William and Louis James Moriarty

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Louis smiles softly when his brother suggest they go into town together today.
Louis wanted to go to the bakery and show William a new pastry he found there.
William was very happy to see his brother in such a good mood.
As the two walk toward the bakery they find a small group on the corner and a woman in the middle.
Her lovely voice catches the attention of both blondes.
Her dress is plain but her gloves are silk; this contrast confuses the professor.

The Moriarty brothers stand together and listen for a bit.
Although when William makes eye contact with the woman he can see a hint of fear.
He notices her trying to hide the fact she is constantly scanning the area.
Her intention isn't bad like that of a distraction while a partner picks pockets.
William believed she feared someone would find her here.
Did she sneak out to come here? Is she hiding from someone but needs money? Who is she scared of? Why is she wearing those gloves?
William's mind races with questions.
Louis puts his hand on his brother's shoulder and frowns. "We should be off brother. I should like to be back in time to prepare dinner."
"Ah you're right. Let's be off." William makes eye contact once more but turns and walks into the bakery.

Later that night (Y/n) walks up to Fred and taps his shoulder.
He turns at the sudden presence and his heart races at the fright.
"I'm sorry for startling you. Y-you are the Lord of Crime's um...you take his requests right?"
"Indeed. Explain everything to me and I shall relay the message." Fred grabs his notebook but as soon as she opens her mouth she is pulled back.
A nobleman grabs her hair roughly and growls. "Did I give you permission to leave my side slave?"
Fred notices scars on her hands and arms when they lift to her head.
Small scars peak out from her collar and the skirt of her dress as well.

"I'm sorry master Draven. Please forgive me." (Y/n) pants softly from struggling on her tip toes.
Fred doesn't know what to say or do.
"Run along boy." The nobleman orders angrily.
Fred bows quickly and rushes off. He quickly runs to the Moriarty manor and instinctively goes to the parlor.
Due to it being late everyone is gathered and actually waiting for Fred to return to discuss a new mission.
Everyone frowns when they see Fred burst in.

"What happened?" William asks in a stoic tone.
"A woman just came to me and was going to ask for help but was pulled away by a man named Draven. She has scars all over and terror in her voice. I don't know what he's going to do to her."
"Draven you say. I heard he had taking in a girl named (Y/n). Her parents passed away recently after working for his family for decades. Draven is a cold, cruel man and I despise his company." Albert explains then looks at William.
"While I'm sure we'd love to save this girl we can't do anything unless we know he's got skeletons in his closet. We don't go around killing every bad guy." Moran mumbles and crosses his arms.

Fred quickly looks at William.
William sighs softly. "Tomorrow I will look into this matter. If we are too late in saving the woman I will carry the guilt. If I find something and we can save her I will be more grateful to you Fred."
The tension is thick and no one gets much sleep that night.
William least of all.
The next morning William takes a carriage into town; the fog and cloudy sky makes him more melancholy.

Suddenly a solid body runs into his and they groan loudly.
When they look at each other their eyes widen.
"The singing woman."
"Please hide me. S-save me." She begs, gripping his jacket tightly.
He looks around and ducks her behind a stack of crates.
Just as he turns around an angry man is walking by.
"Have you seen an ugly wench run by?" He inquires then begins to describe (Y/n).
William shakes his head. "No my lord."
"I will personally torture that thing when I get my hands on her this time. I take her in and this is how she treats me."
William clenches his fists but bows. "I'm sorry for your distress my lord. Best of luck finding her."

Draven bows then goes on his way.
Once the coast is clear William helps the (h/c) stand.
"I am forever in your debt my lord."
The blonde takes her hand and notices scars.
Fred's story comes to mind.
"Was that Lord Draven by any chance? And are you (Y/n)?"
The woman nods and looks at William confused.
"I'm thankful you are still alive."
(Y/n) quickly puts the pieces together catching the man off guard. "You're the Lord of Crime?"
The question startles William and his mouth opens but closes.
"I spoke to a young man last night but he is the only one who knew about my situation. He promised to relay my message to the Lord of Crime."
William felt foolish for giving himself away so easily but unintentionally. "As you can imagine miss my identity must remain a secret."

(Y/n) takes a step back. "Are you going to kill me?"
"Of course not! I was ready to risk my life to save yours. My only fear was that I would be too late. I did not sleep much last night trying to figure out a plan and my fear taking over."
"I will not squander the life you've saved. I wish to escape overseas."
"Come back to my manor for a time and I will see to your escape."
(Y/n) nods quickly and follows him quietly, wearing his cloak and hat.

Once they arrive they find the Morigroup in the dining room enjoying breakfast.
"Brother! Where have you been?" Louis asks quickly, rushing over.
Fred looks up and his eyes widen. "Miss!"
William smiles softly. "Fate is on our side Fred."
Louis notices the woman and recognizes her.
"Louis she will be staying with us for a while so please look after her." William requests looking at the boy will glasses.
The said man nods and grabs her a plate of food.

After eating (Y/n) is given a bath and new clothes, albeit a man's dress shirt and trousers, seeing as how there isn't any female clothes in the manor.
William told the woman to get some rest and Louis would be there if she needed anything.
Everyone else had something to do and would be back later.
(Y/n) fell asleep ok but her sleep is plagued with nightmares.
Louis rushes in and comforts her. He couldn't believe how easy and natural it felt rubbing her back and whispering comforting words.

Over the next week or so (Y/n) got close to Louis and they were the most sad to say goodbye.
Albert got her passage overseas and William gave her a sack of money to use.
Louis gives her a carton of pastries for her journey.
Fred remains silent but smiles softly. He hugs the woman gently and when she pulls away she kisses his cheek.
When the boat is out of sight the Morigroup immediately begins the mission to expose Draven and bestow his punishment.

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