Tom Riddle, you getting in a fight because of them, 42:

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Once again, written by one of the best people ever,...... ImaraRiddle!!!!!! She wrote this one (again I know), go blow up her comment section on her story Power|| Tom Riddle. Tell her I sent you as well, thank you lovelies <3

Tom's Pov:

Y/n walks into my dorm with her her nose bleeding and blood everywhere on her robes.

T "Y/n, what happened to you!? Why are you bleeding!?"

Y/n "I kind of got into a fight."

T "Did you win?"

Y/n "Yeah, of course."

T "That's my girl. What were you fighting about?"

Y/n "Some people were insulting you and saying you were a terrible person."

T "So you fought them?"

Y/n "Yeah."

T "You're bad a** babe, I love you."

Y/n "I love you too."

I take her to my bathroom and clean her up before giving her some of my clothes to change into. She changes quickly and then we climb into bed and cuddle while watching a movie.

The end

Harry Potter One Shots- Female readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora