Chapter 123|He Could Get Both the Fish and the Bear's Paw

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His actions were so eager and passionate, but the way he looked at her was cold. She was completely naked in his arms, but his clothes were still there, and he was even well-dressed.

Ruan Xiaoshuang took a slight breath and closed her eyes as she held back her tears, not looking at him again.

If this was a dream, then he should just let her continue dreaming. She didn't want to wake up at all.

Beijing, the Ruan family.

A pale-faced man with deep eyes was leaning against a soft couch. He was deep in thought while holding a document in his hand.

It was summer, but he had a thin blanket on him. He coughed from time to time, looking a little weak.

Cui Yao came over with a bowl of medicine and said respectfully, "Master Cheng, it's time to take your medicine."

The man closed the documents and took the medicine.

Xie Shi'an walked in hurriedly. "I want to make a trip to Ming City."

Ruan Cheng stopped drinking his medicine and his eyes darkened. "Why?"

Xie Shi'an took a deep breath. "Isn't Guo Dingsong's 50th birthday coming up soon? I'll go on your behalf."

"Xiaoshuang has already gone," Ruan Cheng said lightly.

"She's her, and you're you,"

Xie Shi'an spoke very quickly, "Besides, I'm fully in charge of Guo Dingsong's gift this time. Sister Xiaoshuang doesn't know as much as I do, so she might not be able to tell how precious this gift is..."

Ruan Cheng interrupted him. "Shi'an, don't give me excuses. Tell me the truth."

Xie Shi'an was silent for a long time. His voice was a little low, "She's in Ming City. I want to see her."

"Shi'an, now is not the time to be sentimental."

Ruan Cheng frowned. "Wait until the matter with the Xie family is settled, then you can..."

"But I can't wait!"

Xie Shi'an suddenly raised his voice, his eyes red. "Sister Xiaoshuang saw her and said that she has a boyfriend. I have to go and find her. Whether you agree or not, I have to go."

Ruan Cheng stared at Xie Shi'an for a long time and sighed.

"Then go quickly and come back quickly."

In the end, he still gave in. "Shi'an, don't stay too long. Don't let the Xie family know of her existence."

Every person had a weakness.

If the Xie family found out that she was Xie Shi'an's weakness, they would definitely use her to force Xie Shi'an to withdraw from the fight for the Xie family's assets.

"I will be careful." Before Xie Shi'an finished speaking, he had already strode away.

Ruan Cheng slowly finished the medicine in his bowl and said, "Cui Xu, take a few people with you and go to Ming City."

His voice was cold. "If necessary, help Shi'an and keep any man away from Sang Lisa."

A life where you can't get what you want is the most painful.

His entire life had been ruined because he could not get what he wanted. Naturally, he was not willing to see Xie Shi'an follow in his footsteps.

If Xie Shi'an wanted to, he could get both the fish and the bear's paw. All he needed to do was wait and find the right time.

Failed To Ran Away| LK Adaptation |Book 1Where stories live. Discover now