chapter 37

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Mingyu was in his apartment, the door bell rang he checked the time frowning who could it be at this hour. He opened the door a lady in her late 40s or maybe early 50s stood there, she looked quite well off by her attire "how may I help you?" He asks thinking she might be on wrong address "Kim mingyu?" "That's me" the woman walks in confusion fill him as to who she was "excuse me lady, you can't just walk in someone's house, you're old enough for me to not teach you basic etiquette " she didn't look happy at his response "I'm rhujin, jeon rhujin" his eyebrow shot up hiding behind his bangs "I see where jungkook has got the ability to walk in out of no where and mark someone else's things their" "seems like you don't have very good views about my son" "why are you here?" Mingyu asked still unable to fathom her purpose of visiting him at this hour "I know you love that Muslim girl" he grits his teeth "I will not stand any form of disrespect toward so you better watch your words Mrs jeon" she tried to keep her expressions schooled, mingyu was way too difficult than she thought "she has a name and I don't know you enough to share my love life with you so please leave " "hear me out before deciding anything young boy, it's in your better interest " he holds his arms over his chest "thank you so much for thinking about my interests I'm deeply grateful" "you can still have her, she can be yours if you cooperate with me " "what do you mean" "I don't want jungkook to marry her, if you help me we both will get what we want" he licks his dried lips, the hesitation in him make her smile in victory.

      ~~~~~~~~flashback end~~~~~~~~~

They were in Cafe, mingyu asked her to find table for them and went to recieve his order after 5 minutes he returned with a tray "I can't finish this mingyu, what were you thinking" wafiyah looks at the bowl filled with different flavors of scoops "yes you can its a treat from me" she looked at him as he sipped on his drink "I'm serious don't give me that look" "mingyu why are you being so casual" "did you expect me to cry over you, smoke cigarettes after cigarettes, devour bottles of alcohol?" Wafiyah started eating cotton candy ice cream first "i-i didn't mean that" "we can't fight our fate, it's better to accept it and I would rather stay in your life even As a friend rather than lose you in hands of emotions" wafiyah smiled, her eyes shone bright she was genuinely happy at his decision "and the other day you said I'm your priority right?" She nodded the spoon in her hand imbalanced causing the ice cream to fall on her hijab "ya Allah I'm so silly" she tuts taking tissue "clean it in the restroom otherwise it'll  leave a stain" she got up and went to clean her hijab. Wafiyah had left her phone on the table, he saw that jungkook sent some texts through notification but ignored until it rang, he attended the call without hesitation "is my wife that busy to respond to my texts?" Mingyu rolled his eyes "first she isnt your wife just a fiancé secondly yes she is busy having ice cream with me thirdly she's in the restroom either talk to me in meantime or hang up" it gets silent on the other side mingyu thought he was hanging up "what are you doing with her" jungkook asked annoyed "since when did you have hearing problem, I just said we're eating ice cream" jungkook grits his teeth, he hated his guts "here she is, wafiyah I'm so sorry to say but your fiancé is deaf as a post" he extends the phone toward her "asalamualikum" she says "I'll see you at 5" Jungkook said and hung up angrily "mingyu did you say something?" He shrugs "no he must be having a bad day overall" they talk for a bit finishing their food and then went back to their dorms, mingyu like a gentleman he is walked her to the dormitory before going his way.
Jungkook send her a text that he was waiting outside her dorm, wafiyah came out smiling as soon she spotted him but he didn't reciprocate it and opened the passenger seat door for her to get in. She wanted to tell him that, she should sit in the back but he looked angry so she just stayed quiet, why was everyone acting different today she thought to herself. The drive was silent, she would exchange glances between him and looking outside "where are you taking me jungkook" she tried to break the silence, he didn't bother to answer "what's wrong, did I do something?" Jungkook glared at her but immediately looked away because of how innocent she was looking, big brown scared eyes  watching him expectedly "why were you with him wafiyah, and above all eating ice creams that too when you should be taking lectures. Would you like to tell me why even after knowing his intentions about you. I dont like it wafiyah" "jungkook mingyu has always done things for me that I love weather It's as basic as eating ice cream or buying my favorite books, once he know that I like something he makes it his habit to spoil me with it. Today he like usual took me to Cafe nothing what he hasn't done before " she explained, now he had stopped the car near han river "I don't like it, you're now in a relationship and I don't want you to go out with him or even better don't talk to him at all" he positioned himself so his body was facing her "I can tell him we can't hangout yes but I will not just cut him off jungkook that's not possible" he frowns "why not" "you have no idea what he has done for me, I owe him so much. I'm not selfish jungkook I respect your opinion and I will avoid going anywhere with him alone but we are in same class. If he still wants to keep his attitude normal after everything happend then I'm not going to ruin it" jungkook gets quiet for a moment Wafiyah taking mingyu side wasn't sitting well with him "please clear your mind and heart from any doubts concerning him, he was, is and will always be like a brother and a friend to me. You on the other side" she looks down shyly, she feel more shy in front of him now even for saying simple things and jungkook loved it " and what about me" He teased the tension from before long gone. She regrets saying that now he had opportunity to tease her "n-nothing" "you said so nice things about him but not one about me, I'm really disappointed and upset" she snapped her head toward him, he was shaking his head sighing but she didn't knew he was joking "i-im so sorry jungkook y-you're you mean alot to me, I have so much nice things to say about you, i-im just s-shy and can't openly c-confess" she thought she he was really disappointed in her a thing which she always feared about. Jungkook was taken aback by her reaction "I was just teasing I'm not disappointed or upset with you oh my God, please slap me" her eyes widened "w-what?" "Slap me for making you feel that way, and next time don't think twice before teaching me a good lesson for ever scaring or intimidating you" she instinctively pulled her hands closer "I'm so sorry love" "it's okay I thought you're really mad but if you're fine than I'm fine too" she smiled to reassure him but he still felt guilty "tell me everything you like you're mine to spoil, mine to protect and only mine to love" he presses each word to convey his feelings, her eyes twinkled as she said "should I tell you what I would like right now?" There was glint of mischief in them, jungkook bites his inner cheek, nodding his head "I'd like of you drop me back to dorm" wafiyah smiles innocently "you can't be serious " he chuckles shaking his head "you're so cruel to me but it's okay I'll get back at you just wait and watch" he starts the engine "we will see about that" she challenged back.
Everything has been going smoothly her last year had started, her bond with mingyu was as strong as before which gave rise to some arguments with jungkook but she would reassure him each time that he was harmless. Their arguments weren't as serious as mingyu would like but he was not stepping back to his warnings. They had come face to face a few times and every time mingyu would get under his skin. Jungkook had asked Abdul Rehman to fix the date who laughed at his impatience "jungkook there's still time for that" he would say "exactly hyung a date will just be a reminder for you and me to estimate the time needed for preparations" jungkook would reason "okay let me discuss the matter with family and let's see what happens" "I don't have any problem with any date you decide although I would much prefer as earlier as possible but of course you've the authority to finalize". Wafiyah studies weren't affected by this new phase of her life, she kept her meet ups and calls in control. She even suggested that they don't meet before nikah but jungkook wasn't having it "jungkook it will lead to more barakah in our life, and it won't take that long for my degree to complete" she tried to convince him "Wafiyah we've talked about this, I can't not meet you or even worse talk to you. It requires a courage that I don't possess" "jungkook please try to understand " "you need to understand me, how am I supposed to live for God sake" he would persist "you can live just fine with eating, drinking breathing and sleeping don't be dramatic" "easy said than done, put yourself in my shoes and then tell me" she looked at him "take your shoes off" like always he would be left speechless by her retorts. The boy felt so helpless in situation like these, some time he ponder if wafiyah was so oblivious or was she doing it deliberately.
It was his first anniversary, a whole year passed since he saw her for the first time in that restaurant. Jungkook wanted to take her on dinner to the exact restaurant, it took him some hardwork to get her to agree to it as her exams were around the corner. Wafiyah was stressing alot over her studies these days as it was getting tougher above all her thesis was taking a toll on her. The professor would point out mistakes each time, she couldn't understand why was he behaving like that. Miss Shin liked her thesis and it was a good one but that one particular professor was bugging her way too much. She hadn't told about this to anyone even when Selena pointed out about her eyebags and weight-loss "wafu are you okay, what's wrong you can tell me you know right" she touched her forehead to check the temperature "I'm fine just tired" "is everything okay with jungkook?" She inquired lying beside her, wafiyah shifted to make some space for her "yes Alhamdulliah all good" "why do you have eyebags, you're losing weight too what's bothering you?" She had a frown on her face worry evident in her eyes "it's nothing promise, the work load is increasing as it's final year otherwise I'm perfectly fine" "my baby, don't stress too much wafiyah you're a good student already. You're health is important and jungkook will sue the university if anything happend to you" she chuckled tiredly "you guys are going on dinner tomorrow right?" "He won't take a no for an answer" "the boy's in love be kind  to him" Selena jokes, she smile sleepily remembering how he always calls her cruel and talk about taking revenge "I love him so much Sela, he's so perfect in many ways. No one has ever done the things he did for me nor has anyone made me feel so special the way he did. I'm so happy that Allah has chosen him for me, I will never be able to thank Allah enough. He's everything to me" "you should tell him that tomorrow " wafiyah shifted "I won't " "if he calls you cruel he isn't wrong for that" she laughs turning to the other side, letting his thoughts lull her to sleep.
Jungkook was waiting for Wafiyah as per her request, she would come by herself. He was getting impatient, checking time after every minute. He was busy looking around that he missed when she entered and stood behind him "do you mind if I sit here" jungkook snapped his head toward her, standing up looking at her as if in some trance, he took in her Abaya which was the same he saw her on that day. She waves her hand "asalamualikum, how are you jungkook shi" she asked "You are just as breathtaking sight as you were back then" "Astagfirullah" she fidget on her spot nervously. Jungkook pulls a chair for her and bowed slightly like a prince "please madame" she laughs at his sweet gesture "thank you señor" "I didn't thought you knew french" he sits on his seat "i just know that much" he nodded as waiter approached them asking for orders "so my lady, how do you feel that one year passed since we first met" "I feel blessed, I feel as if I found my light as if-" jungkook tuts "I'm serious wafiyah " "first time I saw you was in university on seminar remember, so you must know that I felt anxious as soon I saw you, I was intimidated by how serious and poker faced you were. Then on first day at work you scolded me and mingyu like really it wasn't very nice but later when you were not as mean, and more kind then my perspective changed" jungkook ignored the mention of mingyu's "when did your views about me changed" wafiyah makes a thinking face "you gave me alot of reasons" he smiled "you didn't give me a reason to love you, you just sat over there" he points at the table where Yuna and her friends met her "and here I am now" wafiyah looks at him with gratitude "I wasn't joking when I said that I feel blessed jungkook" "I'm more blessed" the waiter brought their food, they talked about basic things shared their stories with each other. Jungkook then ordered ice cream and brownies for dessert knowing she love them "I talked to hyung the other day" she looked at him "about finalizing the date" "Allah jungkook he will think you're desperate to get married" he shrugs "he isn't thinking wrong though " "I don't understand why men are obsessed with getting married like what's all hype about " wafiyah voiced her opinion that always came in her mind. Jungkook looks at her without a word "stop staring, see you also doesn't have a valid reason" she shakes her head dejectedly and continued to eat the dessert "we have a reason" he says after a long pause. Wafiyah eyes looked so innocent as she blinked them "I'm sure the reason will be just as lame" he raised his eyebrow "you're judging without any knowledge" she chuckled "my judgment is never wrong though" "change the topic" he announced "of course as you wish" "hyung said he'll discuss it with family and then let me know but he hasn't called yet" "in our family discussions like that take 2 to 3 months in order to come to a conclusion" his eyes widened "what do you mean, why would it take that long " "because jungkook my brother will ask all elders to see that our date doesn't clash with any of their important events and let me tell you my family is quite huge" jungkook looked as if his meeting didn't go well, she finished her brownie "jazakallah for the delicious food jungkook shi, I ate well thank you for bringing me here. I hope you enjoyed as well" jungkook would have been happy if she hadn't told her about the delay, so he tried to smile which didn't reach his eyes "Let's go" he says and got up. He was silent as he drove wafiyah to her dorm she noticed it but didn't comment on it, within 20 minutes they were outside her building "jungkook as soon my finals end, I won't waste a minute in marrying you weather the date is fixed or not. Don't stress about it" she pauses gulping nervously before adding "I'm wearing your ring, our names are connected together I'm not just wafiyah Ahmad like before, we're related to eachother. Just wait for a while and I'll be completely yours" she averted her gaze as she couldn't hold the eye contact with him. She was embarrassed thinking maybe she said too much, after some time she heard him sigh "Islam really is the religion of patience" she looks at him confused "what?" "Nothing, take care of yourself wafiyah don't overwork yourself" she smiles nodding her head "you too jungkook shi, Allah hafiz" she got out of car and watched him until he was out of sight. "Allah forgive me for having the patience of pigeons, that's why I'm stressing about getting married see my heart is so weak above all you've made her so incredibly beautiful innocent and sweet that it gets hard to resist. I again apologize and ask for your forgiveness and please fix our date as early as possible ameen" jungkook wipes the hand over his face after praying Isha prayer and got up folding the mat, his mind filled with thoughts of her and her only as he laid on his bed reminiscing all events until darkness took over his mind.

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