chapter 13

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Mondays were never pleasant but this one specifically was horrendous as she was going to present in front of group of people the thought making her heart pound faster and irregular. She was siting in the room along with Jia who had taken her responsibilities back to which she was grateful. She kept tapping her pen on table shaking her leg anxiously "wafiyah calm down dear" she chuckles "I'm not ready, I wish I faint or something so I don't have to do the presentation" she fakes an exaggerated cry making Jia laugh even more "it's nothing, your mind is playing with you don't let it get the best of you all you need to do is share your opinions with others and boom you're done" she looks pleadingly at her "how do I calm down Eonni" Jia thinks for a moment "what helps you to loose a little bit?" Now she has to add one more thing to overthink about what eases her mind "sleep maybe" Jia shakes her head "come on stand up" she does "go and have a cup coffee" she sits back "No, I think I should pray it will definitely calm me" she closed the door and took her veil off and went to perform ablution in the attached restroom, she spread prayer mat and stand on it she was about to enter in her prayer when she paused and glanced at Jia who was already looking at her "you don't mind me praying here right?" Jia shakes her head No "I love you eonni" and starts praying bringing smile on her face. The meeting was scheduled at 11 so she went to conference room before others and made supplications and invocations for herself gradually they started joining mingyu and Yuna we're there too with their department managers which was maybe a help from God to lessen her anxiety. Yuna showed a thumbs up and blow kiss at her whereas mingyu avoided looking at her. They were waiting for jungkook in meantime she walked to jihyun "Eonni look what have you done everyone has high expectations and I'm scared of letting you all down" " you're good beyond their expectations their minds can't fathom your capabilities, I know you can do it, have faith in yourself my child" she nods confidently she got this it's nothing Allah will guide her and make it easy because she has worked hard it won't go in vain, the door opens and the main event enters. She turn the projector on breathing in before starting in the name of Allah.                               "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم" with that she presented the slides after slide comparing the theories and statistics from annual reports with what she deduced and how differently they affected the outcomes. She also highlighted the best decisions made in past and their significance in the success of this company. While presenting she didn't let anyone's expressions or looks intimidate her focusing completely on her job. She also suggested a few policy changes to enhance the performance of different departments and efficient use of resources. After a good 20 minutes non stop talking and demonstration her presentation ends. She waits for their output and response her gaze moving from one person to next some were deep in thoughts, some scribbled on their notepads while others just stared at her suddenly jihyun started to clap and the rest of them joined her startling wafiyah making her smile wide that her eyes almost disappeared "well done wafiyah that's was exceptionally good display of brilliant hypothesis and postulates" one of the departments manager appreciated "thank you Sir" she puts her hand over heart which was beating fast. " I told you before you started presentation didn't I, keep up the hard work. In future When you're done with your degree and I might open my own firm I'd steel you from here" jihyun winks at her but instantly shut up when Jungkook glare at her. The other members also appreciated her effort and then they all scattered and went back to their respective places. Like that with each other day she learned new things and did her research working hard to get as much benefit from this internship as possible. Her visits to jungkook's office declined to a large extent as jia was back to her position and doing like usual. Jungkook wasn't liking any of it, he would be gloomy and angry most of the time wishing Jia would do make some mistake so he can fire her, that was selfish and very petty of him but he just couldn't think of another way of keeping her near without making it obvious. It's been 3 days since he saw her that too with everyone in room during presentation after that she disappeared, did her friend asked her to avoid him ? His thoughts were all over making him even soury. He was lost in thoughts when knock interrupted he tuts but grants permission nonetheless "Sir when should I schedule the press conference, you're available in the next week there aren't any other plans or meetings" Jia asks putting his coffee on table He sighs tiredly "are you alright sir?" She asks worriedly "I'm fine arrange the conference on Friday" "but sir Mrs jeon specifically asked me to not keep you busy this Friday " he glowered at her, she was scared but choosing between Mrs jeon and her son order was the worst situation. "Who do you work for, who pays you?" She bites her lips nervously "you Mr Jeon" "Then do as I say" he growls, she nods quickly and leave the room without wasting a second in hurry she bumped into wafiyah right outside the office who had hot cup of coffee and spilled over her hand "oh my I'm so sorry wafiyah" she looked terrorized, her eyes tearing up she hold Wafiyah's burned hand with her own shaky ones "Hey it's alright I'm okay it didn't burn that bad" she tries to soothe her "No no it was hot I'm so stupid" wafiyah held her from both arms "no look at me please, did anyone hurt you?" She hugs Jia as she cries taking her to their shared office "first Mrs jeon called and gave me an earful then her son let his anger out on me I'm just doing my job their personal matters are making it difficult for me to work in peace" she frowns jungkook was kind how can he do this to her "that's very bad please don't cry inshaAllah you'll find a way" Jia looks at her deep in the eyes, she was confused but didn't say anything as she was already upset " you're the way" Jia grabs her face with both hand "you're going to ask him to attend the family gathering on Friday and doesn't get himself busy in any other activity" her eyes widened "why would he listen to me?" She stuttered out "please help your eonni save me from Mrs jeon she not very kind lady" "what if he scolds me ?" She asks meekly "Mrs jeon might kill me if I don't convince him" she nods unsurely and looks at the ceiling "Ya Allah please help me and save me from his anger" she prays before knocking the door and heard a rather angry 'come in', he was in really bad mood she thinks but peeks in slowly before going into the lion's den. Jungkook didn't realize it was her until she spoke " sir" making his head snap up, it scared her more than she already was what if he throws her out she thinks and quickly recite 'Astagfirullah' "do you have a minute?" He nods asking her to sit. She sits straight her throat felt dry and as usual he passed her the glass of water, he was nice then why would he scold her she asks herself "what's bothering you?" His voice soft and careful "Sir I Need a favor from you " "go ahead" "but you've to promise something first " he bites his cheeks to stop himself from smiling "it depends what you want can't make promises" "please Sir I won't ask anything that you can't give" he leans forth looking at her gently "you can even ask that too" again he said something making her heart skip a beat "don't get angry at me if you don't wanna agree that's fine just deny but don't be angry" he was bemused why was she hesitating he couldn't help but wonder "just say it already" she recites invocations in heart then look at him with determination "Sir please make your presence available in seung's birthday party, don't be mad please but just attend the event even it's for an hour but be there, it won't hurt you and seung will be happy so will be your mother and your family I know I'm talking alot but don't be mad please it's a request" she speaks in one breath and look down closing her eyes to prepare herself for the disaster. The silence was loud she could hear the time ticking, heart thumping even computer fan and processor whirring. Her eyes fell on her left hand and she remembered the hot tea spilled on it making a huge red scar the burning sensation was there but she was too concerned about the situation than feeling it. It's been quiet for some time why wasn't he saying anything she thinks to herself looking down at her lap. She raises her head to look at him but what she didn't expect was him standing in front of her "Ya Allah" she yelped putting her hand over heart "oh my, you scared me " she pats on her chest to calm down "what happend to your hand" he asks instead looking at the ugly red bruise "I accidently spilled coffee over my hand" she avoid mentioning Jia it wasn't her fault anyways. He went to his closet and took the aid box out of it. He sits on the other seat in front of her and took out a bandage "can I put this dressing over bruise?" "It's okay sir you don't have to" "I won't touch you, I'll be extra careful" she contemplates should she let him or not, if it isn't bandaged it might leave scar "please let me" she extends her shaky hand, he tore the wrapping, took out the bandage and wrapped it around her hand making sure to not touch her accidentally, she was afraid he might hear her heartbeat wishing he would get it done soon It would be so embarrassing she might die of it. The tapes the dressing to secure it and as soon as he did that she pulled her hand back "thank you so much for you kindness sir" he straightened up leaning back in the seat, she remembered her purpose of coming here "Sir you didn't say anything" raising his eyebrow he asks "what do you want me to say?" "Say okay wafiyah don't worry I'll definitely go there and even buy seung a nice gift and maybe take a bouquet for my mother" he looks at her amused rubbing his finger over his lips he wants to tell her that she must stop being endearing otherwise he might not hold back. "Okay wafiyah don't worry I'll definitely go there and even buy seung a nice gift and maybe take a bouquet for my mother" he repeats her exact same words making her clap hand but halts as her bruise burned. "That's it ?" She asks confirming if he mean what he said "that's it" he confirmed. She stood up thanking him once more before walking to door to tell Jia about the good news "Miss wafiyah" she turns to look at him "keep the count of times you owe me cause I won't forget" she nods With determination and leave the office "God calm my heart or increase me in patience" he says.
Another day passes like that, his desire turning into desperation but it's too early he reminds himself. Mingyu was more quiet these days as if he's in another zone always lost in thoughts, his usual cheerful self was nowhere to be seen he was turning more and more reserved and silent. Wafiyah tried asking him but he wouldn't budge she even apologized genuinely for not reaching out to him on weekend and told him everything from meeting seung min to their visit to itaewon but still he kept looking with no emotion or reaction his silence was concerning her yet he refused to tell her the reason for his silent treatment. They still had their lunch together in office and like usual she would share with him as he liked her hand-made food "Mingyu " he hums as he devours fried rice that she made "for God sake tell me what's wrong is your family alright are you fine?" "All good " she pulls the plate from him "you're giving me a headache now tell me or else I will never talk to you again" she says warningly and he knew she was serious he didn't want her to stop persuading him or worst don't talk at all. He brings the plate closer to him "I'm just, I don't know what's wrong with me" He sighs  she looks at him worried offering her share of food to make his mood better and it works he smiles softly just a tilt of corner "you are the reason I know that for sure" scrunching her eyebrows "why what have I done to be the reason for your bad mood" "you doesn't give me attention these days that's why" "you're a grown man not little baby who want to be center of attention all the time" he shakes his head "I'm a big baby, treat me better" she gives up and nods "sure sure and don't get upset over petty things" he pauses his hand mid air "you're attention isn't petty thing for me, anything related to you isn't trivial to me" she gapes at him shocked at the outburst "mingyu what are your intentions?" She asks and he could hear the hiden fear "I just hate being avoided that's it nothing else" "say wallahi" "What's that?" "By Allah is like vow, an oath and promise and a confirmation that you're not lying and mean every word you said" "now say it" he gulps nervously he can't lie to her that too with name of her God "what was that again?" "Say wallahi" he was about to say when his phone rang "shit it's Mr park I've to go to factory with him" he gets up and ran toward elevator closing the doors hurriedly. He didn't recieve any call from Mr park he used the ring tone from his phone to escape the situation "that was close" he  breathed out.
Wafiyah was sitting on the window sill looking at the sky full of bright stars, the light breeze blew over her face leaving a pleasant affect suddenly memory of jungkook putting bandage over her hand flashed in her mind, her eyes widened at her own thoughts She bit on her lip almost oozing blood from it, gradually the next memory of him flashed when they were in elevator making her heart pound "Ya Allah what am I thinking" she looks at Selena who was scrolling through her phone "Ya Allah please forgive me, how can I think of some man that's not a mehram to me, I might be losing my mind maybe I spend most of my day there that's why he's all over my mind and thoughts please forgive me Allah Astagfirullah ya Rab" she gets off from window and perform ablution to perform Salat-at-tauba( prayer of repentance) to get rid of such thoughts, she spends her time in prostration talking to Allah telling him about her situation and asking forgiveness. When she was done praying, she recites some chapters from Quran and then laid on her bed to call It a day "what's up with you?" "Nothing why do you ask " Selena laid next to her "you did extra prayer is everything fine?" Wafiyah looked at her "I thought you were busy in phone" "you're always my top priority wafu, I'm always looking out for you whether I'm watching or busy in something else" wafiyah pats her thigh  "everything's fine I wanted to talk to Allah" Selena hums hugging her arm from the side "you can share with me too maybe I can also be of any help" wafiyah smiles "of course" both talk a bit before falling asleep forgetting and leaving behind all their worries or random thoughts. Jungkook met his friend jimin and hoseok again to distract himself because nights aren't very peaceful for him, it make him yearn more and more for her but he can't do anything so keeping himself busy is only way it doesn't hurt, chugging down glass of beer one after another but it only worsened his misery "kook are you on streak or what, it's your 4th calm down boy or use another way to loosen up" hoseok says "yeah he's right there are many pretty girls waiting for your in a cue" he makes a disgusted face at them "I'm not interested in cheap w*ores" his voice gruff from all the alcohol hoseok laughs heartily "maybe we should find a prude girl for our jungkookie" jimin joins him bursting oblivious to his inner turmoil maybe hanging out with them wasn't a great idea today so he gets up to leave "see you guys bye" "hey you're leaving already?" Hoseok shout over his shoulder but jungkook just wave and walk out of the bar, booking a cab and went to his home to get some sleep maybe it's the only solution for him now also he has to face a tormenting few hours with his family for which he must be in all his senses to deal with them if it weren't for his promise with her, again it's her. He sighs and doesn't fight the heaviness of his eyelids to easing his mind and heart.

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