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(Y/n) looks at the two blonde boys playing by themselves in the park's sandbox.
A tall raven haired man and a brunette teenager are close by watching them.
The girl walks over and smiles.
"See Lou the structure is more sound because we used water. If you don't it will crumble easily." The older boy teaches, holding his finger up.
"I like your castle." (Y/n) comments and looks from the sand to the boys.
The younger hides behind his brother.
"Why thank you."
"I've never seen you here before. Is this your first time?"
The older blonde nods. "Yes. Our guardian Mr. Moran brought my brothers and I here."

(Y/n) looks at the brunette. "Is that brown haired boy your older brother?"
The boy nods. "Yep."
"What are your names?" (Y/n) asks looking from the older to younger.
"My name is William. Can you introduce yourself?" William asks the hiding boy.
"Louis," he mumbles.
"I'm (Y/n)."
"That's pretty." Louis comments suddenly and blushes deeply.
William smiles but nods in agreement. "It is."
The girl smiles happily. "Thank you. I like your names too."
"Would you like to join us?" William asks and looks from the girl to their castle.
"Yes please." She responds quickly.

Moran looks at Albert who smiles at his little brothers.
The three children play together for a while until Moran walks over.
Albert looks around and frowns. He walks up next to Moran and looks at the children.
"Is it time to leave already?" William asks, turning his gaze to the older men.
Louis frowns and looks between his brothers and guardian.
"Little lady are you here by yourself?" Sebastian inquires.
(Y/n) frowns and looks away.
"I've noticed everyone here and the children they're looking after but no one is looking after you." Albert adds and looks around again.

William frowns and looks at the girl.
"I don't have anyone." She responds and rubs her arm.
Louis frowns and looks at William.
"Where do you live?"
"In a box in the alley next to Ms. Lorette's tea shop. She gives me the food she can't sell."
Moran and Albert look at each other.
Albert smiles softly at their unspoken arrangement. "Would you like to come home with us?"
William smiles happily. "Yes that would be amazing."
"You mean it?" The girl asks, her eyes wide.
Moran nods and ruffles her hair. "Yeah."

Louis blushes when (Y/n) holds his hand. "Do you want me to Lou?"
Her smile make his heart race.
He nods though.
"Ok! Yes please."
William smiles and holds her other hand.
"Now that that's settled, let's get home." Moran mumbles and picks up William.
Albert picks up Louis who curls into him.
(Y/n) was content standing next to the men but Moran picks her up and sits her on his other arm. He groans softly and the girl frowns.
"You don't have to carry me if I'm heavy."
"You aren't heavy (n/n)." William assures and smiles softly.

(Y/n) smiles at the nickname he gave her.
"A lady is never heavy." Louis adds quietly.
(Y/n) giggles and buries her face in Moran's neck.
Moran clears his throat. "Yes, sorry. I didn't mean anything by my noises."
The teenager chuckles at the raven haired man.
"Do you like to read?" William asks and looks at the girl across from him.
"I don't really know how to read. I was never taught but I try to read book when I get the chance."
"We can teach you, don't worry. Do you know how to write?" Albert assures and repositions Louis.
(Y/n) shakes her head.
"We can teach you that too."
"Learning is always fun." William comments and (Yn) bites her lip.
"I wanna learn. Will you all teach me?"
They all nod.

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