Alcroft ft. (Y/n)

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"Albert why is there a small child in my office?"
"They're ours now."
"Indeed. Although before you say anything, no this was not planned. I promise."
"Is it required of a Moriarty head to adopt on a whim?" Mycroft inquires, looking at the brunette then the child.
"It is the noblesse obligation remember?" Albert offers but only earns an eye roll from his boss and lover.
"He said I could use my talents for better use."
"What talents?" The "governement" asks, giving his full attention to the child.
"Pick pocket."
"How old are you?"
"Who's asking?"
Albert chuckles quietly and ruffles the child's hair. "They said 7."

(Y/n) whines softly and looks at their new father.
Well...papa #1.
"Why did you tell him?"
"Because you didn't. Remember (Y/n) both him and I are going to be taking care of you from now on."
"You will have no need to pick pockets for a living. (Y/n) is you're name correct? Welcome to the family." Mycroft stands and offers the child his hand.
Albert smiles softly and gently pets (Y/n)'s hair.
With a shaky hand the child reaches out to the tall man.
Mycroft smiles softly and kisses the back of their hand. "Although darling, they will have no need for their talents period. If you thought they could use it for your brother's plan I would like to refrain. Our child should not be used for such matters. Plucking a child off the streets, calling them yours then putting them to work is quite cruel."

"I like papa #2." (Y/n) comments, smiling up at the brunette.
Albert sighs but nods. "As you wish."
"Have you gotten any education?" Mycroft asks, sitting back down.
"Then I should like to enroll you in schooling. It would probably be best if it were under my name."
"Yes I agree." Albert immediately responds.
"Nevermind I don't like papa #2." (Y/n) mumbles and crosses their arms.
"What occupation did you hope to have once you were old enough?" The colonel inquires, looking down at the child.
"I never thought about it. I was just trying to make it to the next day. Us street urchins don't get dreams like you toffs."

"Well now you get to pick whatever you want (Y/n)." Mycroft informs and smiles slightly.
"Within reason," Albert adds.
The 7 year old frowns and looks down.
Mycroft and Albert make eye contact.
"If you don't have an answer right now that's fine. You have some time to think it over." Mycroft waves off the topic.
"No I..."
Albert rubs the child's back gently. "It's ok."
"I want to be a teacher."
"A teacher?"
"Yes. I want to teach other children. There was this blonde toff that used to visit an orphanage near where I lived. I'd go there once in a while but I started going anytime he was there. He would teach us youngins all kinds of stuff. I could tell math was his favorite though. I knew I wanted to be like him if I ever got the chance."

Albert smiles softly and shows (Y/n) a picture from his pocket.
"Wait that's him." The child exclaims pointing to the middle Moriarty son.
"That is my brother William. He is a maths professor at Durham University. We both have done our share of visiting orphanages and schools for the poor."
"Your brother? Does that mean he's now my uncle?"
The smile on the child's face made both men happy.
"Indeed. Would you like to meet him?"
"Yes please!"
"I suppose you wouldn't mind living at both Albert's manor and mine? Unless there is one you prefer than you can reside there permanently." Mycroft offers, lacing his fingers and resting his chin on them.
"I'm grateful to have a roof over my head...papa."

"You may call me father (Y/n). That way it won't be confusing."
Albert smiles and ruffles the child's hair. "I think we should get going. If we leave now we'll be in time to meet William when he gets home."
"Albert I should like to have dinner tomorrow night, just the three of us." Mycroft informs and grabs his paperwork.
"We shall arrive at the usual time."
Mycroft smirks and nods. "It was a pleasure meeting you (Y/n)."
"Sweet dreams father." (Y/n) smiles widely, waving and exits the office.
Albert winks at Mycroft before leaving as well, closing the door.

The next day Albert is at work so Louis watches over (Y/n).
Mycroft is working on paperwork when Albert knocks on the door.
The brunette walks in and after locking the door he sits across from his lover.
"I can't believe you took them in. What were you thinking?"
"I assumed they would be of use to William. I also thought it would be nice for us to-"
"To raise a child together?"
Albert shrugs and crosses his legs.
"Al this isn't like you. We both know it wasn't wise to take in a child, especially one so young."
"Louis was around this age when my father adopted him."

"You are not your father."
"Good. I want to give (Y/n) a chance though. If they want to be a teacher then it's perfect that we take them in. With William in their life and us putting them in school they are bound to succeed."
"Have you given any thought to what will happen when the truth comes out? What will happen to (Yn)?"
"You said they will have no part in the plan and I agreed. I will no longer ask William about him joining the Moriarty plan. (Y/n) will be a normal child...raised by two fathers."
"No one can know so be sure to remind him of that. He should be old enough to comprehend that."
"I will see to it."
"Is there anything else you would like to discuss?" Mycroft slowly looks up at the colonel.
Albert smirks and stands, walking to the desk then sits on the corner. "Maybe."

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