chapter 28

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Busan was quite big city and they had to cover as much spots as possible, they were walking around indulged in their conversation when they heard a shrill voice "Angel" at first they didn't acknowledge and kept on walking until it came again "Angel stop" they halted and turned to see what the commotion was about but they were  surprised to see a little kid running toward them. It took wafiyah a few moments to realize who it was "Seung min" she says in utter surprise crouching down, she held her arms open as he ran into them wrapping his arms around her neck. His breathing was ragged "oh my what a pleasant surprise" she says patting his soft hair "I am so happy to see you angel" he says kissing her cheek "I missed you why don't you come to meet me?" He pouts "oh my baby, I'm so sorry you know Noona is quiet bad" "No you're not bad" she pats his head and stood up when a man came near them "he's my appa, appa Angel " seung min introduced them "oh hello sir" "hi I've heard alot about you, Mina jungkook and especially seung min always talk about you" dong IL says with polite smile " this is my friend Selena" both of them exchange greetings "Eonni isn't here?" Wafiyah asked "oh she's at home we-" he was interrupted by the ring on his phone "it's her" he talked on phone with Mina and told her about meeting wafiyah who asked him to being both girls home "No No dong IL shi, thank you so much but we don't want to intrude in your family time, it's not appropriate " "don't worry about that you aren't bothering in fact I'm glad I finally met you in person so I won't accept any No's or but's" she looked at Selena maybe she can come up with better excuse but that cheater started following dong IL asking him questions as both walked off if they've been besties for God knows how long. "Come on Angel why aren't you walking " seung min says still in her arms, finally giving up she went behind them. They were all seated in dong il's expensive car, "so when did you two come here?" He starts conversation "it's our 2nd day here in Busan before coming here we spent 2 days in jeju" dong IL nodded " you're here on good time, we came here to attend my sister's wedding" "oh congratulations on that" both says almost in unison making dong IL laugh. He turns his car into a posh area, the street was adorned by huge mansions and luxurious cars, seung min kept talking to her but she was scared and answered him absent mindedly " dong IL shi your  net worth must be amazing looking at the houses here" Selena says staring at her surrounding in astonishment, the gates opened when he honked in front of one "it's not that much " he laughs driving inside " how much did it cost?" Selena inquired making wafiyah slap her forehead at stupid questions "we bought it way back don't know the exact value these days but it was quite handsome back in the days" he stopped the car and they all got out of it " do you have a younger brother by any chance I don't mind older too" she says shamelessly, "Selena " wafiyah slapped her arm and quickly apologized to dong IL who was cool about it " I'm sorry Selena my younger brother is also engaged" he leads them in " Ah my luck" they were greeted by Mina as soon they entered "Oh my God look who is here" she hugged Selena and then wafiyah "seung min get off you'll tire her out" but the persistent boy he was clung closer "it's okay Eonni" "I'm so glad to see you here come i'll introduce you to the family " Mina chimes, she looked in the direction where Mina was leading her to find four people standing there, her social anxiety was at peak rightnow she prayed to God to give her strength and avoid any awkwardness "This beautiful woman is dong il's grandmother" mina points at an elderly lady, Selena and wafiyah both greeted her "this lovely lady is my mother in law, this gorgeous girl is dong il's sister somi and that dude is his brother Aaron" they greeted them politely and were welcomed warmly by the family. Soon the maid served them drinks as they sat in the lounge "I'm sure dong IL told you that somi is getting married" "yeah congratulations to all of you" "you don't work with jungkook now?" Mina inquired "my internship ended so that's why we decided to take a small trip" "Ah I see, but it's a good thing now you'll be able to attend her wedding " wafiyah almost choked on her drink "but we're leaving tomorrow" she tries to reason " yes Mina shi we are going to gwangju next, but thank you for the invitation" Selena bows slightly "No cancel your flight, you both aren't going anywhere before the wedding it's on Saturday" "b-but Eonni it's not possible" "Yes it is, Selena dear do you mind extending your stay here?" She looks at Selena but seung min held her face as he played with her veil hiding himself in it then peeking out again " we don't necessarily need to go to gwangju" she shrugs, seung min lifts her veil slightly and hid under it, Aaron was looking at them, he tried his best to get a glimpse of her face but couldn't as seung min head blocked it "then it's final you're attending the wedding, this way you'll see how our weddings take place you know learn more about our culture" Mina says leaving no space for further arguments. Mina's mother in law asked about their studies and where they came from to keep the conversation going when Mina noticed Aaron tactics, she followed his gaze who was adamantly trying to get a look of her face, this time seung min covered his mouth and nose just like wafiyah who was endeared by his action, kissing his forehead who giggled in return. He was busy staring at them suddenly a pair of legs blocked his way, he looked up to find Mina there raising her eyebrow quizzically " can you follow me to the kitchen Aaron" she says it very sweetly but he knew better so he went after her "what is this behavior" "what?" He acts oblivious " Aaron don't embarrass me in front of my guests, what's with all staring?" She wasn't angry but his behavior wasn't appropriate " Noona why is her face covered, she won't take it off?" "And why are you interested in seeing her face, aren't you engaged already " he tuts " being engaged doesn't mean I can't be curious " "stop it Aaron, she is a Muslim and this is her lifestyle don't make her uncomfortable please" "I am not trying to make her uncomfortable I just want to see her that's all" "No you can't see her just do whatever you do why are you even sitting there" "her eyes are very captivating" he says receiving a slap from Mina "shut up will you, she'll hear us what will she think of us" Mina whisper shouts at him "what's wrong in appreciating a beauty" " mind your language if Jungkook was here he would've shown you better" she says in the spur of moment but it was too late, as she took in the mischief on his face " ohhh I see, I see" he chuckles "don't you dare say a word about it to anyone Aaron please" Aaron and jungkook were quite close, but he never let any opportunity to tease jungkook and now he got one " so our lover boy is interested in a Muslim, what's Mrs jeon's reaction I'm very curious " Mina sighs tiredly she just got herself into trouble " she isn't very fond of this idea but don't tell this to anyone promise me" "you don't trust me do you, jungkookie's secret is safe with me" He zips his mouth throwing the key away but his eyes had a glint of mischief in it " what are you up to?" She asked "I've to make a call to jungkook that's all" he laughs and walk away from her leaving a distressed Mina behind.
Jungkook was in his office when his phone rang and an unusual number appeared on it, he frowned before receiving the call " Hello big boy remember me?" The person on other side says "Aaron what is it, is everything okay?" He asked concerned because they don't usually call "of course bro all good just missed you so thought I'd give you a call" " how's everyone" jungkook asked "how are you" he asked instead emphasizing 'you' "I'm good" they were in the middle of conversation when Jungkook heard seung min's voice "Angel you aren't leaving right" jungkook paused trying to process what he heard ,Aaron got the hint so he kept on going "wait Aaron" "what happened?" He says innocently " what did seung min say?" " I don't know I wasn't paying attention" there's silence on both side when he heard seung's voice again "Angel let's play in my room I'll introduce you to my friends" jungkook heart stopped for a moment "Aaron who is seung talking to?" "Why do you ask?" He was now enjoying the show to its fullest " h-how is that possible?" He questions to himself "what is not possible jungkookie" "please Aaron tell me who is seung calling with that name?" Aaron could feel the agitation in his voice, the urgency to know but he wanted to tease him more " maybe someone who came today" he says nonchalantly " who came tell me stop fu*king with me now" he wanted to laugh at his restlessness but covered his mouth " Hey I'm trying to catch up with you and here you're being shit head" " tell me who is it?" " I don't know man some girls came" jungkook breathes heavily "what's their name?" "Yo bro, how'd I know but one thing about her which I noticed" he paused Mina words swirled in his mind " this girl with covered face has the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen" jungkook felt as if air has been pulled out of his lungs he froze at his spot " and there's another girl with her too, both are friends Noona acquaintance I guess but seung min isn't leaving her side, their interaction is quite endearing to me" He continued " you there kook?" He asks when he didn't hear any response from other side "I'll deal with you later" jungkook says and hung up making him smile in victory "Ahh inner peace"
Mina took them to seung min's room as wafiyah had to pray and also so they could let loose "if you need anything let me know okay" she was about to leave but wafiyah held her arm to stop her, Mina looked at her worried face as she had taken her veil off "Eonni as much as I love and appreciate meeting you here I don't want to be a bother to your family, you all must be busy in perps and all we don't want to be distraction for you please understand that we should leave" wafiyah explains " you are not a bother wafiyah please my family is just as happy as I am to have you here, trust me you both aren't causing any trouble or problems for us, if that was the case do you think I'd have asked you to stay" she tried to ease her mind but wafiyah was not the one to be easily convinced " but Eonni isn't it too much for you, okay I understand you invited us over to your house but leave the wedding part please" she mustered up the most puppiest face she could that even made Mina think for a moment, at last Mina sighed and she thought it worked "no wafiyah dear, it will break my heart if you won't come and I'd be let down in front of my family, which I'm sure you don't want" her eyes widened momentarily once again she was left speechless, once again she gave up " I'll agree only if you promise me one thing" Mina nods enthusiastically " we will stay at our hotel you can't make us stay here" Mina wanted to protest but she cuts her to beat " if you denied then I'm not even coming to the wedding I swear" "you're so stubborn wafiyah" Mina shakes her head in defeat but smiles seeing her goofy smile. Mina was heading to her room when her phone rang displaying jungkook's number and she knew it was Aaron's doing embracing herself she clicked the green button " Noona what is wafiyah doing there, where did you meet when did she come there and why didn't you tell me about this, and tell Aaron to keep distance from her he's out there commenting on her eyes this isn't tolerable I'll break his bones if he showed any advancements toward her warn him or I'll " Jungkook starts throwing question after questions " kook calm down one question at a time" she told him how dong IL and seung min found her and then she asked them to being her home " you know Aaron is just messing with you don't take him seriously" "but he don't get to comment about her" "I asked him but  accidentally told him that you like her so he found his new muse" " are you okay Jungkook-ah?" She asks softly when he didn't reply " Noona I miss her so much, and now the internship has come to an end I won't be able to see her" " don't worry, she's in Seoul you can meet her whenever you want" "noona my patience is running thin, I want her at any cost losing her means losing myself,  my sanity. She's become like some addiction my eyes need to see her as if they won't get her glimpse they'll go blind, I'm so lost noona I swear things are getting messy in my head" Mina was taken aback at the outburst, she knew he like her but to this level was a surprise to her, collecting herself she managed to say " why don't you come here hmm, she won't suspect anything and you'll even make it to the wedding. I convinced her to come to somi's wedding so you should too try if things can work out for you" he bites his lips thinking should he go? " just come for me yeah, I want you to be here in this event" she insisted "okay" he sighs not knowing if it's a right decision or not but he'll have to find out.
They all gathered around the dining table for lunch "my dear how will you eat?" The grandma asks wafiyah "I can easily eat under my veil" she smiles " you can take it off we won't watch" Aaron says as he munched on the salad but recieved a glare from Mina "she'll be fine don't worry let's eat now" she intervene before they continue this discussion further "here open your mouth" she feeds spoonful to seung min, they ate in silence somi would time to time remind her mother about the things that are yet to be taken care of " do you guys wanna accompany me to get the dress, it's ready I've to go and check" somi asks them "oh I'd love that" Selena was quick "no angel won't go anywhere" it was seung min " come on you've had her for yourself all this time let us girls have some time for us too" somi complains but was completely ignored " No, she won't go" somi turned to Mina "Eonni" who nodded at her " she will come with you guys seung min is a good boy he listens to his eomma right?" He got up from his chair and sat on Wafiyah's lap " seungie is good boy but she won't go" wafiyah laughed at his obstinacy making her coo at his cuteness, she was torn between keeping his little heart or joining the girls "I'll give you a surprise if you'd let her go" Mina says wiggling her eyebrows " promise?" "Promise " he contemplates as he look back at her "but I don't want you to go" he pouts, wafiyah kisses his forehead " I'll be back again I promise" he sighs hugging her "okay" he gets off and walk to his mother " should I give you ride to the boutique?" Aaron asks "No I can drive bro" somi straight up declined and they left with her "you look so pretty, it fits your body perfectly MashaAllah MashaAllah" wafiyah looked at her mesmerized by her beauty " I want to be a bride too" Selena adds making both of them laugh at her wish "you will once you stop asking every breathing men's number" wafiyah whispered in her ear and recieved a slap on her arm " do you want to shop around?" Somi asks when she came back after changing her dress "No" " Yes" somi looks between the two "I'll decide then " she says and walk back to the car. She took them to amusement park where they had fun which wafiyah never knew she could have, they rode on viking ship, ferris wheel and roller coaster, wafiyah screamed on the top of her lungs by the end her throat was hurting really bad, they did ice skating which was even funnier somi and Selena held her from both hands because she could hardly stand leave alone skate on the ice "I might die of laughter if we don't stop" somi says wiping her tears due to excessive laughing " Ah my stomach hurts stop it wafiyah" Selena was staking in peace when wafiyah went from behind and bumped into her making them both fall erupting another fits of laughter "I can do this " wafiyah breathes in and out " this is my last attempt and I will show everyone that I can skate" Selena and somi cheered for her " go girl go" with a determined look she takes off, she started off impressively as she smoothly pushed her body forward and once she sped off, she didn't knew how to stop without falling. She was busy thinking of way to not fall when she saw a man coming in her direction, wafiyah screamed "don't touch AHHHHHHH move move" she uses her hand movement frantically and closed her eyes when she thought they were about to bump but as if luck was on her side he took a swift turn letting her bump into the fence she looked back at somi and Selena only to find them on floor holding their stomachs. After that they went to a Cafe and chatted, somi told her about how she met her fiance and her life. "Are you sure you don't wanna come I really enjoyed your company" "we had the best time of our lives with you trust me, and we can meet tomorrow it's very late now and above that my throat hurts so bad I'll take some medicine " "I'll pick you guys tomorrow at 10, have a good night girls" they wave at somi who drove off and they too got back to their room.

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