush over. Let's chat again when we have time."

Xia Sitong nodded her head, but Sang Lisa had already run off.

When Shen Jungkook arrived, he saw Sang Lisa leaving through the grass in the bar's garden.

"Brother Kook." Xia Sitong hurried over, "Why are you here so early? Didn't you say you'd pick me up at 9?"

"Early?" Shen Jungkook looked at the time and said, "It's nine o'clock."

Xia Sitong couldn't help but laugh, "You're pretty punctual."

She'd come here today to see Sang Lisa. Now that she'd met her and gotten her point across, the pent-up emotions in her heart were a little relieved. She was in a much better mood.

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