William James Moriarty

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William checks his watch on his way to catch the subway train.
The clock shows he's right on time.
Unfortunately due to his attention being on his watch as he's rounding the corner he bumps into a woman rushing by.
Her glass fall off and her messenger bag opens slightly, spilling a few nicknacks.
William frowns and kneels down, grabbing her glasses. "I'm terribly sorry miss."
"I'm so sorry. I'm running so late." She quickly puts her glasses on, messily shoves her items back in her bag and runs off.
William frowns watching her leave then looks back at the ground. He sees her ID and picks it up.
Before he can call for her his train pulls up.
He decides he can give it to her after his classes.

As the university lets out he looks at the number on the back of the card.
He pulls out his cell phone and dials the number.
Immediately the woman picks up.
"(Full name) speaking who might this be?"
Her tone is serious and mature.
"My name is William James Moriarty. We bumped into each other this morning and you dropped your ID."
"Oh! Thats right! I am so sorry sir. I do need that back immediately. Could you meet me at the cafe on Baker Street?"
"I can in four hours. I work at the Durham University-"
"Why do you live in London?" She cuts him off. "Wait! Don't answer that, that was rude of me."
William laughs softly. "Don't worry about it. I will gladly meet you at the cafe."
Before she can insist he hangs up.

So roughly four hours later William walks into the cafe and sees the woman in the corner reading a familiar book.
He orders a tea and scone. Once he receives the items he walks over and sits across from the woman in the booth.
(Y/n) jumps slightly and looks at the blonde.
"You look nice."
"Thank you. My second job requires more formal wear."
"A second job?"

William digs in his pocket and pulls out her ID.
(Y/n) takes it and thinks about leaving but frowns.
He got tea and a scone. It would be rude to just leave. Especially after he rode for four hours.
The blonde looks at her book and smiles. "The Final Problem. That's an interesting choice."
(Y/n) looks at her book and smiles happily. "It is. Your name caught me off guard and reminded me how much I love this story. So I decided to reread it while I waited."
"Ah yes, Professor James Moriarty, nemesis to Detective Sherlock Holmes."

"Do you enjoy mystery novels as well?"
"I do.  The Holmes collection is by far my favorite and I have every one memorized at this point."
The woman laughs softly. "I as well. While normally I am calm and collected, this morning I was in a frenzy due to me being late. The cause of this was my flatmate losing A Study in Scarlet which I was supposed to return to my co-worker."
"I see. Did you find it?"
"Thankfully. And I was also on time for work."
William smiles softly. "That's good. What other genre of novel do you enjoy?"
"Well... to be honest I love encyclopedias. I love knowledge."

The more they spoke the more the professor began to realize his feelings were turning romantic.
(Y/n) is beautiful and smart and mature.
Someone he could see himself spending more time with and enjoying their company.
She felt the same about him.
Obviously he's attractive and intelligent which made him extremely sexy.
The two lose track of time and soon enough it's dark outside.

William frowns and looks at the dark clouds. "It's pretty late. Let me walk you home."
(Y/n) smiles and agrees.
The two walk and talk more.
Unfortunately the journey comes to an abrupt end.
"This is me." (Y/n) points to the building.
William looks up and laughs quietly. "Right next door to 221B. How fitting."
"If it's not too forward of me, I wish to speak again soon."
The professor looks at the woman and nods. "I feel the same. I am always free after my university classes. So if you'd like I could text you my schedule and we can work around it and yours. Seeing as how you have two jobs it will be more difficult to find time off."
(Y/n) frowns but nods. "Yes, but I look forward to seeing you again."
After they exchange numbers she kisses his cheek then goes inside.
William smiles and walks home.

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