chapter 4

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Jungkook was getting ready to meet with Mr. Min Byung hun, somewhat he wished it wouldn't happen there's this unsettling feeling within him which he can't really pinpoint. He doesn't know what he's feeling it's not stress or worry nor is it jovial or delight. He sighs tiredly as the cold water fell over his body to wash away his weariness he wraps the towel around his waist and use another one to dry his hair. He looks out of the window and gaze over the bustling of the people, everyone's in a rush eager to get ahead of each other then he looks up at the sky looking so calm and serene. Today even the sky seemed different to him as if telling him a secret which he wasn't able to decipher. The unknown feeling was increasing in his chest the more he looked at the vast expense of blues. Suddenly he could hear his heart beat quickening the overwhelming feeling almost got him dizzy he put his hand on his chest, The loud sound of his phone pulled him back to reality he breathed out heavily and walked toward his nightstand. He picks up the call and put phone on speaker "Hello Mom" he rasps out. "Kookie my son, are you okay?" His mother asked worriedly. "Of course mom I'm perfectly fine " he tries to sound convincing "you sounded tired I thought something was wrong " she continued "you called in morning everything alright?" He counters back and grabs his suit from closet "I missed you so thought I'd give a call you don't visit much these days I'm so worried for you kookie" her voice cracking as she says. "Mom I'm a grown up man don't worry about Me and I was busy with office but I will pay you visit today " he could hear the sniffles from other side of phone "Mom please what is it?" He exhales dejectedly. "Son you're young and handsome don't isolate yourself go out party with your friends find a girlfriend live your life don't spend all of your time behind the stack of files and laptops " he puts his clothes on and walk toward where the phone was lying. "Mom If that's how life is I don't want one, my life has a purpose and I have my goals and targets to achieve. I'm very much enjoying my lifestyle and completely content with it" he rants out his mother knew how stubborn he is so she decided to drop the matter for now and talk to him when he go there. "Okay just be happy thats all I want for you take care of yourself " "you too mom" he hangs up the call and checks time he had only an hour left so he quickly got ready and drove toward the destination the uneasy feeling was long forgotten there was only one thing in his mind to meet Byung hun and get over with it soon. It took him 30 minutes to drive here, he gave the keys to valet and walked in like he owned the restaurant. "Good afternoon Sir, may I help you?" The manager asks "I'm here to meet my friend Min Byung hun " jungkook says "Yes sir please follow me " He takes him to where Byung hun was waiting and completely invested in his phone. He walks upto the table and sits in the only empty seat across him "oh jungkook you're here" he extends his hand to shake which jungkook reciprocate gripping it unnecessarily firm and strong "Let's start" Mr. Min says.

"Selena" the said person hums as she was busy applying her eyeliner. "I'm scared" wafiyah continues as she wraps her Hijab into a different style than usual. "Why so?" Selena asks looking through the mirror she bites her lips nervously. "What if there are alot of people cause Yuna must have huge friend circle" Selena rolls her eyes at her "So what?" She spurts out it always irked her how timid and apprehensive she gets from interacting and socializing. Wafiyah furrows  her eyebrows her lips turned into pout "nothing " she says angrily and get back to fixing her veil. Selena walks near and turned her to come face to face "leave me go get ready were already late" she says not making eye contact "why would you be scared in first place when I'm here right beside you hmm? It's fine even if there are 100 people I'm right here with you they have to pass through me to reach you " she console her with reassuring words. Wafiyah looked as if she was about to shed tears because small gesture and reassurances moved her to the core making her sentimental. "Come on now little birdie let's get there before food runs out" Selena says with that both gets into cab. Wafiyah could feel her nerves  wracking her anxiety crept throughout her body. She kept reading her supplications in heart and prayed there won't be alot of people. The cab  stops sooner than she thought they paid the driver and gets out "The restaurant looks intimidating" she says. Selena shakes her head and walk ahead to enter the guard opened the door for them with a little bow. She puts her hand on her heart to greet back because she never bows down it's not that she's rude or conceited nor does she think highly of herself. In Islam a person can only bow in front of their creator who is worthy of All praises and worship. So whenever she greets someone she just put her hand where heart is to show respect and gratitude. The interior of restaurant was exquisite and cordial she looked like a lost puppy when the Manger approached them she quickly got ahold of Selena's Arm "good afternoon Mam may I help you?" "There's a reservation by Kang Yuna we're her friends" Selena says. "Yes Mam please follow me" "We still have the chance let's go back I'll make some excuse please Selena " she whispered near her ear. "No there's no going back" she says. Upon reaching near the reserved table her eyes comically widened there were more than 15 girls she stopped on the spot           " come on " Selena whisper shouts as she aggressively shakes her head chanting No's. "Yay baby girl is here " Yuna says on the top of her lungs which turned alot of head toward their direction and ran to greet her. Soon two arms wrapped around her, she hugged her back "don't worry okay I can sense your anxiety come with me" Yuna muttered lowly. They part so she can also greet Selena but kept holding her hand and took them to where everyone was waiting "Girlies, this is my cutie pie Wafiyah and her roommate Selena say Hi everyone " she announced then there were cheerful Hi's thrown at them they all seemed nice and friendly looking pretty and delicate. She greets them back and sit between Yuna and Selena " I thought you won't make it but thank you for coming " Yuna starts conversation " I'm sorry we took our sweet time and thanks you for inviting " she says timidly. "Hey Yu, you said she's Muslim right?" One of Yuna friends asked the question increasing her heartbeat but Yuna simply nods " Are we not going to see her face?" The other asks. Yuna give a pointed look to them "No" her voice had a hidden warning telling girls to not ask stupid questions. "Let's order so I can share why I invited you all" it brings everyone attention to the menus placed in front of them and spare her time to look at Selena who gives her thumbs up as if it will calm her down. She swallow thickly and try to let herself loose a bit. It was going to be an adventurous day she thinks to herself.

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