Chapter 157|She Seemed to Be Really Angry

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Shen Jungkook froze when he heard the voice. He paused for a moment before he slowly turned around.

He looked at Sang Lisa calmly, thinking of how to explain.

The doctor saw that Sang Lisa was also wearing a white coat and assumed that she was also a colleague of the hospital. He smiled and said, "Is this your boyfriend?"

Sang Lisa nodded her head. "Doctor, what's wrong with him?"

"He has a wound from penetration on his arm, and it's not light."

The doctor said as he rolled up Shen Jungkook's right sleeve and deftly removed the bandage.

A wound from penetration?!

Sang Lisa stared at Shen Jungkook. She could not tell if she was angry or sad. "Why didn't you tell me that you were injured?"

His arm was pierced through, but he still followed her to Yuecheng and even pushed her suitcase along the way. Moreover, he let her hold his arm without saying a word?

Shen Jungkook was silent for a moment, but he still said, "This injury isn't that serious. I was thinking..."

"It's not heavy?" The doctor was unhappy. "This is a bullet wound, not any normal injury.".

Sang Lisa doubted her ears. "What do you think caused this injury?"

"Your boyfriend must have been involved in a shooting incident. The police even came to us that day to understand his pain."

As the doctor spoke, he had already removed the bandage. He frowned. "Didn't I tell you not to move your arm? Why is the wound still slightly open?"

Shen Jungkook pursed his thin lips and did not say a word.

The doctor was very dissatisfied and reproached, "You should know how powerful the impact of a bullet is. With such an open injury, the probability of infection is very high. If there are complications, it will be troublesome."

She had already treated Sang Lisa as Shen Jungkook's family member. "You're a doctor too, so go back and keep an eye on your boyfriend. His hand needs to rest well. Otherwise, there will be complications from an infection. We don't even know if he can keep his arm."

Sang Lisa's face was a little pale. She took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright," she said.

She stood quietly by the side until the doctor finished treating Shen Jungkook's wound. Then, she thanked the doctor and followed Shen Jungkook out of the hospital.

When they reached his car, the bodyguard got down respectfully and opened the door.

Sang Lisa finally looked up at Shen Jungkook. When she opened her mouth, her voice was trembling. "What happened?"

Shen Jungkook looked at her pale little face. She had been so pale ever since the doctor told her that he was shot.

Shen Jungkook didn't want to agitate her any further. "Lili, it was just a small accident. It's fine now..."

"Shen Jungkook!"

Sang Lisa suddenly raised her voice, clearly agitated. "I'm asking you what's going on!!"

She had never lost her temper in front of Shen Jungkook. Except for the time when they weren't together and he had forced a kiss on her.

At that time, she felt just like this; angry, disappointed, and sad.

Shen Jungkook was silent for a few seconds. Sang Lisa thought that he was not willing to tell her and said coldly, "You're not going to tell me, right? If you won't, then I'll go find Guo Muyang."

Failed To Ran Away| LK Adaptation |Book 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz