Chapter 121|His Name Is Xie Shi'an

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In a rather quiet restaurant, Sang Lisa and Ruan Xiaoshuang sat opposite each other.

Sang Lisa apologized carefully, "Sister Xiaoshuang, I'm sorry. My brother isn't usually like this. Although he has a bad temper, he is still quite gentlemanly in front of girls. He has never said vulgarities. I don't know why he took the wrong medicine today..."

Ruan Xiaoshuang's eyes were still red, but she tried to smile. "I know, he wasn't like this before."

"Then you and my brother..."

"I'm the one who let your brother down first," Ruan Xiaoshuang said sadly. She was once Sang Minglang's schoolmate, two years younger than him.

Young men and women in foreign countries met by chance and fell in love with each other. At the peak of their love, the two even thought of getting married.

That pair of rings was originally Sang Minglang's proposal ring. At that time, he didn't have much money, but he took out all the money he had on hand along with his living expenses for the next three months to buy that pair of silver rings.

That year, Ruan Xiaoshuang had just turned twenty while Sang Minglang was twenty-two.

The two of them really planned to get their marriage certificate abroad, but in this world, not everything would go as planned.

On the night before they were supposed to get their marriage certificate, Ruan Xiaoshuang received a call from home saying that her brother was seriously ill.

She returned to the country overnight, and Sang Minglang sent her to the airport. They bid each other farewell and agreed to wait for her to return before they went to register their marriage. However, Ruan Xiaoshuang never returned.

Her big brother was the pillar of the family. Once something happened, the family's foundation would be on the verge of collapse. In order to save the Ruan family, Ruan Xiaoshuang's mother arranged a marriage for her.

Ruan Xiaoshuang had no choice but to send an email to Sang Minglang with tears in her eyes.

"I'm going to marry into a rich family. Let's break up."

One could imagine the blow that Sang Minglang had suffered.

Sang Lisa finally understood why her brother had gotten into a fight and gotten into a car accident when he was about to graduate.

"You didn't contact my brother, and he didn't look for you after that?"

"He probably did, but it's impossible for him to find me."

Ruan Xiaoshuang said bitterly, "I never told him that my home is in Beijing."

Other than her name, Sang Minglang knew nothing about her.

After she sent the email, she never logged in to that email again. After she got someone to settle the withdrawal procedures, she stopped using that phone and completely disappeared from Sang Minglang's life.

Even if Sang Minglang wanted to find her, he had no way of doing so. Sang Lisa sighed in her heart. "Then, did you really get married in the end?"

Ruan Xiaoshuang shook her head. "No."

This was how fate played with people. She was already prepared to get married, but then her brother, Ruan Cheng, woke up.

When her big brother woke up, the originally shaky situation had also stabilized. Knowing that she didn't want to get married, her big brother directly canceled the engagement.

Ruan Xiaoshuang had gone to a school overseas to look for Sang Minglang, only to find out that he had already graduated and returned home.

Moreover, he had stopped using his original mobile phone number and couldn't be contacted at all. When they were together, they had never mentioned each other's families.

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