chapter 5

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Coming to university after weekend was agonizingly heart wrenching especially the early morning class wafiyah sat on her seat with her head down almost dozing off. There was some time until the professor appears so she tried to take as much as she can from this opportunity. Students were filling in the class gradually looking just as lethargic, some were even worst maybe they spend their weekend partying. As soon the clock struck 8 the professor barged in and greeted the students  " good news pals" Miss Shin Hye excitedly utters "the conference will be held coming Friday, prepare well in teams. There will be many bright and outstanding companies with high values and prestige. This could be a long term beneficial for you all so don't let it go down the drain I wish you all best of luck " the class erupts with chatters "how should we prepare ourselves like in terms of looks or something?" One of students ask and the rest laugh "You don't have to prepare yourself for it you are all set for that but if firms are hiring you they'll test you knowledge and intellect. So study well Kids" she says and grabbed the marker scribbling the topic and begin the lecture. Wafiyah's mind was filled with one thing that she has to face interviews the thought of it almost dreaded her. She was lost in her thoughts when Yuna and Mingyu joined her on table " What's going on up there?" He asks and took sandwich from her plate "woah these are some good sandwiches" he praises and finish the whole thing. "Pumpkin?" Yuna calls to get her attention "I was thinking about the event and interview" "don't stress about that we are ready" mingyu leans back in his chair and says haughtily. "How about we prepare together for it would that be okay with you?" Yuna asks ignoring him. "Yeah that would be great " wafiyah agreed and decided to meet everyday in evening till Friday in library to prepare themselves. They started working hard and watched interviews and seek knowledge from their books about the course related problems. Yuna helped her develop confidence to speak without stuttering and conducted mock interviews which offered great improvement. Mingyu was non serious throughout the practice session he'd some time ask her to bring her hand made food because according to him he learns better with a full stomach. She wanted to show her gratitude to both of the group members so she would make them snacks. Yuna being a kind empathetic human always asked her to not do it but mingyu wouldn't listen to anything. That day she arrived early in the library it wasn't packed as as it was during rush hours. She was looking at the shelves filled with books of different size and authors. She didn't realize when someone came and grabbed her hijab, the sudden force jerked her back and she yelped but got ahold of her Hijab so it didn't expose her hair or face. The guy tried to snatch it away, she was helpless at the moment and made attempts to release from his grip "fuc*ing muslims leave or take it off" his voice was filled with venom and hatred her tears fell down her face "Ya Allah please protect me " she kept chanting. Within next second the guy was lying on floor grunting at the impact. the other guy landed his fist on his face "how dare you bastard" "p-please s-stop " she tries to stop him but he wouldn't budge so she held the hem of his jacket "please stop" she repeated with a last kick he let the man go. Wafiyah went to the corner and cried silently she couldn't look at anyone and covered her face. Mingyu crouched down in front of her, he was fuming with anger from insides but his expressions were soft as he took in her vulnerable state. "Hey, would you please look at me" his voice was soft and careful she kept crying shaking her head No. He wanted to reach out to her, comfort her but knew very well that she won't approve of it " say something talk to me " He insisted "Wafiyah for God sake please look at me" she muttered something which went unheard "I feel humiliated I- I feel so disgusted" he heard her this time "how am I going to face Allah, what will my family think of me " her hiccups were louder "It's such a shame I should've stayed in my home country " with each statement her cries increased "it was my wish to study here I- I prayed for it day and night. I asked Allah to pave my way he knew incidents like that will occur but I kept pushing my will and asserted on accepting my supplications" she then lifted her face and the sight was enough to make him go back and beat the remaining shit out of the guy "it is all my fault " the clothing that covered her face was drenched by now it was traumatizing experience and she was on suffering end. "I don't know much about your religion but one thing is for sure your God is not angry or disappointed by you, you are obedient and always fulfill your obligations he must be proud of you. He will never abandon you okay don't cry its hard to see you in this condition" he says "mingyu what the hell" they look up to see Yuna rushing toward her dropping her bag on the table and embraced her "Did you do anything I swear I'll kill you " she spits out "I didn't " "shut up" she didn't let him finish and held Wafiyah's face hin her hands "what happened?" So she told her the whole story of the hideous event. "I'll make sure he's punished for doing that to you" but she refuses "he already punished him" "but that wasn't enough he has to go through a little more" mingyu adds. "Let's get to work forget him " she gets up dusting her Abaya "No preps for today girls go to your dorms I've some important business " he leaves "Mingyu please forget it" but he was stubborn and she knew it. Hearing his name from her was so convincing and euphonious but the anger in him over powered his fluttering heart. He took his sweet revenge before taking the matter to legal authorities where he came to know that guy was a retarded dim witted and underachiever grad of bioscience and was suspended for his action not just that he also involved police and made sure he spends a good year or two behind bar it didn't satisfy him but decided to let him slide.

Eyes Don't Lie Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon