Chapter 122|Those Words Sound Too Cheap

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Sang Lisa stopped in her tracks. This world was really small, too small.

"I heard from Shi'an that your hospital is quite big."

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Ruan Xiaoshuang thought she didn't know him and said considerately, "He only worked in that hospital for a year. It's normal that you haven't seen him."

Sang Lisa grunted. She had wanted to ask where Xie Shi'an had gone. When the words were on the tip of her tongue, she felt that there was no point in asking, so she decided to forget it.

Back then, she and Xie Shi'an had parted on bad terms. Even now, she still didn't understand how she had offended Xie Shi'an that he didn't even want to break up properly and just disappeared.

But since they had already broken up, she didn't want to pursue it. Where Xie Shi'an was now and what he was doing really had nothing to do with her anymore.

Ruan Xiaoshuang's phone suddenly rang. She looked at the caller ID and smiled. "What a coincidence. I just mentioned Shi'an and he's calling."

Sang Lisa was speechless. It was really a coincidence.

Sang Lisa felt that it was better for her to avoid him. "Then you pick up the call first. I'll wait for you at the side."

Ruan Xiaoshuang nodded and picked up the phone. "Shi'an."

"Sister Xiaoshuang, the person who gave Mister Guo the gift just called me and said that he will be at the Budokan in twenty minutes."

Xie Shi'an's voice was clear and calm. "That place is too big. The people from the Martial Arts Center might not let them in. Sister Xiaoshuang, you'd better welcome them at the door."

On the other end of the phone, there was a piercing car horn. Xie Shi'an paused. "Sister Xiaoshuang is not in the center right now?"

"I'm outside meeting a friend."

Ruan Xiaoshuang said, "I'll contact Uncle Guo later and ask him to inform the Martial Arts Center. It's definitely not a problem to send them in directly."

"Then I'll have to trouble Sister Xiaoshuang."

"It's me and Big Brother who have troubled you. You've put in a lot of effort from the selection to the production to the delivery."

As Ruan Xiaoshuang spoke, her lips curved. "Guess who I met in Ming City this time? She used to be your colleague in the same hospital."

Xie Shi'an's eyes narrowed slightly. "Really? What's her name?"

"Sang Lisa."

Ruan Xiaoshuang looked at Sang Lisa, who wasn't far away, and said in a soft voice, "She also works at that hospital, but she doesn't seem to know you."

Xie Shi'an's hand that was holding the phone tightened, and his breathing was a little rushed.

"Why did she go to Ming City?"

"Well, I haven't asked her about that."

Ruan Xiaoshuang thought for a moment. "If I recall, her boyfriend and family are in Ming City. She might have come back to see them... Shi'an?"

There was no sound on the other end of the line for a long time, and then the call was cut off.

Ruan Xiaoshuang was puzzled. She thought something had happened to Xie Shi'an, so she didn't call him again. Instead, she gave Guo Dingsong a call and told him about the gift before looking for Sang Lisa.

When the two of them arrived at Sang Minglang's place, they realized that Guo Dingsong had already arrived.

Knowing that Sang Lisa was coming to see her brother that night, Guo Dingsong didn't tag along. Instead, he arranged a time to pick her up.

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