Draco Malfoy, reacting to your death, 14:

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(Trigger warning, blood, death, possible cursing) Written by me, get prepared. It. Sucks.

*You're Blaise's adopted sibling*

Y/n's Pov:

Finally. You got to move in with Draco after Hogwarts.You couldn't believe that this man would change your entire life. When you got to his house and opened the door you saw him immediately turn his head to see you. He came sprinting towards you.

"Hello beautiful" He said picking you up and spinning you around.

You giggle "Hi ferret boy" He places you back down on the ground.

"You won't let me forget that will you?"

"Nope, never." You say with a huge grin on your face.

*Time skip to the next day*

It's around 6:00 am when my alarm goes off waking us both up.

"Oh! Sorry Love!" You say noticing he woke up too.

"You're ok Darling, my alarm goes off in two minutes anyway." He mumbles half awake.

"Ok, do you want anything for breakfast?"I ask already knowing his answer.

"Sure, the usual please," He says giggling knowing I know what that is.

"Fine," I say playfully rolling my eyes.

He gets out of bed and I reach the door asking if he could help make the eggs and bacon he always wants.

"Sure love," I say "Just don't burn the bread this time," I say laughing.

He rolls his eyes and laughs with me.

"That was one time"

*Time skip your in the kitchen after getting dressed*

I open the fridge noticing we don't have barely any groceries yet.

"Hey, love?" I ask "Would you mind if I went to get some groceries? We have barely any."

He nods and I get my shoes on to make a quick grocery run.

*Time skip Your coming back from the grocery store*

You go to make a right turn in a small neighborhood when suddenly I see kids running across the street. I park and help the kids pass.

"Why are you all crossing? Shouldn't you be in school?"

One of them explained to me how there was a shooter loose in their school, and how they had to evacuate.

I suddenly hear a big boom and look to see a group of teachers and children running.

I sprint over their way and start making a way for them to pass. Then I see a little girl struggling to run, I run over to her and take her back to the rest. Then boom. Screams from the children and teachers get louder and louder. I slowly fall to the ground holding my stomach, I pull my hand only to see bright red blood all over it. I was shot. Some teachers try to help me but it doesn't work. Then black.

Draco's Pov:

When I got the call from the hospital telling me that she was gone, I broke down in tears. She helped so many kids but at the risk of killing herself. And it happened. I couldn't hold it back. Around 5 minutes later I heard the door ring. Could it be her? Maybe? I open the door and am engulfed in a hang from Blaise and Pansy. They were crying too. A couple hours later I talked to them about my plans with Y/n. I was going to propose soon and we would get married. We would get a dog and a pet ferret. We would travel the world and then settle down and start a family. I couldn't help but cry, she was the love of my life, my darling, my girl. She was mine.

And now she's gone.

"It'll be okay," Blaise said.

"We all miss her don't worry... you're not on your own," Pansy said.

None of it made me feel better. My life was gone because she wouldn't be in it. How do I go on?

Draco never got over Y/n's death. He never dated again or got married. No one could beat Y/n in his eyes. He still traveled the world and got a pet dog and ferret. He did them because he didn't want to break his promise with Y/n. Still to this day he visits her grave on her birthday and texts her even though he knows she won't respond. Sometimes he'll even write letters to her and leave them on her grave. But was that the end? Could she truly be gone?


Sorry lovelies, that sucked. Well done getting through it!!!!!!!!

Harry Potter One Shots- Female readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora