chapter 41

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A.n: guys only 3 chapters are left, I hope the story is up to the mark. Please share your feedbacks and one important thing I've not added any explicit content BUT there's going to be some TENSION. If it makes you uncomfortable let me know and please read on your own risk, share your thoughts ok lovelies 😘💓💜

Jungkook was waiting for the girl's side family to reach, he kept bitting his lips anxiously thinking how she would be looking in her wedding attire, his eyes were closed, his thumb drawing pattern mindlessly "they're here" namjoon announces making his heart skip a beat, jimin pats his back. They all line up to recieve them, leaving him to stand there with imam " breath jungkook " imam smiles looking at his eagerness "I'm trying sheikh" Abdul Rehman, mingyu and rest of her siblings came and greeted them " you could've looked better sunbae-nim " mingyu shakes his hand "I always look better" jungkook retort, mingyu scoffed and went toward Abdul Rehman who was now talking with imam. Jungkook kept looking at the entrance to get a glimpse of her "jungkook go and sit there" imam asked him "but" "she's coming don't worry" he pouts but comply nonetheless. They placed floral barrier in front of him from where he couldn't see on the other side clearly. His heart stopped the moment he saw her sit on the other side, out of instincts he reached his hand to remove the barrier but yusaf held his hand "you can't do that, we will take it away once nikah is done" jungkook nodded but his heart was going crazy in his chest, his hand formed into fists "bhai what have you chosen for wafiyah" yusaf whispers in AbdulRehman ear who laughs but he was content with his choice. He kept looking ahead maybe he could get lucky and get a glimpse "  بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " imam sahib starts by reading some verses from Quran then imam read the nikah document stating her haq mehar and asked for her consent, wafiyah kept crying silently, he throat was clogging she couldn't speak. Nazia noticed it and hugged her shoulders encouragingly "wafu say it" jungkook gulped anxiously "do you wafiyah Ahmad take jeon jungkook as your husband" the imam repeated "i-i do" he breathed a sigh of relief then she repeated it twice then imam asked jungkook the same who answered in a heartbeat making everyone laugh, both of them along with witnesses signed the document. The barrier was removed, jungkook went near her and crouched down in front of her, he gulps and slowly lift the veil and he couldn't breathe. He stared at her in awe completely mesmerized and bewitched by her (imagine the song "ishq" 🤭)
(P.S: forgive your author she's in her own bubble🥲)
everything else felt blurred, time stopped as he looked at her "jungkook back to earth " somi says when he wasn't moving or responding, wafiyah couldn't dare to look up either. She wasn't doing good herself, she was feeling overwhelmed and his stare wasn't helping at all "may i" jungkook extends his hand toward her, wafiyah put her shaky hand on his and jungkook felt as if he touched something sacred for the first time, he placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. He wasn't getting up so Abdul Rehman had to take the matters in his own hands, he clears his throat and wafiyah snatched her hand back in a speed of light. Then he hugged all men present there and recieved congratulatory wishes from his friends and threats from her brothers "with all due respect never make her cry or else I will drop you to North Korea myself" yusaf says in a serious tone "I don't like you" hadi says "why though?" Jungkook asked the 14 year old "you're taking my sister from me, she won't live with us anymore because of you" he says with tears falling on his face, he smiled and hugged the boy "you can always meet her whenever you want" he  whispers "really?" "Yes" hadi lips curve into a huge smile then we stand in front of Abdul Rehman "jungkook I'm trusting you don't break it" he puts his hand over his heart "I will never". Next was mingyu who smiled but jungkook wasn't unaware of pain so he does the unexpected, he engulfed him in a hug hoping it will convey his apology, gratitute and empathy "I hate you sunbae-nim" mingyu hugged him back "I know but thank you mingyu" they part both share warm smile "they won't be here to do what they said, but I am and if you ever break her heart I'll break your bones. I'll be watching you" he points at his eyes then to jungkook's in a challenging way. Jungkook just rolled his eyes and went to his father, after the greetings ended they went back to jungkook's apartment, nazia went with them whereas Selena and somi came in other car.
By the time they reached it was evening jungkook gave them some privacy and chatted with his father in the lounge whereas all girls accompanied wafiyah who was this close to having a break down. Her breathing was unnecessarily rapid, her anxiety was overflowing in her veins and the heavy dress further suffocated her "Wafiyah you need to calm down" Selena laughs at her miserable state, her laughing made her cry the tears fell like a river "oh my I'm so sorry" Selena quickly apologized but couldn't hold her laugh back "wafu my sweetheart what's wrong?" Nazia asks gently "nazi" she hicupped "i-i'm so s-scared nazi I don't wanna s-stay here" somi slapped Selena's arm gesturing her to be quiet who cover her mouth with hand "don't worry it'll be alright sugar, just breathe " she shakes her head "No I can't its scary i'll die if I stay here" nazia wiped her tears "wafiyah come on its jungkook you love him don't you" Selena says trying to ease her "it has nothing to do with love"  "you trust him too" she shakes her head again "it has nothing to do with trust" all their efforts were futile as she persistently refused any word of encouragement "it'll be fun" Selena adds, wafiyah stared at her wide eye "A-astaghfirullah s-shut up" "ask your sister, tell her eonni how much fun did you had " wafiyah looked at them in horror "Selena is right.." " shut up Astagfirullah ewww y-you're so disgusting" she cover her ears "then we should leave " Selena got up but she held her hand "don't leave me here please" another rally of tears filled in her eyes "baby this is how things are we can't take you with us" she holds her hand, lips wobbling as she pleads to them breaking their heart "stop looking with those eyes wafiyah you're gonna make me cry" Selena fans her face "I'm scared" "do you want me to talk to kook to give you some space" somi asks worriedly "w-what?" "I'll tell him to not do it today" her eyes widened as she gasped "Astagfirullah w-what I h-how" she blabbed incoherently, she was traumatized by the bold statements they threw her way like it was nothing "then what do you want?" She asked defeatedly "take me from here with you" she pleads but before they could say anything they heard a knock. The door was partially closed so jungkook entered "I've ordered the food should I bring it here for you guys or would you join us in lounge" he avoided looking at her "we'll join you outside " nazia says he nodded and left. "You can't leave" nazia hold her face "we will be back okay relax" "Promise?" "Yeah" she continued to do her dhikr when they left and kept reciting verses to calm her nerves.

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