Fred Weasley, you getting in a fight because of them, 45:

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Once again written by ImaraRiddle.

Y/n's Pov

I was in the courtyard studying when Malfoy and his cronies walked past and I overheard him talking trash about the Weasleys. I love the Weasley family, especially Fred, and Molly always loves when I stay with them. So, what do I do? I stand up and send a hex at the back of Malfoy's head.

Y/n "Furnunculus!"

Malfoy turns around quickly and I can see that boils have already formed all over his body. He sees me standing there with my wand outstretched, and yells

D "Anteoculatia!"

Y/n "Protego!"

I block the spell and Malfoy looks mad.

Y/n "That's what you get for insulting the Weasleys!"

D "So you're defending the blood traitors? You're no better than them."

Y/n "At least they're not death eaters, and, how are the daddy issues?"

D "Shut up you filthy blood mudblood!"

Y/n "That's what I thought, ferret."

Suddenly Fred is walking into the courtyard and he sees me and Draco standing there with our wands out, pointed at each other.

F "What's going on here?"

Y/n "He's insulting your family!"

F "And so you have to fight him?"

Y/n "Yes!"

F "Ok, come on, we're leaving."

Y/n "But all I did was make him sprout boils!!!"

F "And that's more than enough to land you in detention, so we're going to my dorm."

Fred walks me to his dorm and turns on a movie. Then we cuddle and eat snacks while watching it.

The end

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