Mattheo Riddle, reacts to your birthday, 29:

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The following is how the boys would react to it being your birthday. Written by ImaraRiddle, hello again my love <3

He would remember and have been planning a surprise party with your best friends for weeks before. On the day of he would act like he had forgotten so that you wouldn't suspect anything. After classes were over he came to your dorm and found you sitting in your bed crying.

M "Princess, what's wrong?" he said, wiping away your tears.

Y/n "What's wrong!? You forgot my birthday, that's what's wrong!"

M "I didn't forget love, I was planning a surprise. Come down to the common room with me."

Y/n "Alright" Mattheo carries you down the stairs, and when you reach the bottom you see a big banner reading HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N and all your friends jump out.

Y/f "Surprise!

Y/n "Thank you so much Mattheo." you said, and kissed him. 

  The End

(Sorry for the shortness, again please go check Imara out <3 Thank you lovelies)

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