Mattheo Riddle, reacting to you being alive, 19:

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From Mattheo to the next Ron we are talking about how the boys would react to you being alive.  No trigger warnings, ImaraRiddle my bestie boo wrote this.

It was the day after the battle of Hogwarts, and Mattheo was depressed. He'd lost the love of his life and now he had nothing. He couldn't even bring himself to get out of bed. He was lying there staring at the ceiling thinking about you when he heard Harry calling his name.

H "Mattheo! Come here, there's something you need to see!"

Mattheo's Pov

I groan and roll out of bed. Whatever this is, it better be worth it. I walk down the hall and into the living room (you're staying at Shell Cottage). Harry is standing in the middle of the room staring at someone standing in the doorway. Y/n.

M "What - how? Y/n!"

I run to her and hug her, spinning her around.

M "Please tell me this is real, and not just a dream."

Y/n "This is real, I promise."

I laugh and spin her around again before kissing her on the lips. I love the feeling of her soft lips on mine, never again will I take them for granted.

M "How are you alive?"

Y/n "Madam Pomfrey was able to work some magic I guess."

M "Well whatever it was, I am so grateful. I love you."

Y/n "I love you too."

I kiss her one more time before we go and tell the others.

The end

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