Sherliam + (Y/n)

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//this was a request but I added a total bullshit ending. Also I have not read past vol 13 as of right now so I don't know what all happens after the fall. This is totally made up by me. Plus is goes off the anime ending where they ended up in Switzerland not NYC. I hope despite all that you can still enjoy.

Not only did a red string tie The Lord of Crime and The Greatest Detective together but so did (Y/n).
She has been there since the beginning.
Somehow she became more important to the two men then they realized.
When they went to the bridge (Y/n) begged them both to come down and live, but William had other plans.
(Y/n) knew they were going to jump so she ran away.
Once they land in the water and get far enough away (Y/n) drags the two away so they wouldn't be found. She gets them to Switzerland and into a small hut.
It didn't take long for her to get work and means to support the two men.

When Sherlock regained consciousness his first worry was his best friend.
William remains unconscious and his eye is scarred.
(Y/n) got Sherlock work and the two laid low for a long time.
They bonded more and both worried deeply about the blonde.
Eventually William does wake up but things are different than they were in London.
Sherlock knew to give him some space but made sure to reassure his friend.

William looks at (Y/n) and squeezes her hand gently.
"You don't have to say it." She whispers softly and cups his cheek with her free hand, rubbing with her thumb.
"(N/n)," he whispers. He leans his forehead against hers and his eyes close.
The woman smiles and kisses his forehead. "You have to live."
"If you'll have me." William responds except he's looking at Sherlock.
The said detective smirks and puts his hands on his hips.

The three live quiet lives.
William mostly stays home to recover while Sherlock and (Y/n) work.
Seeing William act as a housewife made (Y/n)'s heart flutter.
Although she does not have feelings for either man she knew they had certain feelings for each other.
Sometimes she wondered if she was only in their way.

One day (Y/n) sits outside on a bench, deep in thought as she writes in her journal.
Sherlock walks up behind her and just so happens to see what she's writing.
"I know I'm a burden to them. I should never have left London. They don't need me so I should go back. Sherlock and William-"
Before she can finish writing Sherlock clears his throat.
(Y/n) jumps out of her skin and quickly turns to the man. "Lock! Can I help you with-"
"How could you think you're a burden?"
(Y/n) squeezes her journal against her chest and looks away.

"(Y/n) you got us out of London undetected. You brought us here and cared for us, provided for us. We probably wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you. Or we'd be rotting in jail cells."
Tears well in the woman's eyes.
"You two don't need me anymore. You can work and provide for him. I'm only in the way. Furthermore you two probably don't want me here. You'd prefer living with him alone."
Sherlock frowns, at a loss for words.
"(N/n)," William whispers. He walks over slowly and holds her hand.
(Y/n) looks into his red eyes and sniffles softly.

"I need you." He confesses and squeezes her hand.
"Why?" She whispers weakly.
"Because I can't atone without a reminder of what I did. With you here I can remember why I did it in the first place. To create a purified world for you."
Her tears fall freely as he kisses her forehead.
"I need Sherlock to help me atone but I need you to help me live." William finishes and smiles softly.
(Y/n) cries softly now and buries her face in his neck.
Sherlock rubs her back and makes eye contact with William.

Once they all pull away and (Y/n) cleans herself up they begin making lunch.
Sherlock collects the laundry from outside while William helps (Y/n) make stargazer pie.
Sherlock was reluctant to agree but seeing William's cute pout he caved.
Of course (Y/n) suggested it knowing it's William's favorite.
Sherlock made a mental note to make it in the future.

As the months go by and William fully recovers, save for his eye, he began working as well.
(Y/n) was hesitant at first, not knowing if he was fully capable of working around the injury.
Eventually Sherlock assures her William can work.
The blonde is more than grateful to finally be able to leave the house for longer than a couple hours.
Not to mention use his brain more.
Of course Sherlock made it a point to bounce ideas off the ex-professor and exercise their knowledge.
Everyone knew if they didn't they'd go crazy.
(Y/n) began to work more and when questioned about it she dismissed the topic.

Finally William and Sherlock both sat (Y/n) down and scolded her for working too much.
"(Y/n) you don't have to work so much. We're doing just fine with the money we have." Sherlock begins, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I think we at least deserve an answer as to why you've decided to work so much." William adds in a calm manner.
(Y/n) looks away but puts her hands on her stomach. "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you."
Both men look at her stomach and immediately come to the same conclusion.
But one variable is missing.
"Who is the father?"
(Y/n) couldn't help the laugh that bursts out when both William and Sherlock look at each other inquisitively.

"Neither of you is the father I swear."
"Is it the baker boy or perhaps the tailor?" Sherlock automatically begins inquiring.
"No they wouldn't. I would guess more along the lines of the book shop keep or the carpenter."
(Y/n) blushes while the two guess the type of man she'd sleep with.
Unfortunately neither are even close.
"You'll never get it right." She cuts in and looks away sadly.
"(N/n)?" William whispers, putting his hand on hers.
"Please tell us." Sherlock adds calmly.
"There is no father." She finally responds.
The eyes of the men widen in shock.
Obviously the wheelers in Sherlock's head turn rapidly.
His usual "once you eliminate blah blah blah" is being put to the test.

"Are you positive you-"
"Do you believe I would sleep with any random man?"
"Of course not."
"She hasn't formed that kind of relationship with any of the men here. Which means she wouldn't sleep with any of them. So the only explanation is that you're not with child."
(Y/n) frowns sadly. "How could you suggest I would lie to you? It was hard enough trying to find the courage to tell you. I-"
"Please calm down. I believe you." William assures, putting his hand on her shoulder.
"If you aren't lying then something must have happened biologically."
"You don't believe she is the second Virgin Mary?" William jokes and Sherlock glares at his friend.
"I refuse to believe that. It's illogical. Why would he have another child before the first one can come again as the Bible suggests?"

(Y/n) and William laugh softly and nod in agreement.
Eventually though the three go silent and look at her stomach.
"Are you positive?" Sherlock asks.
"Are you scared?" William inquires.
"Why not?" Sherlock asks confused.
"Because I have you two to help me. And eventually everyone else can help when we go back."
Sherlock and William look away, thinking about what it will be like when they return.

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