Fred Porlock

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Fred and (Y/n) have known each other since they were young.
So when he began working with the Morigroup she came to visit and help out a bit in the greenhouse.
Albert and William didn't have a problem with it.
Unfortunately next to her sweet and shy demeanor the main attribute Fred uses to describe her is clumsy.
It's not terrible, but it is embarrassing and something Fred got used to, also coming to find it endearing.
(Y/n) could accidentally step on her dress and fall forward but Fred would rush over and catch her then whatever she was holding.
Sometimes she'll trip up the stairs.
Thankfully she hasn't broken anything for a long time.
Since (Y/n) doesn't visit often when the others are around they don't know about her clumsiness.

Fred noticed how late it was getting. "Would you like to stay for dinner?"
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "That sounds nice. Do you think the others would mind?"
The boy shakes his head.
The two walk inside and to the dining area.
The Moriarty brothers are already seated while Bond and Moran are just sitting down.
"Why hello (n/n)." Albert greets, smiling at the woman and sets his wine glass down.
"Good evening my lord." The woman curtsies.
Fred remains silent while pulling out a chair for her.
(Y/n) walks to the chair but she catches her shoelace and she falls forward.

Fred immediately reaches out and catches her.
The two laugh softly and she sits down.
Moran looks between the two then at Bond.
Bond looks back and smiles.
"Are you ok?" William asks quickly.
"Yes, I'm ok. I'm terribly sorry."
"That was a smooth catch Fred." Moran smirks and leans his arm on the table.
"It was nothing." The boy mumbles.

Dinner goes about fine and Fred takes (Y/n) home after.
As the weeks go by Moran made it his new mission to spy on Fred and (Y/n).
He noticed how often she stumbles and Fred helps her.
Unfortunately to the ex-colonel it just looks like (Yn) is flirting and falling on purpose so the garden boy will hold her.
Finally Moran decides to tease his brother at dinner when (Y/n) joined again.

(Y/n) smiles and walks to her seat.
Her head is turned to Fred as they converse but her foot catches the leg of her chair.
Fred holds her waist and keeps her from falling.
"You sure are clumsy (n/n)." Moran comments and swirls his whiskey glass.
"I know. I'm sorry."
"Are you sure you're not just trying to get Fred's hands on your waist?"
Albert and William looks at the raven haired man.
"Excuse me?" The woman looks at the man confused.

"I've seen clumsy girls but never like you. Are you sure you're not faking it?"
"Why would I fake-"
"Moran what are you talking about?" Fred mumbles from across his older brother.
"I think it's an adorable way to flirt and get closer to him."
"Are you implying I have romantic feelings for Freddy? If so I would like to immediately clarify I do not. He has been my best friend since we were children and that's all."

"Wait you think (n/n) loves me?" Fred is startled by the sudden subject.
"She's been tripping in your arms nearly every day for weeks now."
"She's always been this way. She's very clumsy. Why would she fake that?"
"Plenty of girls have done it to me to get my attention." Moran responds and crosses his arms.
(Y/n) blushes slightly but laughs softly and shakes her head. "I'm sorry Mr. Moran but you've got it all wrong. Fred and I are friends and that's never gonna change."

William snickers and drinks his wine.
"What are you laughing at?" Moran grumbles to the blonde.
"I could have told you she didn't fancy Fred, Moran. I saw her with a woman the other day when Louis and I went into town."
Moran's eyes widen and he looks between Fred and (Y/n).
"You saw her? She's beautiful isn't she?"
William nods and smiles. "Indeed. You two looked very happy."
"She makes me very happy. I've been seeing her for a few months now."
"Are you talking about Abby?" Fred inquires, looking from (Y/n) to William.

"Wait a minute. You're-"
(Y/n) looks at Moran sadly. "Are you in the mindset that it's wrong for me to love another woman Mr. Moran?"
The said man stutters and stumbles over his words.
Fred look across to Moran. "I hope not."
"I think it's wonderful." Albert comments and lifts his glass slightly.
Finally Sebastian mumbles and shakes his head.
"Let's get back to dinner." William offers and picks up his knife and fork again.
Everyone begins eating.
Fred looks at (Y/n) and smiles softly.
(Y/n) looks between him and Moran then smiles as well.

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