Louis and Sherlock

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Louis loves his daughter more than anything, possibly more than William.
She has him wrapped around her finger.
He will do anything for her.
Unfortunately his greatest fear, one he didn't even know he had, came to be.
(Y/n) confessed to having a crush on Sherlock Holmes.
A man many years her senior, obviously being the same age as her uncle.
His intelligence, physique and personality in general.
She loves all of him.
It was at dinner with her father and two uncles that she confessed.
William looks at the girl shocked but smiles slightly.
Albert chuckles quietly, taking a drink of his wine.
Louis on the other hand, his fists clench and his facial expression is pure rage.

He's never been good at hiding his distain for the detective, not that he's ever tried.
Everyone knows.
But (Y/n) couldn't help falling.
Once she began spending time with the man she enjoyed it more and more.
It didn't help that William suggested she do so but only as a friendly suggestion not because he knew of her feelings.
Louis relaxes his hands but remains serious. "I forbid you from having any relations with him."
"But why papa?"
"Because I detest the man."

(Y/n) frowns and looks at her uncles.
Albert's eyes are closed as he drinks his wine but slowly open and look at his youngest brother.
William frowns sadly and looks between his niece and brother.
"Plus he does not reciprocate your feelings. It is something he and brother share in common; neither feel romantic interest for anyone. He is logical and uncaring."
"That's not true Louis. Sherly does care for those close to him. Although you are correct in saying we don't feel attraction like others." William quickly interjects.

"I should like to explain my feelings to him at least. I shall know his intentions then."
"(Y/n) I've already expressed my displeasure. I would hope you will still obey me."
"(Y/n) you're just a child. Sherlock is a grown man. He will undoubtedly tell you he does not feel the same." Albert finally interjects and takes a sip of his wine.
"Albert is right. Although it is not uncommon for older men to take a younger woman, Sherlock is not the type." William adds and looks at his niece.
"My point exactly, thank you brothers."
"Then shall I keep these feelings hidden and buried for my heart to grow heavy?"
Louis sighs softly and sits next to his daughter.

(Y/n) looks at her father sadly.
"I love you very much darling. But I should like to see you with a young man your age. I'm sure if you looked you'd find someone...someone that isn't Holmes."
It takes everything in him to not growl or gag.
"But Sherlock has my affection. It seems impossible to give it to anyone else."
"It may seem that way, but given time the feelings will subside, if you allow them to. Especially when you find someone else."
"How about this: I will take you to Baker Street so you can confess your feelings to Sherlock. Then we can enjoy that new shop you were eyeing last week." William offers and looks between his brother and niece.
Louis looks at William quickly. "Brother..."
"Ok." She replies quietly.
"Perfect. Should we leave now we can make it in time for tea." William checks his watch then smiles.

The train ride is relatively quiet, with very little small talk.
(Y/n) looks from the passing scene to her uncle. "I know I am foolish for having these feelings."
"I understand quite well why you fancy him (n/n)."
"I know you do not feel...romantically for him, but do you love him as well?"
"I do. He is a dear friend and a mind I can bounce off of. It's thrilling." William agrees, smiling widely.
(Y/n) smiles softly and looks at her lap. "Why does father hate Sherlock?"
This inquiry makes the blonde man chuckle quietly.
"This goes back before you were born, when we first met Sherlock. Unfortunately for you I will not be explaining the story to you. It is buried history better felt forgotten."
"Does it have to do with the Lord of Crime?"
William sighs and looks out the window. "Better left forgotten."

Once the two make their way to 221B William knocks and the two wait.
Mrs. Hudson opens the door and smiles. "Hello lord Moriarty, (Y/n)."
"Hello Mrs. Hudson. It's a pleasure to see you again."
"Likewise. What bring you here?"
"I'd like to speak with Mr. Holmes if possible." (Y/n) responds and wrings her hands nervously.
"Of course. He's upstairs with John. I just put the kettle on."
"My timing was perfect then." William mumbles and laughs quietly to himself.
The two follow the landlady inside and go their separate ways.

William leads the way and knocks on the open door to the parlor.
Both John and Sherlock look over and smile, one wider than the other.
"Liam! What brings you here?"
(Y/n) peeks out from around her uncle.
"Hello (Y/n)." John greets and waves slightly.
"Hello." She responds quietly.
"(N/n)?" William looks at the girl.
"Ah yes, may I speak to you in private Mr.
The said man looks from the girl to his partner then back. "Can you not say in front of John?"
The girl shakes her head.
"That's ok. I shall enjoy tea with William and Mrs. Hudson downstairs." John stands from the couch and the two leave the room.

Sherlock looks at the girl who is standing, obviously nervous and fidgeting. "Please sit, you're making me nervous."
"Yes, sorry." (Y/n) sits in the chair next to the fireplace.
Sherlock sits across from her. "So what is it that you need to discuss?"
"I know nothing will come of this but I must get it off my chest."
"I have romantic feelings for you Mr. Holmes. Before you say anything, I know you don't feel the same. I didn't come here expecting a relationship or anything. I do hope we can still spend time together though."
"So you're finally confessing. Took you long enough."
"Excuse me?"

Sherlock chuckles quietly and brings his knees to his chest.
(Y/n) looks at the man confused.
"I knew of your feelings long ago. I decided then that I would act normally until you mustered up the courage to confess. Nothing will change between us, I promise."
The girl sighs in relief.
"Did you come here knowing I could never feel the same?"
(Y/n) nods. "You and uncle are similar in many ways. My father and uncles made it abundantly clear that you could not reciprocate my feelings."
The detective nods and smiles softly. "I'm sure you'll find a nice boy sooner or later. Your father will definitely see to it. I'm 110% certain he was furious when you told him of your feelings toward me."
(Y/n) giggles and nods. "Indeed he was. Thank you for the encouragement though Mr. Holmes. It is much appreciated."

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