Mycroft Holmes

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Miss Hudson smiles as she brings tea to the parlor.
(Y/n) smiles at the woman she calls her best friend. "I could've helped."
"Nonsense. I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself. Plus you need to relax while you can. A new position will be stressful."
"I know my job will be difficult but I know I can do it. You know me. I'm practically a different person when I put on my uniform. I'm just nervous to be working under Mycroft."
"Oh he's a perfect gentleman, unlike his brother."

"Why do I get the feeling you're talking about me." Sherlock comments walking in with John behind him.
"Lock how are you?" (Y/n) greets, smiling softly.
"Searching for the ultimate answer that alludes me." The detective responds.
"The lord of crime if I recall. Mycroft is-"
"What about me?" The said man inquires, walking into the doorway.
Sherlock groans and sits in his chair.
(Y/n) smiles at her new boss. "Hello Mycroft. How are you?"

Mycroft looks at the woman and immediately takes a liking to her appearance.
She holds her hand out to him but he kisses her knuckles.
"My lady. I'm perfectly fine. Who might you be?"
"This is my best friend (Y/n)." Miss Hudson introduces and pats her friend's shoulder.
"That's a lovely name."
(Y/n) smiles happily. "Thank you."
Everyone settles in for tea and chats for a while.

The next day (Y/n) fixes her uniform and walks to Mycroft's office.
She knocks on the door and waits for the man to respond.
"Come in." He yells and keeps looking over paperwork.
The woman walks in and stands firmly on the other side of the desk. "Sir. Colonel (Y/n) reporting to my new post. My MI6 alias will be Q."
"Ah yes, my new... (Y/n) is that you?" Mycroft asks finally looking up from his papers.
"Indeed." She responds with a stoic expression.
"I never imagined you were my new agent. You're completely different from yesterday."
"I keep work and play completely separate sir. Do you have my first mission details?"

Mycroft took even more of a liking to the (h/c).
Not only is she beautiful and kind but also hard working and serious when clocked in.
"Ah yes. You will be paired up with M on your first mission. The details are in this case and the carriage outside will take you to the meeting place."
"Understood. I will carry this out swiftly and as quickly as possible." (Y/n) bows then leaves.
Mycroft watches her and smiles.

Over the next few months (Y/n) and Albert work together frequently and become close friends.
Both Albert and Mycroft admire her ability to be sweet and bubbly but stoic and a workaholic as soon as she puts on her uniform.
On their free weekends the three agents have brunch and chat casually.
Mycroft began to notice how close the other two are and does his upmost to not show his jealousy.

Eventually Albert takes notice that his boss took a liking to his partner.
Teasing the raven haired man became second nature to the brunette.
(Y/n) enjoyed the banter.
Mycroft not so much.
Although the teasing wasn't any limited to Mycroft, he teased (Y/n) as well.
Seeing as how he knew about her crush on their boss.

Finally Mycroft caved and finally asked her to marry him.
(Y/n) was shocked but smiles happily and agrees.
Miss Hudson was happy for her best friend while Sherlock kept asking her why she would like his brother.
Albert congratulates them and nudges Mycroft. "It's about time." He mumbles so only the raven haired man could hear.
The said man rolls his eyes and holds the woman's waist.

Reluctantly Sherlock organized Mycroft's stag party while Albert organized (Y/n)'s hen night.
Everyone had a fun time that night and the next day the couple got married in the rain.
Although everyone was shocked (Y/n) claimed she would marry Mycroft no matter the weather, so the ceremony continued.
When (Y/n) threw her bouquet it landed in William's hands.
The blonde was shocked but the rest laugh.
Sherlock walks over to William who hands him the flowers.
"They're yours Liam. I couldn't except them." Sherlock responds and but after receiving puppy dog eyes from the professor he takes the bouquet.

Married life proved simple for the two agents.
Their routine didn't change a whole lot.
But now that they live together it proved easier to travel to and from work.
Mycroft is thankful (Y/n) can be both fun and serious.
(Y/n) was so happy finally being married and to a man she loves. At first she couldn't believe he felt the same but when he proposed she wanted to leap into his arms and kiss him until they were breathless.

(Y/n) sits in her rocking chair while knitting in the parlor.
Mycroft walks in and sets a cup of tea next to her. He leans down and kisses her forehead. "That scarf is coming along nicely."
"I'm glad it is. Albert was kind enough to teach me so I didn't want it to go to waste."
The raven haired man laughs softly and nods.
"Thank you for the tea darling."
"You're welcome."

"Is there something you want to talk about?"
"You're next mission is dangerous. So please be careful."
"Are you worried about me?"
"Of course not. Sometimes I wonder if you're a better agent than M."
"Albert is a wonderful agent. Plus he and his brothers manage to do great work on top of that."
Mycroft sighs but nods. "Anyways, do be careful."
(Y/n) smiles and holds his hand. "I love you."
"I love you too darling."

Although he knows she can handle herself perfectly he still worries.
So to distract his mind he drowns himself in paperwork.
When he comes home to an empty house he gets sad and remembers life before they met.
When (Y/n) returns from her mission she is straight face walking upstairs.
Mycroft waits for her to come back down.
Once she comes down to the parlor she is all smiles and kisses her husband.
He holds her waist and kisses back. "Welcome back. I've missed you."
"It's so nice to be home. I couldn't wait to come home to you so we could relax."

Mycroft picks her up and sits with her on the couch.
The woman curls into his chest and closes her eyes.
"Al says hi, and that we should have brunch at that new cafe downtown."
Mycroft thinks about the offer then nods. "Sounds good to me." He holds her close and closes his eyes.
(Y/n) smiles and yawns softly. "Do you think we'll have children?"
Mycroft looks at the woman slowly then smiles slightly.

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