Chapter 163|He's Finally Awake

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Guo Muyang, who always had a gentle expression and a smile on his face, was really angry today.

His eyes were almost burning with fire. He reached out and grabbed Xie Shi'an's collar, dragging him to the corner of the stairs. He then punched him with his iron-like fist.

Xie Shi'an's face was soon covered in blood, and he was barely breathing.

The police officers were afraid that something would happen, so they came in time to persuade Guo Muyang. "Vice President Guo, the specific identity of the murderer has been found. Our leader wants you to go over and take a look."

Guo Muyang gave Xie Shi'an a hard kick before he left with the police officer and went to the office.

Wen Xu was talking to the police head when he saw Guo Muyang come in.

Wen Xu's expression was a little complicated. "Guo Muyang, maybe we've misunderstood Xie Shi'an."

"Impossible." Guo Muyang denied it. "He's the only one who has the motive to kill Kook!"

"That's not necessarily true. Vice President Guo, take a look at this."

The police head handed over an information sheet and said in a meaningful tone, "The murderer and President Shen had a deep relationship in the past.

Guo Muyang took the piece of paper with a frown, and his expression slowly changed.

The murderer of the shooting, Weng Xin, was actually Han Shangrong's secretary and confidant, Weng Tong's son!

Back when the Weng family was in power, Weng Xin was an unscrupulous dandy in Ming City who used his power to bully people. He couldn't harass the waitresses in the bar, so he got entangled with a group of underlings and beat them to death.

Weng Tong had used all his connections to try to settle the matter, but Shen Jungkook had gotten the surveillance video and handed it over to the police.

Not long after, Weng Tong was sentenced to more than ten years in prison for the crime of encroaching on his position.

On the other hand, Weng Xin's case was more or less a lucky one.

Although he was the one who hit the waitress first, the most fatal injury was caused by his subordinate. Therefore, Weng Xin was only sentenced to eight years in prison.

In the past few years, due to the active reform, Weng Xin's sentence was even reduced. In the first half of this year, he was just released from his sentence.

After he was released from prison, Weng Xin had switched jobs several times. More than a month ago, he started working at an express delivery company.

It was also a coincidence that he had received the company's arrangement to deliver a batch of gifts on behalf of Xie Shi'an and arrived at the wedding venue.

"Weng Xin bought this gun from the underground black market more than half a month ago. After our investigation, this gun has the same features as the gun in the first shooting."

The police officer concluded, "Our initial suspicion is that Weng Xin might be taking revenge on Shen Jungkook for what happened to the Wengs back then."

Guo Muyang didn't believe him. "Then how do you explain the note in the bullet? What motive would Weng Xin have to keep Kook away from Miss Sang?"

"Perhaps, this is where Weng Xin's intelligence lies. He left this note behind to mislead us. If he didn't leave this note for the first time, we would've somehow linked and suspected him to the shooting."

The police head sighed. "We've already investigated Xie Shi'an's whereabouts and confirmed that he had no contact with Weng Xin. There's a high chance this is a misunderstanding."

Failed To Ran Away| LK Adaptation |Book 1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt