Sherlock Holmes p8

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"Going back to London?"
"Indeed. It is the next step for me on my road to atonement. Not to mention I do miss Albert and Louis."
(Y/n) frowns and puts her hand on her stomach.
"I couldn't ask you to leave (N/n). You've made a life here and will be starting a new family. You should stay here."
"Liam's right. It would be selfish to beg you to come with us," Sherlock adds.
"You're gonna leave me here by myself?"
"If I may." The quiet man finally speaks.
"Darling?" (Y/n) turns to look up at her husband.
"Alexander I hope you'll take care of her here." William requests quietly.

"I was going to offer all of us going. If I take my skills to London I should be able to get a good paying job. We'll need the money for the baby after all."
"Wait, you want to go back with us? Isn't this your home?" Sherlock inquires looking around.
"It was but London is where her family is. I'd like to meet them. After years of not seeing them surely it would be selfish of me to keep her here."
Tears well in her eyes and fall slowly.
The man laughs softly and wipes her cheeks. "Don't cry darling."
"I love you so much." She whispers and kisses him.

Sherlock and Liam smile softly and look at one another.
"I guess it's settled then," Sherlock mumbles.
"Is it wrong of me to be nervous." William asks then laughs softly.
"I can only imagine. Miri will have a riot when she sees us." The detective adds and the woman tenses.
Slowly she looks at the detective and her happy tears turn to sad ones.
"Miri," she whispers.
Sherlock frowns and looks at (Y/n). "I can only imagine how Miri has dealt with your supposed death."

"Sherly," William grumbles.
Sherlock sighs and walks over to (Y/n).
The woman buries her face in his chest and cries.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought it up."
"I didn't tell her anything. I didn't say goodbye. She was probably devastated. What have I done?" She cries softly.
William walks over and puts his hand on her stomach. "Please don't cry. It's bad for the baby."
(Y/n) looks at the blonde and sniffles.
William wipes her face with a handkerchief. "My beautiful sister shouldn't have tears cloud her vision."

Sherlock nods in agreement. "Especially not sad tears. Save it for the happy tears when you see her again."
"Do you think she's doing ok? I told Adam to take care of her."
"Well, how would you fair if you had lost her?" Sherlock proposes.
(Y/n) thinks about it then starts crying again.
"Sherly you're not helping." Liam whispers and puts his hand on his shoulder.
"I know," he grumbles. "I'll go secure transportation." The detective mumbles and walks away.

As their ship gets closer to Britain (Y/n) can't help remembering the first voyage the three of them were on together.
The one where they met, where they started.
William walks over and rubs her back. "There isn't a day that goes by that I don't wish I could go back and change my mind."
"You wish you had killed me instead?"
The blonde shakes his head. "Of course not. You were innocent. Now knowing you had no idea who anyone was makes me more guilty. You could've left, knowing you witnessed something but not knowing the details. I cannot describe myself in any other way but monster."

(Y/n) puts his hand on her bump and the baby moves around.
William blushes slightly but smiles.
"This life is here because of you."
William blushes deeply and opens his mouth.
(Y/n) looks at his face and laughs softly. "That's not what I meant Will. I meant, if you hadn't taken me in we wouldn't be here."
William looks at her stomach then laughs softly, feeling a little foolish for making that his first thought.
"My life would be so different if Miri and I had walked off the Noahtic but I love the life we've lived. If we find London on the mend I will consider it more than worth it."
"And if London is in chaos?"
"Then I will personally make you babysit my baby...with Sherlock."

"You had to add that didn't you?"
"It had to be a punishment somehow." (Y/n) laughs softly.
William lays his head on her shoulder and she lays hers on his.
"I hope Miri won't be too upset."
"I'm sure she'll be overwhelmed with joy by seeing you. Unfortunately for me it won't be such a kind welcome."
"I'll explain everything to her. She won't be happy but she'll calm down."
William sighs but nods.

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