Ron Weasley, you getting in a fight because of them,47:

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I wrote this one. Enjoy?

DrAcO mAlFoY's At it again. Draco was talking to some of his fellow Slytherins in the hallway about how stupid the Weasleys were, especially Ron. He didn't realize you were there, considering you two have been in multiple fights and you always won, so he is a bit scared of you. You hear him and grab your wand out of your pocket clenching it very tightly. Harry, your brother, obviously saw this and immediately sprinted to find Ron. One of the other Slytherins he was talking to you whisper to him that you are in the area. He immediately turns around scared for his life, and sees you standing there with your wand in hand.

D "POTTAH! What are you doing with your wand there?"

Y/n "Draco, I swear to god. I don't mind punching you, I hope you know this."

D "Awww, are you mad I was talking about your sad excuse of a boyfriend?"

You immediately turn around and punch him square in the nose. You then punch him in synch with every word you say.

Y/n "I. Swear. To. God. Malfoy. If. You. Don't. Shut. Your. Filthy. Mouth. I. Will. Murder. You"

After punching him a couple more times for good measure you feel a pair of hands grab you and pull you away from the fight. You turn around immediately ready to yell at someone when you see it's Ron, your boyfriend.

R "Again?!"

Y/n "He insulted you again..."

R "Y/n that doesn't mean you can fight him, now C'mon, let's get you cleaned up."

The End because I'm lazy.

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