Albert James Moriarty

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Albert sighs softly as he gets ready for his next military mission.
What he wouldn't give for a glass of wine, his robe and the quiet company of his brothers.
After making sure his gun is loaded he slings it over his shoulder and orders his troops to head out.
"It's just the five of them. No one gets out of here alive."
Just as Albert pulls the trigger on the couple in his scope one of his subordinates speaks up.
"Colonel Moriarty I have a child in my line of sight."
"A child? The reports say nothing of a child." The brunette walks over to the little girl and kneels in front of her.

(Y/n) is kneeling next to her mother, crying softly.
"Was this your mother and father? Can you tell me your name?"
The girl sniffles and looks at the man. "Why did mommy and daddy die?"
"They were bad people. Darling do you have a name?"
"(Y/n)." She replies quietly and rubs her eyes with her arm.
"That's a pretty name. Why don't you come with me. I'll take you somewhere safe."

Normally Albert doesn't think about who he kills, but this time is different.
This killing has consequences.
Leaving the child at an orphanage made his heart clench.
Especially the devastated look in (Y/n)'s eyes when he says he has to leave.
"I killed her parents. She's suffering because of me. Will the orphanage even take care of her...Could I..."
His mind calculates on the carriage ride home.

"Al what's troubling you?" William inquires, sitting across from his brother in the parlor.
"I killed a little girl's parents in front of her. Now I've left her at an orphanage to suffer more, alone."
The blonde frowns, remembering his time in orphanages with Louis. "I see."
"I can't help feeling obligated to help her. Like I need to care for her now."
"Raising a child is a massive responsibility brother. Are you sure that's wise?"
"I think I have to. My conscience won't be satisfied until I know she is properly taken care of. It will be my atonement."

William frowns but nods slightly. "I understand completely. I will have Louis clean one of the rooms for her then."
"I know it will be difficult between our work and your plan."
William smiles softly. "Indeed. Just think though, now Louis won't be so lonely."
Albert manages a small laugh. "Yes, that as well."
William is about to stand when the third brother walks into the parlor with a fresh pot of tea. "Ah, just in time Louis."
"Did you need something brother?"
"I do. I need you to prepare the room next to Albert's for a special guest."
"A special guest? We never have guests spend the night."
"I will explain everything to everyone tomorrow." Albert assures and stands up.
Louis bows and pours William a cup of tea. "Understood. I will begin at once."

The next day is Sunday so it was easy to get everyone together.
Albert rides back to the orphanage to pick the girl up. He figured since he was out and his mind was made up, to make it official right away and got her papers claiming her as his ward.
Once back at the manor Albert gets out of the carriage and she immediately holds her arms out.
Getting the hint he picks her up and holds her close.
(Y/n) buries her face in his neck, scared.
"You have nothing to fear darling. They won't hurt you."
"They won't kill me like my mommy and daddy?"
The man frowns and rubs her back. "No."

Upon walking into the parlor all eyes were on the two.
"Who is this Al?" Moran asks looking at the little girl.
"Can you say hi?" Albert asks quietly.
Slowly (Y/n) turns and looks at the two blondes and two raven haired men.
"Hi." She whispers softly and waves slightly.
"Everyone this is (Y/n). She is my new ward."
"Wait what?" Louis exclaims.
"New ward?" Moran inquires, looking at the brunette quickly.

"What brought this about?" Fred asks quietly.
Albert frowns down at the girl. "Why don't you go with uncle Will on a tour of the manor."
William smiles and holds his arms open.
(Y/n) looks at the blonde for a bit before moving into his arms.
He takes her out of the parlor and closes the door.
Albert sighs and looks back at the three remaining. "I was the one who killed her parents, but not only did I kill them, it was in front of her. I couldn't leave her in an orphanage alone to suffer."
Moran frowns as he crosses his arms then sighs. "I'm assuming you've thought this through Al. You two aren't the type to do anything spur of the moment."
"I have and I hope you all won't be too cross with me."

"Brother I-"
"I know you disapprove Louis but this is something I need to see through." Albert cuts off his youngest brother.
The blonde sighs and looks away. Just like his brother he began to think about the awful orphanages they stayed in.
This idea made him a little warmer to the idea of the child staying.
"Her name is (Y/n)? How old is she?" Moran asks and crosses his legs, reclining in his chair.
"When I asked in the carriage she said four."
"Old enough to start teaching I suppose. Will you put her in school?"

Albert sighs softly and shakes his head. "No. I'll have Louis oversee her lessons for a while. It will be a nice change of pace I'm sure."
Louis nods firmly. "I will do my upmost."
"Are you seriously on board with this Louis?" The raven haired man grumbles.
"Certainly. Also William seems to be ok with the idea so I will do my best to see to her education."
"Thank you Louis. Is her room cleaned out?"
"Yes. Although I'm sure it will need to be filled with things she'll need."
"I suppose so."
"I can take her into town tomorrow to get her necessities."
Albert nods and smiles slightly. "Thank you Louis."

William pops his head into the parlor. "Is it safe to come back?"
Albert laughs and nods. "Yes."
The blonde walks in, still holding the child.
She immediately reaches out to the oldest brother.
He takes (Y/n) and she buries her face in his neck. "Did you thank him for taking you around?" Al asks quietly.
"Thank you uncle Will." She mumbles quietly, looking at the said man.
"You're welcome love. Is everyone on the same page now?"
The four men nod.

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