Chapter 53| She's Running Away

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Sang Lisa picked up the phone. "Wen Xu, what's the matter?"

"Sis, that crazy Shen Jungkook, he..."

Wen Xu really didn't know what to say. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed it.

Sang Lisa was a little puzzled. "What happened with Shen Jungkook?"

"He dug up your grave and said that he wanted to do an autopsy!"

Wen Xu's feelings were complicated. "The thing is, he still has the blood-stained clothes from back then, which means your blood is still on it. He's going to use that to extract your DNA..."

Sang Lisa suddenly felt as if she had been struck by lightning. "Didn't you say that he didn't suspect anything at all and thought that it was just an illusion?"

"He didn't suspect anything at that time, but who knew that he would check my travel records after he returned? He called me in the middle of the night and asked if you were in Yuecheng. Afterward, he asked me to explain why I went to Europe more than 200 times and to Yuecheng 60 to 70 times!"

Sang Lisa was speechless upon hearing this.

"I didn't want to explain, so he hung up the phone and went to dig your grave instead."

Sang Lisa remained silent for a long time.

"In my opinion, it's been so many years. Sister, you should stop hiding from him. What could he possibly do to you if you tell him you're still alive?"

Wen Xu said, "That dream was just a dream. I don't believe that he would really harm you."

Back then, Wen Xu had repeatedly asked Sang Lisa why she faked her death. Annoyed with his persistence, Sang Lisa had no choice but to tell him about the nightmare.

Even though Wen Xu didn't think much of it, he still agreed that Sang Lisa should avoid Shen Jungkook.

But now that Shen Jungkook had found out about it, it wasn't a big deal. Shen Jungkook wouldn't dare to touch Sister Qian.

If he does do anything, Wen Xu would be the first to come out and fight him.

Sang Lisa felt a slight headache coming on. "It's not a problem of whether he dares to do anything to me. I just don't want him to know that I was alive."

After all, a dream was just a dream. Her father, her brother, and she had all thought so before.

But in the end, they were all slapped in the face by reality.

She had faked her death to leave Ming City. The Sang family had sacrificed so much, but they hadn't done so just to have an unclear relationship with Shen Jungkook.

If Shen Jungkook found out that she was still alive, what was the point of all her efforts?

Sang Lisa quickly weighed her situation. "Don't worry, even if Shen Jungkook still has the blood-stained clothes, he won't be able to detect anything. The cremation in the box doesn't contain bone ash at all."

It was just plant ashes that she had asked her father to put in the bag.

Wen Xu was speechless.

Indeed, Sister Qian was still the best.

However, he was still worried. "What if he finds out that it's fake and comes to Uncle Sang?"

Sang Lisa thought for a moment. "When the time comes, just tell them that it's only my cenotaph. My real ashes are in Yuecheng."

At most, her dad would just build a fake cemetery for her in Yuecheng.

No one in Ming City cared about her grave, but Sang Pengcheng would never let Shen Jungkook dig up her grave in Yuecheng.

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