Chapter 36|Don't Think Too Much About What Happened

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Sang Lisa had visited Shen Jungkook to return his clothes.

Last time, she'd worn his coat home. Sang Lisa had asked someone to wash it and specially brought it over for him.

Sang Lisa didn't dare to tell her father and brother about the incident at the Shengshi Club. Otherwise, they'd definitely cause a huge uproar.

Shen Jungkook approached her with Guo Muyang by his side.

Sang Lisa handed him the bag in her hands. "I had someone wash the clothes. Thank you."

Perhaps it was because she'd been waiting for a long time, but the girl's face was a little red from the sun. Nevertheless, a pure smile was plastered on her face.

Shen Jungkook nodded and took the coat without a word.

Guo Muyang couldn't stand it anymore, so he smiled and said, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Kook and I were busy in the company and not in school."

Sang Lisa was slightly startled. "Company?"

"Yes, didn't the Shen family's company go bankrupt? Hanyu has just started his company, and he's swamped."

Guo Muyang said enthusiastically, "The company isn't far from here; it's only a ten-minute drive. So, Miss Sang, do you want to go and take a look?"

Guo Muyang knew that Shen Jungkook had saved Sang Lisa that night. He'd also heard that the Sang family had sent the Shen family a 400 million yuan check.

Based on his burning instinct for gossip, Guo Muyang concluded that Sang Lisa might still have feelings for Shen Jungkook.

It was also very likely that Shen Jungkook also had, ahem, slight feelings for Sang Lisa...

Otherwise, with Shen Jungkook's cold personality and the current relationship between the Sang and Shen families, why would he ever help Sang Lisa?

Furthermore, Guo Muyang had another reason for inviting Sang Lisa to visit.

He also had shares in this company. Since he was a shareholder, he had to consider the company's development.

Shen Jungkook's attitude towards Sang Lisa had softened these days. In that case, he might even be willing to accept the Sang family's help again.

After all, the new company had just been established. The company would immediately take off if they could have a big shot like the Sang family to help them.

As soon as Guo Muyang's words fell, he felt a cold and sharp gaze fall on him. It was like a cold blade, and it made his scalp feel numb.

Guo Muyang coughed. "But I don't think Miss Sang is interested in joining a small company like ours. So let's just forget about it..."

"No," Sang Lisa said with a smile. "I'm very interested."

The last time Sang Pengcheng gave Shen Shaofeng a check, he wanted to help the Shen family rise again, but Shen Shaofeng refused.

It had been a long time since Shen Shaofeng made any moves, but he didn't expect Shen Jungkook to start a new company.

She wanted to visit the place and see if Shen Jungkook needed help. Since Shen Jungkook had saved her that night, she had to return the favor.

Guo Muyang bit the bullet and looked at Shen Jungkook. "Then, shall we lead the way for Miss Sang?"

Shen Jungkook got into the car without any expression on his face.

Guo Muyang heaved a sigh of relief and turned around to greet Sang Lisa with a smile. "Miss Sang, let's go."

Since Shen Jungkook didn't object, he would take it that he'd agreed.

Failed To Ran Away| LK Adaptation |Book 1Where stories live. Discover now