chapter 29

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A.n: this is one of my favorite chapters to write, please do share your thoughts my dears. Your author is waiting to hear from you💜


Mina had told everyone about jungkook's arrival, only Aaron and dong IL knew the real reason rest thought he was coming for the occasion, they were all looking forward to welcome him but no one knew he will be there way before breakfast time, jungkook had told Mina that she doesn't need to recieve him at airport which she protested but jungkook was persistent, at breakfast he met somi who was pleasantly surprised by his appearance "I didn't know you'll come" she hugs him " how could I not attend your big day" dong IL snorts at his response but doesn't voice his intrusive thoughts "aww that's so sweet of you" "sup dude" Aaron smacks his back before taking seat across him, they all eat at their pace, jungkook felt a bit awkward sitting there listening to their conversations " Eomma I'm going to pickup the girls, I don't know when I'll be back okay" somi informs her mother which successfully grabs jungkook's attention " aren't they coming here today?" Her mother asks "we will see about that" "but seung min was throwing tantrums last night, bring her over or take seung min with you" somi give a look of disbelief to her mother " Mom how can I take him with me, I'll just ask her if she wants to come okay?" Her mother nodded " weren't you going on date with your husband to be" Aaron asks "we canceled our plan" she shrugged nonchalantly "changing your priorities I see" he teased "stop it Aaron, and somi I can't deal with seung tantrums so be back soon" somi sighs and got up to leave "OK bye". Jungkook looks at Mina who reassured him "you should get some rest kook" "of course, you need alot of energy jungkookie rest well eat well" Aaron smirks making him grit his teeth.
Selena opened the door when she heard a knock "did you guys had breakfast?" Somi makes her way toward the bed "no I'm waiting for Wafiyah, she takes forever in shower" " No I certainly do not" wafiyah came out wearing a long black shirt along with straight pants and towel wrapped around her head, she greets somi with a hug "you look completely different than how you look in hijab" wafiyah smiles, patting her hair dry " you have such Long hair" somi asked surprised "I was thinking about getting a hair cut, just front layers nothing too complicated" somi crades finger in her hair " then let's go I'll take you to the salon" "No she won't cut those hair otherwise I'll cut her hands" Selena warned " Sela just the fringes" Selena got up which meant no more arguments " put your Abaya I'm starving, and somi where are we going today?" " first we'll roam around the city then I'll take you guys home". If wafiyah knew roaming around the city meant going to shopping mall she would've never come, somi took them to a quite elite mall, all brands names shone bright with the lights, they entered into one of them " how's it?" She asked holding a backless dress in her hand "go try it on" Selena suggests so she went to changing room "wafu" the said girl ignores her knowing well the reason of buttering "this will the last dress I promise" "Selena you've bought 20 in jeju only for God sake buy something else if your hands are itching to shop" "pretty please" wafiyah sighs giving up because Selena wasn't going to back down "girls" they turn around to take in the beauty clad in red dress "woahh damn, hot mama" Selena compliments making the words in wafiyah mouth die down, she gives a disgusted look to her, while somi just laughs at her shamelessness " what was that, Sela " Selena took in her horrified expression, realization then hit her "oh my bad, I apologize hahaha" " you're getting so shameless day by day, I'm afraid" "wafiyah you didn't tell me?" Somi asks impatiently " you look extremely beautiful" somi smiles brightly. They continued to walk in every shop there was and bought loads of clothes, heels bags and jewelry "please I'm tired now" after two or so hours wafiyah patience gave up along with her energy, she was holding some bags which Selena and somi forced her to buy even though she didn't need any of it "Let's go to Victoria secret I promise it will be our last stop" somi tries to convince her "yay Wafiyah's favorite shop" Selena laughs loudly "somi please not there" she begs her with puppy eyes "I've to buy a few things it won't take us long" she looks at Selena who had evil expressions "Selena I can't please look there's a huge group of boy there please tell her" she whispers in her ear " look how those boys are staring at mannequin" she tuts "somi" she halts in her spot, the said girl turned around with confused face "I'll wait here you both may go and buy whatever you wanna buy then come back here yeah" "why is she not coming?" Somi asked Selena still not getting any hints "what can you expect from an apprehensive and shy person somi, she doesn't want to go in that shop because of the things that are on display" " Ahhh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize" "No don't apologize, in fact I should apologize but I'll wait here you may go it's no problem at all" "No let's go to food court we'll decide what should we do next" they went to a fast food restaurant which was luckily certified Halal. They were half way through their food when somi phone rang "yes Eonni?" " Yeah, we're in a restaurant. But it's too soon, I'll bring them but" she sighs "okay" she hung up " we should get back to home seung min is being brat and asking for you" "I wonder who's footsteps is he following" Selena comments under her breath but wafiyah heard it.
Seung min came running as soon he saw her enter the house "you took so long" he complained "sorry my dear baby" she apologized as they walk toward the couch, Aaron was sitting there so she greeted him she didn't know why but he scared her for no obvious reason, maybe it's his mischievous eyes which she avoided looking at seung was observing her face veil "it's a pretty color" "do you like it?" She asks with her infamous eye smile, receiving a nod from him "I always like your dress, it's unique and stylish " wafiyah smoothes his hair " I love you hair seungie, don't cut them short okay" he nodded again "done" wafiyah looks around but she couldn't find somi or Mina " Are you looking for someone?" Aaron asked "N-no" he shifts in his position " come on tell me do you need anything?" He insisted " I need to use restroom" she says embarrassed "you may use the guest room it's on the right corner" he smiles sweetly "seung min I'll be back okay cupcake" seung got off "I'm waiting be back quickly " she shows a thumbs up and went to guest room. The room was dimly lit with the light of a lamp placed on side table, she was midway through the room when the washroom door opened and a figure came out, patting his hair with the towel. Both of them noticed others presence one froze at his spot while the other shrieked but covered her mouth. Jungkook breath got stuck in his Throat as he looked at the person he was dying to see since last week, as he looked at the person he loved so dearly. It felt as if it's been so long since he last saw her. On the other hand wafiyah thought she saw a ghost or maybe she's lost her senses because how is it possible that right now the person in front of her is jungkook, Jeon jungkook. She rubbed her eyes hoping if it's illusion then it'll fade away but it didn't " wafiyah " he breathes out, her heart thumped wildly in her chest, what If he gets angry? What if he doesn't approve of her excessive meet up with her family? Will he scold her and ask her to leave? Her mind was working miles per second, when she saw him take a step forward and was about to say something, she ran out of the room. Jungkook blinked trying to process the situation while wafiyah came running toward the lounge Aaron noticed her and stood up smirking in victory " what happened are you okay?" He asks in fake concern " I have to go" seung min heard that and latched onto her Abaya " No no you can't leave" he kept screaming which resulted in everyone gathering In the lounge " what's going on?" Mina's mother in law asks, wafiyah was now scared she has gotten herself in trouble "Eomma she said she's leaving " seung min says still pulling onto her Abaya, "i- I'm not feeling well, I'll come back again" she stuttered out. Mina stood in front of her as she searched her eyes for something that'll help in understanding what happened to her all of a sudden " did anyone say something to you?" She asked as she glared at Aaron who looked away immediately when their eyes met " No, I'm so sorry Eonni I am making you all worried and " she blabbers, Mina held her hand gently " come with me dear" she says and pulled her toward another direction away from everyone. Selena was just as confused as the rest of members but it was short lived as she saw jungkook coming out of the room, she bites her lip thinking of all possibilities that could've made wafiyah react that way. "Now tell me what is it?" Mina asked making her sit on the bed, she hesitates for a moment " Eonni Mr jeon is here, i - I saw him he was so shocked as if I am the last person he wanted to see here. I was scared of his reaction so I ran away from him but seung min saw me and then rest is in front of you" Mina draws a breath of relief " Good God, I thought something serious happened" " it is serious he will be mad I shouldn't have come to Busan in first place" "silly girl, you're so silly that I can't answer your concerns but wait here" she says and left " Eonni No" wafiyah tried to stop her but she was already out of the room. Wafiyah glanced around the room and found a huge window, she walked toward it, the room was on second floor so jumping from here would cause a little damage nothing serious just sprained ankle or rashes she was busy estimating the damage when a voice from behind startled her "you're not thinking of jumping from here am I right Miss wafiyah " she turned at the speed of light "why do you always have to run away from me please enlighten me" He says moving closer to her "you said something like you're the last person I wanted to see here?" He was now standing just an arm length away "you're the only person I'd always want to see anytime, anywhere and if I knew that you're here before I would have came here way back then" he continues "you've no idea how glad I am to see you, yet you decided to run away not even letting me to live the moment that I've been craving for since last week" she just stood there listening to him, her most favorite voice the one he used with her whenever she was scared and lacked confidence, the way which always made her feel safe "why were you looking out of the window?" He asked, wafiyah gulps she can't tell him she  as looking for an escape " t-to breathe air" she looks down, jungkook had huge respect for the level of his patience, he was amazed that he was able to stand strong on his ground because the amount of adoration and endearment he felt rightnow was skyrocketing high, she looked like a puppy and it wasn't fair for his poor heart to suffer at the hands of this girl "aren't you happy to see me here?" She squints her eyes looking at his face "No" Jungkook put his hand over his chest "ouch, it hurt" she quickly shake her head " NO, I almost got a heart attack, I thought you will get mad and throw me out so I didn't had time to get happy" she explained "so now that you know I'm not mad are you happy to see me?" "No" he looks at her in disbelief but soon it turned into fits of laughter "you're so cruel" he wipes his hand over his face "says the one who scolds his employees for smallest of a mistake" jungkook raises his eyebrow challengingly "that's different" wafiyah was about to disagree when seung min came in the room "i was looking for you, I thought you left" he made grabby hands toward her asking to be picked up and who was wafiyah to deny such a cute face, immediately his hand found their way to play with her veil hiding beneath it making her kiss his forehead. Mina also joined them " so is the matter sorted?" Jungkook nods "thank God" "Eonni if seung is giving you hard time I can take him with me and bring him back before dinner time" "Yes I wanna go with angel" he wrapped his arms around her neck squishing both of their faces together "wafiyah I want you to spend time here with us, not only for seung min" "I know and I'm really grateful to all of you but I " seung accidentally bit her cheek "seung min what the hell " jungkook scolds him "you're not a kid anymore, you've God damn teeth that are sharper than knife, get off right now it's your punishment" the frown between his eyebrow was getting deeper "it's okay, luckily it didn't hurt me don't be harsh on him" Wafiyah tried to calm him while patting the kid who was now crying "I'm so sorry angel, I did it by mistake " seung min says between the sobs "it's okay love, I'm fine see don't cry" he looks at her and then placed a kiss where he first bit her " is it okay now?" She smiled and reassured "perfectly okay now" " Let's go and play in your room" she says and took seung to his room "I'll see what you'll do and then give you an earful " Mina says "I'm very sorry Noona you know I love seung more than anyone but he hurt her so I couldn't " " you think you wont be doing that too" it took a moment for jungkook to realize what she was referring to making his ears turn red "N-noona" "why are you stuttering now big boy" "I'm hungry will you serve or should I go to restaurant" he makes an effort change the subject and was successful, Mina slapped his arm and both went to kitchen.
Wafiyah and seung were playing in his room when the maid came and informed them to join the rest of the family in lounge, she put her veil back fixed herself and then led them to where everyone was sitting, it was evening tea time, it was almost similar to what they used to have back in home country everyone would gather around and chat over the cup of tea and some snacks whether it be sharing news, gossips or cracking jokes. She walked upto Selena and took a seat beside her, who threw a smile her way and then handed her a cup "wafiyah " somi calls to grab her attention "Let's do a movie night" she suggests "where?" As much it sounded like a stupid question it actually wasn't "here, we don't need to go to out" she glanced at Selena who was sipping without the worry of world "but my things are in hotel" She says making Selena choke on her food, jungkook was holding his laugh in while the rest acted as if they didn't hear her lame excuse "you can use my 'things' for that matter" somi emphasized which further added to her embarrassment "Selena do you wanna stay over for movie night?" Somi asks, and she took a breath of relief "I don't have any problem, it depends on wafiyah I'm down to it" if looks could kill Selena would be 6 feet down by now "wafiyah I'll drop you both so don't worry about staying up till late" Aaron winks at her "why do you keep poking your nose in girls business dude" somi seethes at his response "Mom teach him some manners he's being a scamp" wafiyah bites her lip as they continue to argue "somi, it's alright" "so you're in?" To avoid this topic she had no other option but to nod in agreement even though she didn't want to.
She was in the lawn talking with her siblings over phone, she told them about her trip and somi's wedding, she spend a good half hour before hanging up. The sky had turn into the darkest shades of blue, stars had started to twinkle, gentle breeze hitting her face as she stroll from one end to another. Being alone was all she needed rightnow because her anxiety has been at its peak these few days, she breathes in the fresh air which calmed her nerves "SubhanAllah", she sat on the rocking chair, hugging her knees and stared at the night sky, the to and fro motion made her drowsy and she didn't realize when her eyes stopped fighting it. All her senses were shut down only the peace and ease of sleep surged throughout her body. Wafiyah stirred in her sleep when she felt something being put over her frame, upon opening eyes which took a few moments to realize her position, place and the person in front of her "I didn't mean to wake you up" she looks down to find a thin blanket draped over her "you were taking way too long to be on call so I thought it's better to check up and found you asleep here" her mind was still not awake all she wanted to do was close her eyes again because it was one of the most peaceful sleep she had. Jungkook watched as she was battling between falling asleep again and opening her eyes with smile on his face, he didn't wanted to further disturb her, she pulled the blanket up till her face sighing in content "this was one kind of a sleep" she says adjusting her position " I'm sorry for waking you up" he felt bad "don't apologize, you were doing a good thing I appreciate " she stifled a yawn "and good efforts shouldn't go in vain" " Then what's my reward" he leans forward "appreciation Mr jeon, I appreciated your effort means reward granted" jungkook chuckles shaking his head "I'm a materialistic man" wafiyah squints her eyes at him "okay then you'll have to wait for some time" "I'm already doing that " " there's this saying in our country, that fruits of patience are sweet, maybe if you stay patient I'll give you something extraordinary" he raises his eyebrow looking at her with something strong in his gaze causing her to sit straight "where's seung min, I think we should go in" "he's out with hyung so don't try to find an excuse to get away from me" she looks around but there was no one "How is everyone in office eonni, miss Jihyun and Mr park?" "I don't know must be fine" he shrugs, it gets quiet for a moment "Ahhhh" they look back at the intrusion "do you guys feel it?" Aaron asks making his way toward them "feel what?" Jungkook asks " love in the air, Busan is magical let me tell you wafiyah shi" her eyes widened momentarily "isn't it lovely"  he glanced at her waiting for her response "Aaron" jungkook warns him but he continues "even I almost fell for your eyes if I wasn't already engaged honestly speaking" she didn't knew what has gotten into him, if he was joking then it wasn't a nice one. He then looks at jungkook who was fuming with anger "am I right jungkookie-san" wafiyah stood up quickly " I should go inside" she says and sprints away from them "what the hell is your problem, keep your jokes to yourself if I saw you crossing your limit one more time it won't end well" he says pointedly " okay bro chill" Aaron raised his hands in mock surrender.

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