chapter 31

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Mina, dong IL, Aaron and somi came soon as she informed them and then later she called Selena who was now standing by her side. Mina had been continously crying and wafiyah couldn't help but blame herself. If she hadn't left the room it wouldn't have happened, the remorse and guilt was getting best of her. She told them about each and every detail of that incident, it was a hit and run case so police would definitely be involved said the doctors. They all waited outside the operation theater, when the doctor came out, wafiyah froze on her spot she held her breath " Mr Jeon is out of danger, thankfully there weren't any internal injuries. You can meet him once he is shifted to the room" she inhaled as much oxygen as she could, Selena hugged her but she stood pliant in her arms. Everyone felt much at ease knowing that jungkook was fine, Mina came to her, her eyes were puffy from crying but now a small smile adorned her face, wafiyah couldn't look her in eyes "wafiyah" "I'm so sorry Eonni" tears started welling up in her eyes making her sight blurry "I'm so sorry it happened because of me" concern washed over Mina's face forming a frown between her eyebrows, wafiyah wanted to say more but a broken sob left her mouth "oh my dear" Mina holds her shoulder "he's hurt because of me, please forgive me eonni, i-im really ashamed. I wish I could that that blow, H-he is in pain just because he saved me" she whimpered but quickly put her hand over mouth. Mina glanced at Selena who was just as worried "you didn't do anything wafiyah, please don't blame yourself" Mina says gently to calm her down "it's no one's fault, but the important thing is that he's fine now we will meet him okay don't worry, just breathe calm down my dear" wafiyah kept shaking her head, she wasn't ready to agree with her "Ya Allah " she wipes both hands over her face when Mina noticed a wound on her hand "wafiyah are you hurt?" " I wish i was eonni" Mina grabbed her hand and called the nurse asking her to put bandage over her wound and see if there were more. After 15 minutes she came back, jungkook was already shifted to the room they waited for some time for him to wake up. Soon a nurse informed them that jungkook is awake, so his family went in first to meet him, he had some bandages and tubes connected "Jungkook-ah my beloved son" Mina kisses his hand holding it tightly, he scans the room looking for a face which was imprinted on his mind "she's fine" Mina reassured " where is she?" "Outside" "I wanna see her Noona" "kook she's emotionally weak at the moment, she'll meet you okay buddy, don't stress much" dong IL says "she isnt hurt right?" "No she is completely fine" jungkook breathes a sigh of relief " you guys should go and  see the preparations, don't worry about Me, guests must start coming any moment don't tell anyone about me" jungkook says "but kook you're not fine, we can reschedule the wedding" somi adds "please I've already ruined your day enough, just act as if nothing happened, it won't take that long, there are doctors and nurses taking care of me" they kept on arguing but jungkook firmly denied at last they have to give up. The wedding was to be held in few hours so Mina send Aaron along with somi so she could start her preparations. She came out of room and went to wafiyah who was sitting on chair "how is he?" She asked "He's fine but wafiyah" mian told her about his persistent request of attending the wedding, she told her that she didn't want to leave him alone but jungkook wasn't listening to anyone "I'll stay with him for the time being" "it's just few hours, I'll be here don't worry about him. And apologize to somi on my behalf, she didn't deserve this. Tell her I'm really very sorry" "please wafiyah you didn't do it intentionally, it was an accident which could have happened to anyone " "I'll stay, you should go and make sure somi enjoys" Mina nods and engulfed her in her arms "take Selena with you, somi need someone on her side if not me, Selena should be with her" "are you sure?" Selena asks "yeah, and please make sure she's enjoying her day to the fullest". Wafiyah sat there for some time, gathering courage to face jungkook when she saw a nurse come out of his room she went in. He was lying with his eyes closed, she sat on the stool beside his bed. The guilt rushed through her veins seeing all the bandages, the incident repeated in her mind. She closed her eyes breathing in to get rid of that scene, the sound grabbed jungkook's attention "Wafiyah " she snapped her eyes open "did I disturb you?" "You can never" he stared at her still not believing he saw her, she was even more beautiful than he had imagine, so delicate and fragile just like a flower "I'm so sorry jungkook, i-im so sorry that you're hurt because of me" she mumbled "I'm not hurt because of you, now don't start blaming yourself for it please" "why did you save me, you've a family you can't just jump and take others blow, you must think of them before getting yourself in trouble" he smiled "if it was someone else I would've thought of my family but it was you then wafiyah and I couldn't think of anything else" she thought there weren't more tears left but she was wrong as her sight started to blur, she covered her face with her hands "I'm sorry wafiyah " she looks at him confused "I pushed you because I had no other choice, I'm so sorry for that " she couldn't belive her ears, was he even listening to himself, she was speechless "you could've d-died but you're apologizing for pushing me? Jungkook for God sake, stop it please I'm already so ashamed and guilty in front of you and your family" "nothing has happend to me, I'm completely fine. see I'm alive and well but I wouldn't be if that car hit you. So stop feeling ashamed for no reason, you saved my life think it that way" wafiyah was losing her brain cells, or was jungkook losing his mind she didn't know because this can't be normal, she was zoning out so jungkook called her name "huh?" "I said something" he says in a childlike manner "oh, sorry do you need anything?" She stood up "I said this accident was like a blessing to be honest" she knitted her eyebrows "I got to see you" her eyes widened "A-astaghfirullah" she was about to slap his arm but immediately stopped, she was flustered at the bluntness, looking around to avoid him "Ahh, my heart you nearly gave me a heart attack yesterday" "s-shut up" he chuckled "Really if I knew, I would've arranged one before" by now wafiyah was sure he wasn't mentally alright, his head must have hurt and it did damage to his thinking capacity "I'm sending proposal to your family as soon I get to Seoul, I'm not wasting further time" his eyes had glint of mischief as he continued "y-you're so s-shameless jungkook, don't talk you need rest, should I call doctor?" She inquired completely horrified by this man "only our marriage can save me now" she gasped "Ya Allah", he let out a pained moan "jungkook?" Once again worry washed over "I'm fine just felt a bit pain in my head" "should I call the nurse?" He shakes his head which was a wrong move "no" "you need rest jungkook please sleep now" "are you leaving?" He asked when she got up "I'll be there now get some rest" she points at the couch and walked over there. She couldn't sleep last night her head was aching, she leaned on the back rest and within no time she also dozed off.
Wafiyah woke up to the sound of her phone, she looks around as she couldn't recognize the place but as soon her eyes fell over jungkook she picked up the phone to not disturb his sleep "hello" she clears her throat "Tinker bell why are you sleeping at this hour" "didn't sleep last night that's why" what if mingyu asked about her whereabouts, should she tell the truth? Her mind started thinking about the possibilities and what if's "are you enjoying so far?" "Yeah its nice" "you don't sound good, are you okay?" "Yes completely fine, maybe my voice is groggy because of sleep" she prayed he wouldnt ask further "when are you coming back?" "InshaAllah I'll be in Seoul next morning" "okay that's cool" "do you want anything from here?" Mingyu thinks for a while "yeah there's this famous raspberry wine" "Astagfirullah mingyu, what the hell" mingyu on the other side laughs "just kidding, anything would do I don't have specific thing in my mind" "okay then, I'll follow my gut" "listen there's this brand" "what brand?" "Of cigarettes " he laughs again "Allah Allah" she says and hung up on him "stupid human". Wafiyah looked up to check if Jungkook is awake and to her surprise he was looking in her direction, a nurse came in to check his vitals and inject some painkillers followed by another nurse who had tray of food. Both of them left afterwards "can you eat or do you need assistance?" She asked opening the lids to reveal the food "I can't eat but that's fine I'll manage" "Then I'll do it" she moves the chair near and started feeding him with as much care as possible, his eyes continuously bore into her but she didn't pay any mind to it. It kept like that for few minutes until she couldn't take it anymore "what is it?" He raised his eyebrow "I didn't say anything?" She tuts "okay" she continued to feed him until he finished the food, she puts the tray aside and got busy in her phone "who is more important than me in the moment?" "What?" He repeats himself again "I'm texting Selena" "you should've went there if you're mentally there" "jungkook I'm just asking her about somi" "you should forget everything when I'm here" wafiyah looked at him and then burst into laughter, jungkook was offended but she just continued the room resonated with her laughs "you look like seung min I swear he's your ditto copy " she said wiping her tears "then call me the name you call him" he smirks whereas her smile wiped off her face "Astagfirullah jungkook" she shakes her head "why not, we're same anyway" "No you're not" "you haven't eaten anything wafiyah, you should get something to eat" he changed the topic swiftly " I'm good, Eonni will be here in some time so I'll eat and get back to hotel, I've to pack my stuff and then catch my flight " "how about you leave with me?" "Thank you for the kind offer Mr Jeon, but my classes are starting tomorrow" he tuts "come back to the office It feels so strange without you" "I will when I graduate" "may I ask you a question promise me you'll answer honestly" she nodded "do you plan on marrying before completing the degree or you want to wait" her eyes widened "please just answer" she was flustered "i don't know, I haven't thought about it really" "think about it now" "jungkook I-" "you still have more than a year to complete and that's too long of a time" "w-what kind of conversation is that?" She stuttered "I got my answer" He says with finality, closing his eyes, leaving her even more confused.
Mina and Selena came back as soon the event ended, they gave her briefing about how it went and assured her that somi enjoyed, Selena showed her the pictures and everyone looked the best they could. She saw somi's husband for the first time and they definitely looked perfect together "wafiyah you should go and get some rest, I'm here now okay" Mina says "we're leaving for Seoul in few hours Eonni" she didn't know if Mina already knew so it was better to remind her "oh are you leaving already " "my university is commencing from tomorrow" "we really had fun having you over these days, somi was so happy she wouldn't stop talking about you guys" wafiyah smiled "thank you because of you we got to enjoy our vacations and found a gem like her" "seung would be really sad, he kept asking about you all day" "my lovely baby, I'll definitely meet him when you come back" jungkook clears his throat, giving her a mischievous look. She understood that he was trying to hint at their previous conversation "kook do you want water ?" Mina asks "no,I'm good" he acts innocent and wafiyah wasn't aware of his this side before, he was such a devil with a face of angel "thank you once again eonni, and give my regards to your family too" she took her bag and hugged Mina goodbye and then came toward jungkook "I'm very ashamed jungkook, first you're in this position because of me and now I'm going as if nothing happened. I don't deserve the treatment you and your family have given me, you might think that I'm prioritizing university over you but that's not true, our university rules are really strict, I might end up losing this scholarship if I do even one mistake. I will never be able to look you in the eyes because of my decision now, please forgive me" jungkook was at loss of words "you dont have to explain yourself wafiyah, just because I saved you doesn't mean you owe me anything. I did that for me and I'll do that again and a million times more, you will still not owe any explanation to me got it?" She stared at him, the more she looked the more she fell in love with him, so leaned just a few inches and whispered so only he could hear "I don't mind getting married before graduation" she backed up and without sparing another glance left, jungkook bites his lip in order to stop the smile but failed miserably "oh God, this girl will be the death of me" He mumbled as he stares at the ceiling.
The first day hit them as a slap on their faces, killing their excitement when it was announced that their exam will be held within two weeks and as if it wasn't enough their department decided that their reports will carry half of the marks. It wasn't fair to them as they didn't get to enjoy their vacation, their class tried to protest but the professors were well aware of this situation and had already prepared for it, a student motivation can die down with a small threat so they used that as a weapon, international students were told they will lose scholarship if they tried to take part in any unwanted activity whereas Korean students would be charged a cost that would require them to take loan from banks to pay. Giving up on a fight that hadn't yet started was what happened, another disadvantage of studying in a prestigious university Wafiyah adds. She started preparing for her exam as soon it was announced, her sleeping hours reduced during the time period, eating patterns were also disturbed in short her life became a mess. For the first few days she would call Mina to ask about jungkook's recovery, where she got to know he was discharged the very next day she left but he stayed in Busan until his bandages were off because he didn't want his parents to see and make a fuss out of it especially his mother. She didn't directly talked to him because of what she had said to him, she couldn't even believe what she did, after that moment she was shy to talk to him. Whereas mingyu, the man was back to his old self, sitting in back seat, hoodie over his head, quiet and mysterious man staring at wafiyah every chance he got. They didn't had enough time to chat but would greet eachother almost everyday. The stress of exam was taking toll on them physically and mentally, she spent most of her time in library and would go to dorm only to sleep. Right now she was sitting in a corner, somewhere between the huge shelves of books "Tinker bell" she looked up amazed by this man's ability to trace her even in a place like this "I see you're impressed with me" He sits beside her leaning to the shelf "I'm amazed by your ability to not study even when exam is in two days" he sighs "I was but then I missed you so I thought I'd come to say hi" she nodded and went back to study "why did you stay longer in busan" he asked casually, she pauses for a moment the question caught her off guard "I met Mina eonni there" she told him everything how seung min saw her, then her stay at dong il's and somi's wedding. Mingyu listened attentively with a straight face "how was the wedding then did you enjoy?" She looked at him trying to find something on his face "why don't you say what you actually came here for" he nods "right, what was jungkook doing there. Why were you with him all the time wafiyah. Is he your mehram all of sudden that you can stay with him but couldn't when I wanted" he tried to keep his voice and expressions schooled but he felt angry and betrayed "mingyu he almost died because of me, how could I not be there then and the circumstances required me to stay with him, the accident happend on day of wedding, someone had to stay by his side so I did" she explained, "he isn't mehram, but Islam doesn't stop us from being humans mingyu, you wanted me to stay but he needed me" "is that it?" He says "what?" "Were you doing it as a duty as in out of humanity nothing else?" Her eyes widened momentarily before she regained her composure, she bit her lip nervously. Mingyu chuckles at her hesitancy, he wipes his hands over his face "mingyu i-i want to tell you something " his heart almost dropped, it must have stopped beating. He wasn't ready to hear what she wanted to tell him, not from her. He won't be able to take it, wafiyah was oblivious to his inner turmoil, she didn't see the fear flash in his eyes before she could open his mouth he beat her to it "Don't" he almost shouted "don't say it, I don't want to hear it wafiyah. Don't tell me just" he stood up hurriedly and left from there, wafiyah was once again speechless, guilty and scared. The book laid in her hands long forgotten, the concepts she learnt turned into dust leaving her blank mind.

Eyes Don't Lie जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें