Ron Weasley, 08:

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*I wrote another one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Ron was being............ Ron? You have been very busy lately, studying for DADA's big test coming up. Ron forgot about the test, so when he came to your dorm and saw you studying he was low-key kinda mad. He flopped on your bed and waited for you to be done. About 10 minutes pass and he starts whining for you to stop and cuddle with him. You tell him you are studying and that just makes him whine more saying how we don't have any tests coming up, etc. You turn around and stare him dead in the eyes.

Y/n "Did you already forget?"

R "Forget what?"

Y/n "Ron, we have a test tomorrow in DADA. And it practically determines if we pass the class or not at the end of school."

He just stares at you dumbfounded.

Immediately he gets up and asks for you to help him study too. In the end, you get 100% on the test, and Ron gets an 89%.

The End.

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