chapter 21

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A.n: posting early because I might face internet issue. Enjoy the long chapter full of fluff, share your reviews dear readers💜

Everything has been going smoothly so far, it was their last month of internship so the work load has been incessantly surfeiting. They had to conclude their reports and formulate new and improved theories and policies from the things they've learned in this time period. She spent most of her time in office with jihyun for assistance. She was supervising her and guiding her throughout her research working. Mingyu was too busy with his research and refrained from his possessiveness and clinging to her, but stayed by her side every time. Wafiyah kept distancing herself from jungkook, she hardly went to his office and even if she did, she would leave as soon her job was done not sparing him any chance to talk about things other than business. The weather was also getting pleasant it wasn't as hot nor was it too cold just perfect balance, it was another evening wafiyah was doing her research work on her thesis when she heard a thunder, her mouth curved into a smile "is it raining Eonni?" She inquired excitedly her eyes twinkled with exhilaration Jia nods "the forecast says the sky is overcast but it'll rain soon". Wafiyah was overjoyed at the news "Alhamdulliah can't wait to play in the rain with Selena " she raved. Jia shakes her head at her foolishness. She called Selena to inform her about their rain party "Selena where are you?" "I'm at dorm getting ready" she frowns "why?" "My friends are doing movie night so I'll be staying over there tonight " she pouts her enthusiasm has been killed now she has to spend this lovely weather alone "you called is everything alright?" Selena inquired "yes I just wanted to check up on you" Selena scoffs "wafiyah what is it?" She says sternly " nothing important enjoy and have fun" she tries to sound convincing "wafu tell me baby why did you actually call?" She sighs knowing that Selena won't let it go " it's going to rain soon and I thought we'd play together but don't worry we can do it some other time" Selena hums "I can pass, I just have to inform them " "No, No, no I told you we can do it later and the forecast says it'll rain for 2 days so we can do it tomorrow inshaAllah " wafiyah insisted "Okay then my sweetheart I'll miss you" Selena says "I won't" wafiyah sassed making her laugh and hung up getting her head back into work. It was over 7, Yuna asked her if she should wait for her but wafiyah politely refused and told her she need to stay a bit longer. She was about finish but needed jungkook's sign, as she went out of her room it was mostly dark in the office. Her heart thumped in the chest negative thoughts swirled in her mind, she scolded herself for not keeping check on time and continued to recite verses from Quran, then it clicked her what if Jungkook wasn't in the office and had left early "Ya Allah what have I done" she cries hoping for miracle to happen. She knocked and heard a 'come in' making her breath in relief and for the first time she was glad that jungkook was around. She peeked in before entering completely, he stood up as soon he saw her. His eyes worried and expressions morphed into frown "wafiyah what are you doing here at this hour?" He asked making her even more regretful than she already was "I-i was completing this report but didn't acknowledge the time I spent" he tuts "never spend a minute over the office time here, everyone's gone and what if I had already left" he reprimanded because it wasn't safe to stay out till late that too in a vacant building. She looked down in embarrassment "I'm so sorry I won't do that again" the thunder stroke again and the light reflected illuminating the dark sky outside "wafiyah the weather is also bad how are you suppose to go?" She looks at him "the weather seem good to me, I'll walk my way back" she says "you can't be serious rightnow?" He says disappointed at her lack of realization "I'm serious sir, I can't waste the fun of rainy day by going in taxi" she reasoned and extended the file "here sign it so I can leave, the rain might stop and I don't want that" he scoffed but took the file from her. He checked the file while she gazed outside, she was so excited and restless waiting impatiently for the moment she'd step out and the rain droplets will fall over her, the thought was making her giddy inside. Soon there was another lightning illuminating the building, she wanted to stand near the glass wall and watch the scenery from height but for that she had to ask jungkook for permission and she wouldn't do that. "It's just rain you are all hyped up for no reason" he says as he turn another page overlooking the details scribbled on it "if rain can't get you excited I don't know if you have a heart" he looks at her but doesn't comment "you're right I don't have my heart" she got busy in staring out again "I'll drop you" she shakes her head "I'm telling you not asking so stop shaking head" she glared at him "but rain" "rain isn't going anywhere" he cuts her mid sentence "I will take a cab don't bother yourself " she speaks "get your stuff hurry up" he ordered leaving no space for arguments. Dejectedly she turned to walk out of the room she pulled the door knob but it didn't move, she tried again but still it didn't open. Terrified she looked at jungkook who was going through the file "s-sir" he hums, wafiyah gulps and called him again "Sir" he hummed again signing the file "J-jungkook the d-door is locked" she blinked her tears because she was stuck in a room at this hour. He got up and tried to open the door "I think guard locked it without checking" he looked just as concerned "Ya Allah "  wafiyah covered her mouth with her hands "Hey don't worry I'll find a way out yeah" he assured her. He went toward the table to get his phone and call for help but it was switched off. He tried to turn it on, wafiyah looked expectedly at him "phone's battery is dead" he uttered. Wafiyah sat in the corner near door hiding her face as she cried silently hugging her knees "wafiyah I'm so sorry that you've to be stuck here" he apologized even if it wasn't his fault but he felt the need to ask for her forgiveness. We walked toward her keeping a good distance more than it's needed "wafiyah don't cry please " he said again but she didn't look up so he let her do whatever she felt right. It was silent, most of lights were turned off by the guard from main power supply, the light patter of rain and roar of thunder could be heard. An hour passed like that, with wafiyah hugging her knees and head down while jungkook sat on floor resting his back on the couch. She wiped her eyes after crying her heart out and looked at jungkook "It's all my fault, I should've left earlier you're also stuck because of me" she mumbled "it's no one's fault but please don't cry" she nodded "how will we get out of here?" She asked he shrugs "when the guard unlock the door from outside " her eyes widened "w-when will he come ?" He sighs tiredly "in the morning " she didn't say anything after that thinking he might be annoyed by her persistent questioning. He positioned himself so he was facing her "why are you quiet all of sudden?" He asked raising his eyebrow, the light strikes illuminating his face "it's nothing" wafiyah looked at the sky through glass wall which was almost translucent due to the water drops "I can read your mind you know" "don't scare me again" she says making him smile "I like it when you get scared, it's amusing " she glared at him "I can be scary too okay don't test me" she warns him so he raises his hand in mock surrender "I can't even play in the rain " she muttered sighing dejectedly "if you say, I can break this glass and allow the rain in for you to enjoy" he proped his one knee and spread the other "you can't keep your phone charged but talk about breaking windows, what a hero" wafiyah taunts rolling her eyes. "I didn't know we'll get locked otherwise I would've charged it" she heaves a long sigh "what is it?" Jungkook inquired "I haven't prayed my Isha prayer yet, I don't even have prayer mat with me" she covers her face with both hands "let me check " he got up and went toward his closet rummaging through it to find something she could offer prayer on "wafiyah come here" he called out "why?" She shouts back "don't you wanna pray" he asked, after giving it a thought she went to where he was "yes?" He stepped back pointing toward the closet "see if you find anything worth praying on" she nods and marched toward it. It was filled with many coats, shirts, ties and pants, she ponders for a while tapping at her chin then looked back at him "are these expensive?" She asked "they're nothing in front of you so don't worry about the prices " he says as if it was the most normal thing to say "can I take one of your coat, I think it will work" he nods "only one won't be enough use 2 or something " she shakes her head "No No I just need it for prostration " he hands her two of his brand new coats and asked her to use the restroom without hesitation. She thanked him and went to perform ablution while he sat on the couch "Sir can you do me one more favor " she reluctantly asked as soon she reappeared from restroom "depends on what you ask for" she tuts "you'll listen anyway so why are you acting like a tease" he chuckles shaking his head "then why do you even ask when you already know I'd comply" she squints her eyes "it's general decency for asking favor" "don't be too much decent, it gives me butterflies" he guffaw when wafiyah uttered "Astagfirullah" "can you please sit there " she pointed toward his chair making him frown but he got up nonetheless "may I know why?" She nods "I have to take my veil off so that's why, I'm sorry for troubling you but please cooperate with me for time being" she explained "okay go ahead I won't watch you while you pray" she puts her hand over heart "thank you so much I owe you" he smiles at her and turned his face away "I'd also appreciate if you don't look even when I'm not praying" she adds as she placed both coats vertically on floor so there was enough room to stand and prostate "I can't do that" he sings but she doesn't respond as she had started her Salah. The rain had also turned from light patter to downpour falling angrily on the glass, it was so peaceful jungkook was so thankful to the God for being stuck in this situation. She was avoiding him way too much God must have pitied him, he laughs at his own thoughts. He kept looking at the clock five minutes passed, then ten, he couldn't hear her voice not even the sound of movement, soon twenty minutes passed and he was getting alarmed but he promised her that he won't look at her while she prayed. He gulps nervously before calling her "Wafiyah?" She didn't reply "wafiyah " he called a bit louder but got nothing in response "wafiyah I swear if you didn't speak I'll break my promise" after a few seconds wafiyah respond "I can't talk in my prayer what is it?" He breathed a sigh of relief "are you done yet or not?" He asked "yeah I'm done and thank you for being considerate" he turned his chair facing her "No problem" she was still sitting on her position her back facing toward him. He stared at her as she raised her hands to supplicate "what is that you're doing ?" He inquired "I'm making Dua, thanking him for everything he has blessed me with, asking for his forgiveness for disobeying and being ungrateful, making prayer for my loved ones and the things I want" he thinks for a moment before carefully asking "am I in your prayers, do I fall among the list of your loved ones?" Her heartbeat rise again at his innocent question, but she don't know how to answer "I pray for everyone " she simply states and got up dusting the coat and hung them on stand. She went to sit near the window looking out because what else was she supposed to do. Jungkook stood up and brought the coat back to her extending his hand "don't sit on floor, use it" she looked up at him, her eyes wide and big shinning bright as she stared at him. He could look into them without getting tired, the way she blinked them. He was fascinated and lost in those brilliant brown orbs "I don't want to ruin it, they must cost more than my both kidneys" she joked but he didn't laugh "take it " she sighs giving up at fighting him and spread the coat sitting on it. Jungkook sat with her but at distance looking at her "what did you ask for me from your God?" She touched the glass feeling the cold surface beneath her palm "is there anything special you want I can ask for that on your behalf " he thinks back to what her sister told him she was avoiding answering his questions directly "yes there's something special" then there was another bolt of lightning, it was the most fierce they had heard that night making her cover her ears "Allah" she yelped but he didn't flinch looking at her with eyes full of love and adoration "do you go to church " she asked looking at him expectedly "No" she frowns at his response "how do you connect to your creator" she hugs her knees close "I don't really believe in this stuff" she nods understandingly "oh okay". It gets quiet after that both stare outside for long time in silence listening to the sound of rain and thunder "I used to go to church with my mom when I was young, we would visit every weekend but all they used to do was flaunt their wealth. It was more like a competition of who wear the most expensive brands. I never felt any spirituality so as I grew up I gave up on going there busied myself, worked hard and earned everything " she listened attentively "why don't you start looking for yourself, see where your heart takes you where your soul finds home" wafiyah suggests, he leans his head back "I don't know, I've never thought about it" he closes his eyes " then what do you think about all time?" His  lips tugged upward "you" she uttered an "Astagfirullah " in disbelief "I'm serious sir, give it a try" he opened his eyes to look at her "what will I get for listening to you" he asked mischievously "you will see but please just try it, think about it"  she insisted "will it make you happy?" He inquired "happy? I'll be the happiest person alive" she spurred without thinking "anything for you then" she clasped her hands excitement evident through her eyes "MashaAllah, I wish you all the best. May Allah guide you and me to the right path" he chuckles at her enthusiasm "you and me sound so good together " she clears her throat and check the time on clock "it's late aren't you sleepy?" She asks "why would I waste the night by sleeping " wafiyah glares at him "you don't have a mouth filter do you" he shakes his head No making her tut at his bluntness. Wafiyah side leaned on window closing her eyes, hugging her knees "wafiyah?" She hummed "will you ever accept my feelings?" She doesn't respond "I know you're awake, will I ever get lucky enough to be loved back by you" he continued "I want to cherish you the right way, the way you imagined to be treated, the way you deserve. You've no idea how lost and hurt I feel when you avoid me, I'm not a suicidal person but I wish to end myself to get rid of my misery" she opened her eyes as soon he uttered the last sentence "say that one more time and watch me slap your face, don't talk to me, don't say that ever again you hear me"  she warned and closed her eyes again but this time a tear dropped down her cheek and disappeared behind her veil "You love me don't you wafiyah, you have feelings for me just like how I have feelings for you" more tears poured out of her eyes "answer me" his voice boomed through the silent room "do you love me yes or no?" He asked again exasperated "Yes now shut up " she yelled back hiding her face as she put her head over her knees. Jungkook lost his ability to speak, he was at loss of words. His heart pounded in his chest making it hard for him to breathe normally, his mind was processing the information slowly and gradually. He bites his lips to hold his smile back, wafiyah fell asleep but he couldn't. His mind was having hard time processing the fact that the girl he loved also loves him back, he was on cloud nine. He didn't even blink once as he stared at her, the rain kept cascading lightly hours passed but he didn't budge at all. He didn't realize the time passed until she stirred in her sleep rubbing her eyes to look at the time on clock, she squinted to focus her blurry gaze "it's 3 in the morning " she jumped hearing his voice "Allah Allah " that woke her up completely. She got up "where are you going?" He asked "to perform ablution " she points toward restroom. He wipes his hands over his face, mouth curved into smile when he remembered her words. She came out and spread the coat again to pray but looked at him "hm?" She felt shy now that she told him about her feelings "could you go there I've to pray" he frowns "at this hour?" She nods so he got up without further objection "keep making some sound so I know you're fine" he says "what's that supposed to mean" she asked confused "like anything but don't scare me like you did when praying before" "I can't shout now " she sates as a matter of fact so he took his wrist watch off and gave her "put this on, it'll make sound with the movement" she look at him on disbelief "Allah jungkook you're unnecessarily concerned about nothing " but he still hands it to her so she wore it before continuing her tahajjud. The watch would slide on her wrist whenever she bowed or went down for prostration "wafiyah?" He called out when he didn't hear any sound, she hummed "why can't I watch you pray?" "For the same reason you can't see my face or body, to preserve women's modesty and chastity" he ponders " I wanna know more" he heard the watch slide on her wrist "come here" he hurriedly made his way toward her sitting in front of her "isn't it bothersome to get-up at this late hour just to pray, there must be days when you're tired and doesn't feel like leaving bed" she smiles "this hour prayer is called tahajjud, and it's not obligatory prayer Quite a few people pray it actually you know. Muslims must pray the Five obligatory prayers they have their specific start and ending time, those who don't pray them aren't considered believers in Islam. It's the first and foremost obligation and has a lot of significance. Then there are prayers which aren't compulsory to be prayed by everyone, it is said that Allah only invite special group of people to stand in front of him at this hour. When everybody else is asleep, it's just you and your Lord taking to eachother sharing your secrets and feeling with him. I only share my problems with him at this time it's so peaceful jungkook" he explained thoroughly and he listened carefully "so you're special to him " she gets shy at that "we all are special to him he made us with his own hands, spend time on us, how can we not be special to him" he nodded "he took his sweet time in making you" she looked down abashed "A-astaghfirullah" he chuckled his shoulder shaking "if a non Muslim man fall in love with a Muslim woman, how is he supposed to make her his?" Her heartbeat increased at the question she bites her lip "come on its a general question " he urged "a Muslim woman can only marry a believer or Muslim, i-if he isn't one they can't be t-together no matter how much they l-love eachother" she whispered the last word "there must be a way?" He persists "only if he become a Muslim believe in Allah and the finality of prophet Muhammad(pbuh), his books, angels, on day of judgment. That's the only way they can unite" it gets quiet she kept looking her head down gazing at the watch in her hand "go back, I've to pray it's Fajr time and this is one of five obligatory prayers" he sighs tiredly "I don't want to" wafiyah was about to take his watch off "don't take it off" she looks at him "I can't keep it forever jungkook" "I know just for time being let it be" he insisted "I've already ruined your coat what if it falls off and broke" wafiyah reasons but he got up dusting his pants and went back to his chair. She offered her Fajr prayer with his watch and over his coat while he sat there. That night only added to her already messed up emotions, their love for eachother increased more with each second they spent together and it concerned wafiyah that it consequences won't be very well. Now he knows about her feelings too which isn't good, a lot of thoughts swirled in her mind. Will jungkook follow her faith, will he be able to fight for their love she didn't know and also didn't want to think about. She hoped this last month would pass by soon, so they will forget about their feelings and move on with their lives. She raised her hands to make supplication asking for guidance and help. Wafiyah got up dusting the coat "I'll dry clean and return them back to you" he turned the chair "don't you dare to wash them" he grabbed the coats from her hand and brought them back to their place in closet " but they need to be washed, at least the one I put my feet on" she fights back "it's none of your business" she furrowed her eyebrows "Okay fine" she spits and sat on couch, the darkness was gradually subdued as morning came, the clouds still heavy on sky "will you give me a day off today?" She asked "why?" He counters back casually making her stare at him in disbelief "I can't give you off, you're too busy nowadays aren't you" her eyes widened "please Sir I'm very tired I didn't sleep well, my whole body aches and I didn't even had dinner I need a day or 2 off" wafiyah was pleading her voice breaking as she tells him making him smile at her fondly "on one condition" she looks at him as to know his condition "say that you love me " she gasped "A-astaghfirullah no I won't, s-shut up you shameless h-human" she blushed profusely looking everywhere but him. Soon the clock struck 6 and they heard a click sound to jungkook dismay the guard unlocked the door but she was rejoiced thanking God "I'm going and bye bye I am taking off today, you didn't sleep at all you must take a good nap too okay. Eat some good breakfast and then take medicine too because your body must be hurting too and then sleep don't come back today take a day off " she rants and walk out of room but came back in "I forgot to give your watch, inshaAllah good times will come soon don't be sad " she puts the watch on table and left not before taking her phone and bag.

Eyes Don't Lie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora