William James Moriarty

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(Y/n) heard chatter amongst the staff that they were getting a new maths professor.
A genius from the Moriarty family.
She had heard of him but never had the pleasure of meeting him in person.
So on his first day she made a point to greet him.
"May I presume you are lord Moriarty?"
The blonde smiles kindly. "You may call me William. What is your name?"
"I am an English professor here, (Y/f/n). It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
"(L/n)? Ah yes, I remember. You got the position after you exposed the last professor's harassment of the female students."
(Y/n) smiles and nods. "It's our duty as educators to protect our students. Pardon my saying so but creeps like him deserve to rot in hell."

The comment made William's heart race.
(Y/n) covers her mouth with her fingers. "Please excuse me my lord. We should be off though. Classes begin soon."
William nods in agreement and they head their separate ways.
During their lunch breaks they speak while grading papers and go over test questions.
Once William was looking over one of her quizzes and found a question eluding to Shakespeare.
Obviously she feigned innocence when he gives her a knowing look.

It didn't take long for his feelings to turn romantic and he suggested they begin a relationship.
She was the one who asked to keep it a secret due to their positions and they didn't want their relationship to be in the public eye.
William agreed and they enjoy each other's company in school and out.
Although, William knew he couldn't keep the secret from the Morigroup so they also had dinners at the manor.
(Y/n) doesn't know who he is or what they do.
Unfortunately Albert brought up a good point.
"What if she finds out?"

William began to realize his older brother is right. So against his wishes he visited (Y/n) at her home to break things off.
At first when (Y/n) opens her door she sees William with his hood up.
His sniffles alert her and she cups his face.
His red, puffy eyes look into her (e/c) ones.
"Darling what's wrong? What's happened?"
"I'm sorry my love."
"You're sorry?" She inquires and laughs slightly. "Sorry for what?"
"We have to end our relationship." He whispers, gripping the hand she's cradling his cheek with.

Her eyes widen and slowly water wells in her eyes.
"Was it something I did?"
"Of course not. It's..." He trails off, unable to answer her.
"William," she whispers.
Before she can say anything else he turns around and leaves.
His arms are tightly wrapped around himself.
The woman stands there for a while before closing the door.

At the university they don't say anything to each other and actually avoid one another.
As the months go by everyone could tell how off William is.
Albert didn't want for his brother to break things off, he only wanted him to be sure he knew the consequences of their relationship.
"Can I help you?" William asks as the brunette walks into his study.
Louis follows behind, his expression neutral.
"William I want nothing more than for you to be happy. And (Y/n) made you happy. I think you should reconsider your decision to cut ties."
"I couldn't. I can't let her know I'm a devil."

"Brother, let her decide that. What if she accepts you and your plan? You could be happy together again." Louis comments and puts his hand on his brother's shoulder.
William looks at the papers on his desk. He can't deny how much he misses her.
Eventually he sighs and nods.
"If you two are ok with it."
Both Albert and Louis smile, nodding firmly.
So William requests (Y/n) meet him in his office after classes are over for the day.

(Y/n) takes a breath and knocks on the wooden door.
"Enter," William calls.
The woman enters then closes the door. "You wished to see me professor Moriarty."
"I must begin this meeting by confessing that there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss you. I miss your hand in mine, your lips on mine and your body in my arms."
(Y/n) blushes slightly at his words.
"But now I must be honest."
"Is this in regards to you breaking off our relationship?"
William takes a breath then nods.

(Y/n) sits in the chair across from the blonde.
William laces his fingers together on the desk, leaning forward. "I have a secret, a terrible, ugly secret. It is the reason I broke things off. It is something I'm ashamed of but it is most necessary."
"A secret?"
"Indeed. But seeing as how I no longer wish to live without you I have an ultimatum."
"You're threatening me now?"
"Not that kind darling."
(Y/n) looks at him confused.
"I will give you one month to figure out my secret. If you can figure it out and accept it wholly we can be together."
"A whole month? Why so long?"
"If I'm correct, it won't take you long to figure out my secret. What will take the longest is the acceptance."

(Y/n) opens her mouth then closes it. "And you promise we can be happy together?"
"Yes." He gently reaches his hand across the table.
She puts her hand on his and smiles, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I accept."
William smiles and stands.
The woman follows suit.
"Best of luck." He whispers and kisses her cheek.

After weeks of asking she began to get desperate and started listing off ridiculous secrets.
William couldn't help laughing and denying her.
When she collapses on the fainting couch next to him he begins running his fingers through her hair.
"Is your secret really that monstrous my love?"
William's hand stops and his free hand flips over, palm up.
His vision is crimson.
"Yes," he whispers.
(Y/n) holds his hand and kisses his wrist. "I promise I'll love you no matter what this secret is."
"I desperately hope so darling."

Finally the last day is here and she gets a desperate idea.
(Y/n) knocks on the front door.
Louis opens the door and smiles. "Hello my lady. My brother is out at the moment."
"I actually wish to speak with you and Albert if possible."
"Oh then come in. Albert is in the parlor enjoying his tea. If you join him I will bring you a cup."
The professor smiles and nods. "Thank you Lou." She goes up to the parlor and knocks before entering.

Albert looks over and smiles. "Hello my dear. What brings you here?"
"I need to ask you something important?"
"Oh yeah? Well go ahead." Albert puts his cup on its saucer and gives her his full attention.
Louis walks in and sets her cup on the table for her.
She smiles at the blonde then looks between the two.
"What do you need to ask?" Louis asks, sitting on the couch next to the woman.
(Y/n) holds her cup and saucer, taking a small sip. "What is William's secret?" She asks bluntly.
The eyes of both men widen.

"I love William more than anything. I want to know this horrible secret. No matter what it is I know I can except it and we can be happy."
Louis looks at Albert.
Albert sees the resolve in the woman's eyes and smiles, closing his eyes. "If you think you can handle it I will gladly tell you."
"Brother are you sure?" The blonde mumbles.
"Of course. If she wishes to be with William she must know the truth. And William never said she couldn't ask us. All he said was that she had to find a way to figure it out herself."
(Y/n) smiles and laughs slightly. "Exactly. Work smarter not harder."

Albert crosses his arms and legs, leaning back in his chair.
Louis sighs and closes his eyes.
"In short Louis, William and I are the Lord of Crime."
As those words sink in her eyes widen.
Louis looks at the woman and stands quickly when she runs.
Albert sighs but remains in his chair.
"Shouldn't we go after her brother?" Louis exclaims.
"No." He responds simply.

William comes home and immediately knows something is wrong when he sees his brothers in the parlor, both solemn.
"Brother! You've returned." Louis jumps up and Albert slowly looks over.
"What's wrong?"
Before either can speak heavy panting catches their attention.
(Y/n) holds a few envelopes to her chest.
"You've returned?" The younger blonde inquires.
"What is going on?" William questions, looking between the three.

"I know your secret and I except you wholly. In truth I have those murderous urges but I've never done anything with them. Now that I have you, do you think I can help?"
William looks at the envelopes she holds out to him. Slowly he takes them and looks over the contents.
Albert and Louis look at their brother.
The professor smiles and suddenly kisses the woman.
Her eyes widen in shock but she kisses back.
When he pulls away he leans their foreheads together.
"I need you by my side, alway." He whispers softly.

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