last chapter

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Wafiyah was finally going to Pakistan after 5 months of her wedding, she wanted to go earlier but jungkook would create fuss out of the matter, so this time Abdul Rehman called and told him he'll come and take her along so jungkook doesn't have to disturb his schedule as he knew it was hectic for him, new projects were launched making it hard for him to leave the country. How could he refuse Abdul Rehman for one reason he was scared of him second he respected him so now he didn't have a choice. Wafiyah was happiest she could ever be, she bought gifts for her nephews and nieces and then rant about it to him "wafiyah" she hummed, he tuts "what is it jungkook" she puts her bag aside and walk toward him "don't go please" he holds her hands gently caressing them with his thumb "jungkook I'll be back before you know it" she tries to ease his mind "I don't even know how long will you spend there, hyung isn't telling me anything " she tousled his hair which were grown as per her request "it won't be long I promise " he gives her his best puppy eyes "jungkook you know this time Abdul Rehman bhai is in between" "how will I live without you" "you're making it hard for me jungkook" he pulls her shirt to bring her closer " I can't live that long without you, please you may call your family over but don't go"  she chuckled kissing his forehead "you're so cute jungkookie" "just spend 1 day and come back will that be okay?" "Jungkook 16 hours flight and only 1 day stay sounds like a suicide plan " "Then how many days?" "Keep a month in your mind maybe I'll come back before that but only to assume" "a month? Not at all I will not allow this long vacation" "jungkook mingyu is coming over for dinner I've to prepare for it if you dont mind " "I mind he comes every day as if this is his home" wafiyah glares at him "it is now leave me and don't whine" she says and went out of room leaving a sulking husband behind.
"I'm going to America now that you're visiting your family" mingyu announces over dinner "when are you going?" "Tomorrow" "why didn't you tell me before?" Mingyu points toward sweet dish "dad informed me today he said its important " wafiyah smiled "I know what it could be" both boys look at her quizzically "so I'm getting a new friend" mingyu choked on his food "you assume anything Tinker bell " "I can bet on it" "I will pray he marry him to someone who can cook " mingyu smirks "I'll still come here sunbae-nim" "when will you come back ?" He asked "I don't know yet mingyu inshaAllah soon" he nodded "you should've told me before I wanted to send some gifts to your parents" "that's not necessary, don't bother yourself " "it's important for me, you never listen " he just smiled "when is hyung coming?" "Tomorrow inshaAllah early morning" "I'll come to meet him my flight is in evening" "ok inshaAllah " "is your ice cream stock full?" She laughs "thanks to you it is but I'm thinking about finishing them before leaving" mingyu gives her a thumbs up and continue their conversations.
It has been 3 days since wafiyah left for Pakistan and jungkook thought she took the oxygen of Seoul with her. He desperately clung to her at airport tried everything to stop her but luck wasn't on his side. They did talk over phone but that wasn't a permanent solution, as days passed he got himself neck down in work, to distract himself from her thoughts, he even came home at late hours. On the other hand wafiyah did miss  him but she was busy visiting one relative then other it was hectic for her. She would daily call him even though the time zones were very different, sometimes he would tell her to go to sleep with the camera on. When one week passed he couldn't take the distance between them "please come back now wafiyah, I can't live without you here anymore" she was torn between her family and husband they insisted her to spend month whereas her husband didn't want her to spend another day in Pakistan "jungkook just a few days more I promise I'll be back soon" she would say each time, it hurt her to see him like that she wanted nothing more than to go back to him "jungkook " "don't say my name like that it make me yearn more" nothing she did or said could lessen his despair "cheer up now please I like happy jungkook not sullen" "Then come back make me happy" she smiled "ok my lovely baby husband " his lips turned upward, a pretty smile appeared after all these days "I love you so so much take care of yourself ok" "you too jungkookie ". When a fortnight passed yet there wasn't any chance of her coming back he decided to man up and talk to Abdul Rehman personally but all his courage went down the drain when he heard his voice, it's not that his desperation was hidden from anyone Abdul Rehman was well aware and it made him happy that his sister was loved "jungkook the other day wafiyah was talking about going back" he doesn't say anything "but we told her that she visited us after years so there's no need to rush" "I hope you don't have problem if she spend some more days" he wanted to scream at the top of his lungs that yes he had problem "n-no hyung why would there be any problem" "I'll let you to work young man, Allah hafiz" Abdul Rehman smiles "he wanted to beat me" He laughs "he will never think of that he respects you way too much" wafiyah says "I've booked your ticket but didn't tell him as you wished" she hugs her brother "thank you so much".
Jungkook came back from office around 9, like past few weeks the darkness welcomed him, he put his laptop and wallet aside and turned the lights on. He walked toward the couch but halted when he saw a glass of water lying on table, he looked around but there was pin drop silence. He went to the kitchen and was hit with the aroma of his favorite food. His heart beat started picking up, he prayed whatever he was thinking was true. Jungkook rushed to his room and found her on prayer mat. He wanted to cry at that moment, waiting for her to finish he stood there watching her bow and prostate. When wafiyah finished her prayer she turned to greet him "asalamualikum jungkook" she greets with smile that he loved so much, he felt as if he was getting a new life, she walks toward him wrapping her arms around his neck "missed me?" She asked. He immediately wrapped his arms around her waist hiding his face in her neck, inhaling the scent he was addicted to, pulling her closer "you're back, oh my God tell me I'm not dreaming please pinch me you're really here?" "I'm here I wanted to surprise you that's why I told Abdul Rehman to not tell you" jungkook holds her face looking at it, he leans to kiss her eyes "how much I missed looking into them" then he kissed her forehead "how much I missed you receiving me when I came back from office" he kissed her cheeks making her giggle "how much I missed your sweet giggles" then he kissed her lips "how much I missed your voice my love you've no idea" she hugged him again overwhelmed by the love and affection he was showing "I missed you too, so much jungkookie " jungkook breathes in sighing in content "come on now wash up I'll set the table " "No let me see you, my eyes were craving to get a glimpse of you " "I'm not going anywhere you weren't taking care of yourself look how dark your eyebags have gotten " she shakes her head and unwrapped the dupatta to drapping it over her shoulders, her hair were tied into a messy bun making her features so soft and delicate. Jungkook couldn't stop himself from hugging her again "I'm so thankful to Allah that he's given me a partner like you" she smiled shyly with one last peck on her neck he let her go.
Mingyu came back a week after her arrival and brought lots of gifts for her, some were from his parents side and the rest were his "tell me mingyu what did your father do?" She asked eagerly making him chuckle "come on why are you laughing was my prediction right? " He sighs leaning back, the seriousness was worrying her "is everything alright?" "Your predictions were right" "you don't like her?" "I don't know" she frowns and jungkook didn't like where the conversation was going "mingyu?" "Wafiyah let him be its his decision we should respect it" jungkook adds hoping the topic will change "I will definitely respect his decision jungkook but I want to know " she was so persistent "I'm not ready for a relationship wafiyah" she looks at him "why not?" Mingyu's face was unreadable "I want to focus on my career first Tinker bell then I'll settle and  have family" jungkook breathed a sigh of relief "last time you didn't want to work now this mingyu you can't waste time like that" "Promise I won't I'm looking for a job okay don't worry" she shakes her head "you don't have to look for it" he looked at jungkook who raised his eyebrow, she blinked her eyes knowing very well that he too knows what she intend to say, she didn't back down until she got what she wanted "ok" "good" she smiled "you can join at your convenience" mingyu wanted to protest but jungkook beats him to it "what do you mean his convenience? He's joining from Monday sharp 8 I won't tolerate any mistakes because I am not going to be lenient toward anyone" "you won't say anything to him if I got to know you guys bicker in office then I'll be really mad and I'm sure none of you want that" "what if he doesn't work professionally and keep being a play boy he was during internship" "he's very professional, your female staff would find ways to approach him okay just work like mature and responsible humans" "my staff isn't like that" "so is he, I trust him completely now if you excuse me I've to make tea" she got up leaving two alone. Jungkook glared at him but he smiles "I told you before wedding if you remember " he winks at him further aggravating him "you're only a husband I'll always be her priority " jungkook hands formed into fists which he wanted to shove in his face "don't make me throw you out of this house, as if tolerating you here was less that I'll have to bear with you in office too" mingyu chuckles "why aren't you leaving now that you had dinner" he seethes but mingyu bit his cheeks "jungkook how can you say that to him, that's very rude please talk to each other with respect can't I leave you two alone for 5 minutes" she placed the tea on table filling 2 cups extending one toward jungkook other to mingyu.
Jungkook woke up early and was greeted with the most beautiful sight, every time he looked at her it felt like the first time. She looked extra soft whenever she was asleep, he stared at her for God knows how long an hour or two maybe three he doesn't know, he doesn't care. The alarm went off and jungkook wanted to break his phone for disturbing her sleep, she stirred in her sleep opening her one eye she found him looking at her "It's weekend go back to sleep jungkookie you were doing your work till late" she mumbled changing her position but he held her arm so she couldn't shift "what is it?" "Nothing" "get some sleep OK I'll wake you up after making breakfast " she says not knowing that he was staring at her all this time "I'll make the breakfast today" she chuckled and jungkook had the urge to kiss her so he did "you're so shameless I swear to god" he smirks proudly "I'm serious I'll be your chef" he announced and got up to do his morning routine. They were having breakfast which jungkook made "SubhanAllah how blessed I am to have a husband who can cook this good" he smiles "is this the only reason you're blessed" "of course what else would be there" she teases "you're blessed in other aspects too" he presses, she makes a thinking face "I don't remember " she shrugs "If you forgot I can remind you tonight" she choked on her tea "A-astagfirullah shut up you're so" she was about to curse but his phone rang interrupting her "Hello appa how are you?" "I'm good son, how are you and how's my daughter " jungkook put the phone on speaker "you're daughter is fine but she's not taking care of me appa" Jongho laughs "you must deserve this then" "appa who's side are you " " my daughter's you're good for nothing, I'm waiting to hear good news from you but look at you" "what good news dad?" "Are you planning on giving me grandchildren or not?" Wafiyah face turned tomato "not yet appa" "jungkook you're not a teen who can wait and plan after 4 or 5 years" "I know but it's not been a year and I'm not ready to share her with anyone weather they're my own kids" "well then I think I won't be seeing any grandchildren in my lifetime " "appa don't say like that, may Allah give you long and healthy life just wait a bit more" "as you wish my dear son, take care of my daughter and keep her happy " "aye aye captain" he hung up, wafiyah looked at him "jungkook " "yes my sweetheart" "you aren't planning on starting family?" He looks at her "you're my family wafiyah " she wets her lips "no I mean like our family our kids" "we will once I'm ready to share your love and attention with them" she frowns "what does that mean and when will you be ready?" He holds her hand, kissing the knuckles "not yet but in future maybe someday" "jungkook I think we should start thinking about it" he shakes his head "you will only worry about them, giving all your attention and affection to them I will go in background nowhere in the picture and this is the last thing that I want wafiyah" "when a woman becomes a mother she automatically develop these instincts it doesn't mean one won't think about kids" "please not now wafiyah wait for a little while" she pouts "I need a company too someone I am busy with" he pinched her cheeks "I'm here for that" she slapped his hands away "you're in office all day " "why don't you become my secretary " "No thanks Jia eonni is doing that already I don't want to work in office" "I'll work from home if that's what you want" she scowled at him "that's the last thing I'd want, just forget it" she got up and took her plate to the sink to wash. Jungkook came and brought his plate and cup too, she angrily started washing them too "you look so adorable when you're angry" he back hugged her "leave me I've work to do" "look at you avoiding me over the mention of kids what will you do once they're here" "I'll give all of my love care attention everything to them not even a single ounce for you " she says in the spur of moment but he didn't take it well "jungkook I didn't actually mean it" she explained when she noticed his expressions "you're arguing with me over something that doesn't yet exist" she gulps nervously "I'm sorry I didn't know you'll get upset"   "we will not have this convention ever again" her eyes widened momentarily "jung" he raises his finger "no means no" he walked out of kitchen toward his office, this was their first official fight and it scared her. She shouldn't have said that, the guilt started swarming through her veins. Was she insensitive toward him? Did she say too much ? All her insecurities were taking best of her. Jungkook didn't come out of his office for hours she tried to call him for lunch but he didn't open the door. Wafiyah was losing her mind by the evening was it that serious of a matter for jungkook to avoid her like that. She was in her room, sitting in a corner hugging her knees when the door opened, she snapped her head up. He ignored her and went to washroom after a good 10 minutes he came out "do you wanna pray together?" He asked and who was wafiyah to refuse she performed ablution and came out, wrapping the dupatta around her head. Jungkook spread their prayer mats and she stood behind him, both did their Isha prayer in peace and silence then sat there to do their dhikr and supplications, wafiyah was still restless as he hasn't talked to her. She was supplicating her both hands were covering her face when she felt him put his head in her lap "jungkook " he adjusts himself so now his face was toward her stomach as he hugged her "I'm so sorry baby, I shouldn't have reacted like that" his warm breath hits her stomach "I shouldn't have said that too, I'm sorry" she apologized running her fingers through his hair "I'm such a bad husband " she smiles "you're the best husband jungkookie, let's just forget it and move on" he grips her even harder "I made you sad, I can't forgive myself for that" "but now that we're good I'm not sad anymore" she tried to convince "Slap me for ruining our day like that" he says looking up at her so she lean down to plant a kiss on his forehead "Slap me once more" she giggles kissing his forehead again "once more" this time she laughed wholeheartedly as she kissed him again "once more" she throws her head back as her laugh resonated in the room bringing life to things that hear it "I love you so much" he confesses "I love you more jungkookie " jungkook looked at her mouth agape, this was her first time confessing her love through words "say that again" she smiled shyly, blush started spreading across her cheeks "I love you jungkookie " jungkook heart did a somersault "I didn't hear you?" She bend down to whisper in his ear "I love you my jungkookie" jungkook dramatically put his hand over his heart making her giggle at his goofiness "I love you the most my love, my happiness, my soul, my heart dearest, my angel, my precious blessing, my beautiful beloved wife, my heartbeat" he kept on ranting hundreds of nicknames and planted a kiss on her stomach with every new name and all she could do was laugh and feel immense happiness, contentment and gratitude for having jungkook in her life. They shared smile with eachother  whereas Allah smiled looking at them.
  "You're the beginning of my soul, and you're the end of it "

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