Alcroft + (Y/n) (Not Like That)

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(Y/n) despises the idea of living the life of a normal noblewoman.
Staying silent, marrying an arrogant nobleman and having children.
So against her parents wishes she trained herself and joined the military, the army specifically.
No one wanted to accept her at first but Mycroft took her in when he heard about her.
Albert was more than curious to meet the only woman he knows who wanted to join the military.

Mycroft is just finishing up some paperwork when there is a knock at his office door then it opens and (Y/n) walks in.
"Sir." She salutes and stands at attention.
"Relax (L/n). Today I will be introducing you to Colonel Moriarty. You will be working with him on your next mission."
"I understand." She responds in a firm voice.
The man looks her up and down. "I said to relax."
(Y/n) opens her mouth then closes it. She relaxes and looks away. "Apologies," she mumbles.

There is another knock at the door and Albert enters the room.
"Speak of the devil." Mycroft mumbles quietly looking at the brunette.
(Y/n) waits until the man is standing next to her before she bows. "Colonel Moriarty. I am at your service."
Albert chuckles quietly. "So formal. There is no need when we are in private. Call me Albert when we are alone."
"But we are not alone."
"I am included." Mycroft assures and stands. He hands Albert a file and he takes it.
"Our next mission? So soon?"

(Y/n) looks between the two, trying to figure out their relationship.
"Your brows should not furrow my lady. You would look much more beautiful with a smile." Albert comments and hands her the file.
A scowl replaces her confusion.
"Do not refer to me as such Colonel. I am no lady." She grabs the envelope and looks through the information.
Her feisty nature makes Albert more excited to work with her.
The two men look at one another and smirk.

"Can I rely on you to carry out this mission with precision and efficiency?"
"Sir." She answers and salutes him again.
As she walks toward the door she can hear the brunette chuckle quietly.
"Bye Mycky." Albert mumbles and follows the woman out.
(Y/n) turns to Albert. "Did you just call Lord Holmes, Mycky?"
His smile disappears.
"Of course not. You must have misheard."
Her fists clench as they have a long staring contest.
Finally she sighs and nods slowly.
The two go to the docks and board their ship.

Mycroft was pleasantly surprised to receive Albert's letters and telegrams about (Y/n)'s performance in the field.
The woman still asked for tips and advice but Albert would never dream of belittling her by thinking it was because she was a woman or because she was weak.
Quite the opposite in fact.
Both Mycroft and Albert considered her better than most of the men.
After months away from home Albert expressed his desire to go home with (Y/n).
"Surely there is at least one person you miss back home. I myself miss my younger brothers terribly."

(Y/n) frowns and looks down at her gun.
While she cleans it he can see her gears turning.
"There is no one. No friends or relatives waiting. I was..."
"Disowned for joining the military?"
Her nod is slight.
"I apologize. You are strong and smart. They should be honored to call you theirs. You have accomplished great things in a short amount of time."
"While I appreciate your praise colonel I do not need your pity. I am strong, I know that."
"I will not pity you. Although I should like to make a request of you, for when we return."

(Y/n) puts her gun in its case then gives her full attention to the brunette. "A request?"
"Indeed. Would you accept an invitation to dinner at my estate?"
Her mouth opens but closes.
"I still cannot believe you hesitate to answer my questions yet charge head first into battle. Am I scarier than the enemy?"
A small blush paints her cheeks.
"I apologize colonel. I am still trying to get used to you speaking to me as if we are friends."
"I would consider us so. After these many months I should hope so at least. Mycroft had no doubt we would blend well together."

"You two are particularly chummy." She mumbles and picks at a single, loose thread from her uniform sleeve.
Albert looks from her face to her wrist. "We have a certain understanding between us and it connects us. Obviously it is secret but I trust you."
"I would hope not enough to tell me that secret."
The man becomes confused. "And why not?"
"I do not wish to pry. I can accept your friendship and dinner invitation."
"(Y/n) do you believe there is something scandalous going on between Mycroft and I?"
The woman chokes on nothing and looks into his emerald eyes. "Excuse me?"

Albert laughs and shakes his head. "I jest. I'm glad you've accepted my invitation."
Before (Y/n) can speak one of the men walks up to the two.
"We are docking colonel."
"Understood solider. Thank you." Albert responds and stands up.
(Y/n)'s expression switches like a light from shocked to stoic.
Something Albert appreciates.
He puts his hand on her back then walks away.
"When should-"
"Tomorrow evening, around six o'clock." He calls back.

(Y/n) walks into Mycroft's office and bows. "I have my report my lord."
"Excellent." He mumbles and holds out his hand to her.
She puts her report in his hand then takes a step back.
He could tell she wanted to say something. "Should you wish to speak you may do so freely here."
"The colonel said he trusts me enough to tell me the secret between you."
Mycroft looks at the woman quickly. "Excuse me?"
"I told him I would not pry and thought it unwise to trust me with that information."

Mycroft leans back in his chair and smirks.
This sudden change in demeanor confuses (Y/n).
"Did he tell you?"
"No. We were interrupted before he could. He invited me to dinner at his estate tomorrow evening. Do you suspect he will tell me then?"
"No. If you asked him not to tell you he probably won't."
"Ah, I see. Well have a nice evening sir."
"You as well (Y/n)."

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