Chapter 15|Great Misfortune Befalls

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It wasn't her door but Xia Sitong and Shen Jungkook's.

When Sang Lisa went out, she saw Sang Minglang bringing Shen Jungkook and Xia Sitong to leave.

In the dim light, Shen Jungkook's face was solemn, and Xia Sitong's eyes were filled with tears.

Sang Lisa was shocked. "Brother, what happened? Where are you guys going so late at night?"

Sang Minglang's expression was serious. "Lili, Shen Shaofeng and Xia Zhixin got into a car accident. So I have to send them back immediately."

Sang Lisa was taken aback. "How did they get into an accident?"

"They said the car hit the guardrail, flipped over the overpass, and exploded."

Sang Minglang pushed her into the house. "It's cold at night, so you should quickly sleep. I'll send them out of the island now."

"Brother, wait." Sang Lisa ran into the house and grabbed a jacket. "I'll go too."

"Are you kidding me? You haven't recovered yet, so the doctor asked you to rest." Sang Minglang flatly rejected.

"Didn't you say you'd send me home tomorrow morning? I'll go with them, so you don't have to make another trip."

As time was necessary right now, Sang Minglang had no choice but to compromise. "It's up to you then."

He drove the yacht and brought Sang Lisa and the other two to shore at the fastest speed possible. When they arrived, there was already a car waiting for them.

"I'm busy with the opening, so I can't go with you."

Sang Minglang helped Sang Lisa wrap her coat around herself. "I've already told the chauffeur to send them to the hospital before sending you home."

Sang Lisa nodded. "If Wen Xu asks, please explain to him for me."


In the end, Sang Lisa didn't listen to her brother and didn't go home. Instead, she followed Shen Jungkook and Xia Sitong to the hospital. Sang Lisa felt a strong sense of uneasiness in her heart.

In the empty corridor of the hospital, Shen Jungkook's lips were tightly pursed, and he didn't say a word. Xia Sitong was crying the whole time, and the air was unusually heavy.

Not far away, a few people looked panicked. They were all middle-level managers of the Shen family's company. They rushed over when they heard that Shen Shaofeng and Xia Zhixin were in trouble.

When the emergency room door finally opened, everyone's eyes instantly focused on the doctor.

The doctor removed his mask and shook his head. "We've tried our best. But, unfortunately, there's still one patient who couldn't be saved."

The one who couldn't be saved was Xia Zhixin.

Xia Sitong was so emotional that she grabbed onto the doctor with all her might and cried out, "Doctor, I'm begging you, please save my father! He's not dead, he's definitely not dead..."

"Young Lady, your father has indeed passed away." The doctor sighed.

Xia Sitong fell to the ground with a dejected expression as she covered her face and let out a heart-wrenching cry.

Sorrow filled Sang Lisa's heart as she heard this. She recalled that nightmare. She'd witnessed her father's death in the dream and cried like this.

She walked over to Xia Sitong's side silently and helped her up. Then, holding her hand gently, she consoled her silently.

Shen Shaofeng had already come out of the emergency room and was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit next door.

He was still alive, but his appearance was extremely tragic.

Through the glass, she could see that burns covered Shen Shaofeng's face. His legs were empty from below his knees, and the white bandages stained with blood were shocking.

His legs had been crushed in the car accident and were severely deformed. Due to that, the doctor had no choice but to amputate them.

Shen Jungkook stood quietly outside the Intensive Care Unit. His dark eyes looked straight through the glass at Shen Shaofeng, who was lying on the bed.

There was no light in his eyes; they were so dark that it was frightening.

The night wind blew in through the window of the long corridor. Sang Lisa glanced at Shen Jungkook, who was still standing there without moving.

His well-defined and cold side profile seemed to be covered in a thick and cold haze.

Seeing Shen Jungkook like this made Sang Lisa's heart feel heavy and uneasy. For no reason, she thought of the various scenes in her nightmare.

The Shen family's company managers stood not far away in a daze. They looked dejected. Some of them were silently wiping their tears.

"President Shen got into an accident. What should we do about the press conference tomorrow?" Someone said in a low voice.

"What else can we do? We can only cancel it."

"But the press conference tomorrow is President Shen's hard work. We've been preparing for half a year. We can't just cancel it."

The one who spoke was the person who'd lowered his head and wiped his tears. This person was Wei Qinghua, the manager of the Shen family's company's product department.

Another person sighed. "Sir Wei, you make it sound so simple. Now that President Xia isn't here and President Shen is still unconscious, who will take charge of the situation tomorrow?"

Wei Qinghua gritted his teeth. "If it really doesn't work out, then I'll be the host."

"But you're only familiar with cell phone products. President Shen is personally in charge of the chip."

The previous person said, "Besides, even if we can barely go on stage to do the speech, the Management Committee of the Longxing building hasn't given us a positive reply yet."

"It's all the Longxing building's Management Committee's fault. I think they're just making things difficult for us."

Another person retorted, "Everything was fine during the previous inspection. Then, suddenly, they called at 7 p.m. and said that the fire safety of the venue wasn't up to standard and had to be rectified. How could they do that?"

"That's right. President Shen and President Xia wouldn't have worked so late if it weren't for their call. Maybe the car accident wouldn't have happened!"

"We've corrected it overnight according to the requirements. I'm worried that if the changes don't meet their requirements again, it'll be difficult for the press conference to be held normally." Another person said in a heavy tone.

Although the few spoke softly, the place was tranquil, and Sang Lisa naturally heard everything.

When she heard the words 'Management Committee of Longxing building', she felt like she'd fallen into an ice cave.

Yesterday evening at around 7, when she went to find her brother, she heard him mention 'the Longxing Building Management Committee' and 'press conference'. Her brother also said he wanted to teach them a lesson.

Who is 'them'? Was it Shen Shaofeng and Xia Zhixin?

What was the lesson her brother talked about? If this car accident was actually related to Sang Minglang...

Sang Lisa didn't dare to think any further.

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