chapter 14

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Jungkook stayed true to his words he went to the birthday party and bought a gift for seung min and bouquet for his mother who was delighted and shocked at the same time. He didn't participate much tried to avoid them as much as possible "Hi gukkie long time" he closes his eyes there he goes the person he wanted to shun away was right in front of him "yeah and it's jungkook for you" hyo son was his mother's best friend daughter. He never liked this girl she was unnecessarily clingy and persistently obstinate, and it was fueled by his mother's unwavering support to her. He had already made clear that he will never marry her even if has to die single. She was pouting trying to seduce him but it only made him throw up " are you angry at me?" "You don't matter enough to me" He look around to find seung so he can leave from there, she walk closer to him holding his bicep giving it light squeeze "I missed you let's take a walk in the garden" and if she weren't a woman he would have broke her hand "I am here for seung I'd rather give him my time and attention" he says and detach himself from her, he was about to leave when his mother joined them "what a lovely sight" she beams, hyo son smiles shyly "why don't you two take a walk hmm?" "I just offered him that" his mother look at him expectantly but seung comes running into the lounge he smirks "hyungie let's play" he picks him up and walk away from the ladies leaving them to burn in their anguish. "Hyungie angel didn't wish me birthday, she said she will" seung whines as they play with toys making him pause in his action "she didn't?" He shakes his head. Jungkook checks his phone maybe she texted him "did you ask your mom maybe she called on her phone?" Seung thinks "I didn't ask mom" "Let's go ask mommy" he picks him up again and went to kitchen where Mina was guiding maids and cooks "mom did angel call ?" She checks her phone, there were 3 missed calls from wafiyah  "oh I'm sorry I didn't notice her calls seungie " "no worries I'll call her back so seung can talk to her" Mina give him a knowing look nodding her head. They return back to seung's room he text her to ask of she's free

Are you free miss wafiyah seung wants to talk to you

I called but eonni must be busy

You can talk to him through my phone he's with me anyways


He video called her giving his phone to seung who was jumping excitedly after a few rings she picked up "angel" he yells "happiest birthday my sweet baby may you never witness a bad day in your life my dear boy, enjoy you day to fullest " "you didn't come" he pouts "I'm so sorry seungie baby but I've a surprise are you alone or is there anyone around" he looks at jungkook who shakes his head that there's no one putting his finger on lips to not tell her about him "they are far no one can hear you" "Good I've a surprise for you don't tell anyone except your mom ok" "but what's the surprise?" He asks impatiently making her laugh at the eagerness "shhhh I can't say it" "when will you tell me then?" He whines "very soon is your mom free could you pass her the phone" he nods and ran to his mother "mom angel" he extends the phone. They both exchange some words and then she return the phone back to seung "OK seung enjoy your party and happy birthday once again my lovely baby" they bid goodbyes and he return jungkook his phone back. "What did she say?" Seung shrugs "I didn't hear anything she told mom" his curiosity increased. They all gathered and had dinner together and to jungkook dismay it lasted longer than expected, gradually they started leaving until it was only jungkook and his parents left "when are you guys leaving I'm tired?" Mina yawns "we must leave before she throw us out" Mrs jeon laughs and greet them before leaving. Mina checks the time it was 11:30, jungkook looked at her suspiciously "kook goodbye" she says so he can go away. He raises his eyebrow "I'm staying here tonight" he stretches and laid on couch " no you're not, leave this instant" he doesn't budge and closes his eyes. She checks the time again and looks at door, she sigh and pull him from his arm "go and don't come out of the guest room, if you did I'll break your legs" she gently pushed him toward the room and then her phone rang, she went to open the door for wafiyah "I'm so sorry for causing you trouble eonni is seung awake I won't take long" Mina nods "he's in his room come" she knocks at the door and peek in seung was unaware "happy birthday seung min" she sings making him jolt up and squeal in surprise putting the gift down she hugs him kissing his cheek "Did you like the surprise" " I loved it" "I hope you will like the gift but I can't stay longer you need to sleep and my friend is waiting outside" he hold her from her hijab "no no" "please seung min I wanted to see you and now I'll meet you again okay" she hugs him last time before getting up "thank you eonni and congratulations on having your lovely son turn 4 today" "thank you wafiyah for sweet gesture" she walks out of room to find jungkook standing there "Ya Allah" she yelped. Mina gave him death stare for not listening to her and coming out of room "good night" she says leaving him stand there "wait " he calls out stopping her "yes?" "You're leaving already, you didn't even tell me that you're coming" "I wanted to surprise seung min before his birthday ends and my friend's outside so I've to leave" "I'll drop you" she shakes head denying his offer "no sir we have plans thank you " he was about to argue but Mina comes in between them glaring at him "will you let her live her life without interfering " he shut up and Mina walk her out waving at Selena and her "you don't ever listen jungkook" she scolds him "why did you let her go without me" "is she your responsibility?" "Yes she is okay" "what is wafiyah to you hmm a girlfriend  do you love her, what is she to you?" He stays quiet biting his cheeks to prevent himself from snapping back at her He grabs his keys and wallet and leave from there. He saw Selena and wafiyah chasing eachother laughing as he drove past them.
Another weekend pass mingyu got back to his usual self cheerful and creepy as wafiyah likes to call, he bugged her throughout the time persistently asking to have lunch together. She
Refused reasoning that they do lunch together daily but he stayed adamant and pestered her until she agreed but on condition to bring Selena and Yuna along or he could consider a big No from her. They all gathered for lunch in a nearby restaurant and talked over the food Selena did the most talk to get to know him better, if his intentions are pure or not. She also warned him to keep his distance from wafiyah otherwise she'll inform her brother about his flirty behavior and to take his words back because that's not how one treats something entrusted to him. Jungkook was restless, Mina was right wafiyah had become his addiction and now his days doesn't pass without him thinking about her or desiring to see her, she had him under her charm. He was sitting alone in his balcony looking at sky "will she ever allow me to propose her ? Will she accept me as I am?" He asks "you know what's in our destiny don't you? Are we destined together?" He breathes in deep collecting his thoughts "what if she isn't I wouldn't be able to handle it. You're kind, you love us right you won't make us go through pain right God?" He pours his heart out "she also talks to you like that praying, invocations calling out to you with all great names you won't break our heart right even though I'm not a believer like her" he ponders "don't let her be of anyone else's please" God must have heard him, his phone rang showing Wafiyah's ID he waits for some seconds before answering "hello Sir I hope I'm not disturbing you" "No it can wait go ahead" he lies through his teeth "Sir Mr park handed me some documents to recheck and summarize them but there are few things I can't put my finger on, would you please take a look at it and tell me where's the problem " it's the first time she asked for his help and he was more than ready "I can't help you without having the documents with me" He bites his lips its a risky strategy but he's not the best CEO for nothing "I will email them to you " "Miss wafiyah first you'll send them then I've to read them all then how would I know what are your queries and where exactly do you need help also reporting include different hypothetical interpretations and I don't know on what ground are you studying it" "Then what should I do I have to submit it tomorrow, can you ask him to extend the submission?" "You know I will never do such a thing I take work seriously find a way and it must be submitted tomorrow" he smiles  evilly knowing there's no ther way "OK then I'll try doing it again on my own" making his smile fade away "these documents are very tactful and must be handled with utter care one mistake and company will lose hundreds of points " there's a pause on the other side of phone "Sir you're scaring me" her voice soft making his heart burst from cuteness "I'm not trying to scare you just informing you about the consequences " "how can you help me like what could be possible for you?" He pretends taking time in thinking before saying "I can help if you bring the documents with you" "but where?" "I'm at home" she let's a gasp of surprise "I can't come to your house sir it's not appropriate" "do you think I'm  some pervert?" "Astagfirullah no sir it's not that I can't meet you in a place where there's no one else" she explains "I won't harm you or you don't trust me?" "Sir my religion does not allow me it's not about trust and you're one of the person who I trust but religiously I'm not allowed to be alone with a man who isn't a mehram" jungkook forgot everything after she said she trusted him increasing the desire to protect her even more "I can meet you in the Cafe near your dorm" "but you'll have to go through the trouble of driving all the way here " "it's nothing in front of you" "are you sure sir ?" "Yes I'll see you in thirty" he hangs up and change into his suit.
Wafiyah was packing up all important documents and her laptop when Selena came into room holding her stomach with pained expression, she panicked rushing toward her to hold her "Selena?" She waves her hand telling her to not worry "cramps I got periods and it's hurting so bad" she laid her on bed and took out a comforter from cupboard because her cramps were really bad and she would throw up every hour due to the intensity. She went to the kitchen to get her a warm cup of milk and made her drink it. Selena kept moaning in pain so she sat beside her and put her head on her lap "you were going somewhere?" Selena asks tiredly "it's not that important" Selena let's out another pained cry "Selena should we go to doctor you're clearly suffering" she shakes her head hugging her "it will get better but at least tell me where were you going" wafiyah tells her about meeting jungkook "then you must go he's driving all the way here to help you what a kind ceo he is" wafiyah didn't perceive the implied sarcasm "I should tell him not to come Sela I can't leave you like that" she grabs her phone but Selena stops her "I'm sure he must have covered more than half of the distance by now" he chortles but another wave of pain hits her "Sela I'll recite Quran it'll make your pain go away inshaAllah" she nods and wafiyah starts the recitation of chapter 36 (surah yaseen) in calming and melodious voice, She gently caresses her back and run fingers through her hair. Selena was getting drowsy and gradually she fell asleep but she continued her recitation until the chapter ended then with utmost care she placed her head over pillow, she wrote a note and put it on nightstand along with bottle of water and medicine Turing off the lights on her way out. She hurriedly went to the Cafe making sure the things are safe, it was not a rush hour so finding him wasn't a problem. She apologized for making him wait "I'm so sorry sir for being late" he checks the time and look at her but refrain from making a harsh comment "I just came" she sits across him taking out the file "here sir from what I understood" she pass him her diary and laptop "I came up with these hypothesis and conclusions " "how's your hand?" He asks instead, she inspects her hand "it's better now" he nods "order something first" "I'm not feeling like eating anything sir" he leans back crossing arms over his chest "then we won't start until you feel like eating" she sighs taking menu from the table and ordered a milkshake "please Sir let's start now" he give up and go through the documents, she waits shifting her gaze from laptop to him then back to documents. Sofia brought their orders looking at wafiyah with amusement "wafiyah who's this handsome man, you weren't into boyfriends but congrats girl" jungkook doesn't look up and keep himself engaged in laptop wafiyah holds her hand to signal her to not say stupid stuff to embarrass her "I work under him please speak carefully" "Ahh my bad I apologize for assuming but mingyu would whine if he saw you here with him" she laughs now it makes jungkook look up "thank you Sofia you have to attend other customers too " she leaves from there waving at her. "I know where the problem is" jungkook says she gets excited, her eyes get even brighter and shiny "oh thank God what did I miss?" She leans closer to get a look at screen but his gaze didn't left her face it's like that for few seconds so she look up to see why isn't he responding, her heart stopped the moment their eyes met. She could neither hold the eye contact nor can she look away as if stuck in some daze or trance and it scared her so much that he saw it swarm in her eyes. She fought with herself by lowering her gaze and moving back to sit straight gulping down nervously. The silence was killing her she want him to speak so she know what's going on in his mind or even enter just tell the problem so she can leave already "wafiyah" her heart pounds wildly in her chest "yes?" It came out like a whisper "look at me " no she can't she wants to tell him but glance up momentarily "Sir I've to go Selena needs me" she says picking her phone to check for any text or call "just mark it here I'll recheck them " she wanted to leave from here get as far from him as possible, she was scared from him his proximity intimidated her, grabbing her stuff and dumping them into her bag as her hand shook with anxiety. Jungkook wasn't any good himself he wanted to put his feeling out in front of her tell her that he is in love with her from the moment he saw her in restaurant, his self control was running thin now that he saw the same feeling flash in her eyes. "Listen to me please " she shake her head "No" shutting the laptop and taking out cash from her wallet and leave it under the untouched glass of milkshake. She left from there without another word like, jungkook tried calling her but she didn't pay him mind and sped to get to her dorm. Her heart and mind were mess rightnow she was going crazy blaming herself admonishing rebuking it for having such thoughts. She felt angry for being so weak and incapacitated, having wavering and low shaky faith. She takes long and fast strides toward her dormitory Selena was still asleep when she got there. Wafiyah put her stuff on table and performed ablution, she spread the prayer mat and as soon she fell in prostration she let a cry out not caring about being heard. She cried letting her emotions and feeling out in front of her creator "I'm so sorry Allah, I'm so sorry Allah. I failed your disobedient and weak servant failed once again, it's all my fault I beg you please forgive me" she kept crying her voice tremble as she speaks "Ya Allah please forgive me I'm ashamed of my self please forgive me don't be angry at me don't be disappointed in me Allah indeed I've wronged myself all praises be to you my merciful Lord forgive me for having such thoughts. Allah what have I done, how am I supposed to forget, how will I live with this fact" her tears stream down and get absorbed as soon they drop on prayer mat. Selena was hearing everything and what she was afraid of happened, she stayed quiet as she heard her cries and pleas, she knew it would happen but how was she going to placate and comfort her, she let her pour her heart out while her own tears fell down silently for her friend.

Eyes Don't Lie Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora