Chapter 19 The Pillars of a Great Power , into the city of Guangling

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Hearing The Pillars of a Great Power, Liu Bei was also a little unsettled, and could not help but wonder:

", that altar in the end for what?"

Liu Xian laughed: "The thing in the altar is called potatoes!"


Liu Bei frowned as he heard:

"What is this potato? Why is it The Pillars of a Great Power?"

Liu Xian came forward and said:

"Dare I ask Liu Bei, do you know the current mu (mu, Chinese unit of land) measurement that is commonly used 666.7% of the world's total land area.

measurement that is commonly 666.7 square meters) how much grain is produced now?"

Although Liu Bei is a military general, he knows quite a lot about people's livelihood, and after thinking for a while he said:

"If it is the wheat in the north, ten mu of good land, mu harvest up to 30 stone (stone is an ancient Chinese unit of weight, equivalent to 14 pounds)! I heard that there is rice in the south, ten acres of good land, can produce grain about forty stone!"

Liu Xian heard, secretly nodded. In general, this era, wheat mu (mu, Chinese unit of land)

measurement that is commonly 666.7 square metres) yield three stone (stone is an ancient Chinese unit of weight, equivalent to 14 pounds) role, rice is mu yield four stone. But these three or four stones, but also to remove the skin of the grain. After that, it's just two or three stones (a stone is an ancient Chinese unit of weight equal to 14 pounds). And potatoes? Although Liu Xian was not an agronomy major, he knew that potatoes could easily yield a thousand kilograms (jin, a unit of weight (=12 kilograms))! Even, if it is well taken care of and the ground is favorable, it can even produce two to three thousand kilograms! When converted, it was fully more than ten times the grain production of the late Eastern Han Dynasty!

He laughed at Liu Bei and said:

"If I tell you that this thing can produce more than a hundred stones of grain in a field of ten mu, would you believe it? "


Liu Bei stared at the moment, not daring to believe:

1. "Hundred stone (stone is an ancient Chinese unit of weight, equivalent to 14 pounds)?????"

You know, in this chaotic world, grain production plummeted, and there were disasters almost every year! It can be said that food is more valuable than gold and silver! And this potato, surprisingly, the yield can reach five or six times the wheat!

Even Liu Bei, at this time is also unable to calm down, even said.

"This is true? This thing is really so magical?"

Liu Xian smiled and nodded:

"My teacher has been searching all over the north and south, to find the way to save the world, finally, a few years ago, from the mountains to find this thing! If Liu Bei doesn't believe me, you can take a look at it after it ripens in four or five months!"

Liu Bei nodded his head and laughed as he listened:

"Faith faith faith! How can I not believe what you said! I don't want to think that your teacher is not only of high moral character, but also a man who worries about the country and the people, which really makes us marvel!"

He first lamented for a while, and then suddenly froze, randomly eyes shot out a flash of brilliance said:

"You just said, this thing four or five months will be mature?"

Liu Xian laughed:

"Exactly, if it is planted in February or March, it will mature in June or July. If planted in August, it will mature in November!"

"The Pillars of a Great Power ... It's a godsend!"

Liu Bei's body trembled as he listened, and his heart was filled with excitement beyond words. High yield, short harvest interval! If it is planted on a large scale, he will have no shortage of food and grass when he fights in the four directions in the future!

He was busy excited:

"Liu Xian, how to plant this thing on a large scale, still need Liu Xian to teach me ah!"

Hearing this place, Liu Xian's face was astringent and said:

"Liu Bei, this thing is not only The Pillars of a Great Power, the same is! Must choose a strategic weapon a deep mountain, secretly planted! If it is obtained by other lords, it will be a great danger in the future!"

Liu Bei nodded:

"is extremely is extremely, indeed as Liu Xian said, this thing is so magical, I should be cautious!"

Thinking that he will not worry about food and grass in the future, and with such a great talent like him, why would the world worry about uncertainty? Thinking about the future of his food and grass is not worried, and Liu Xian and other great talent, the world why worry about the uncertainty?

At that moment, also is Liu Bei city deep, also can not help but laugh and out said.

"Hahahahaha, with your help, the world is not worried about peace!"

Guangling (now Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province) road, Liu Bei's laughter is extremely wanton, as if to be these years of stifled one-time release.


Until Liu Bei arrived at the time of Guangling, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had already captured Hailing (present-day Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province), Gaoyou (present-day Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province).

The city is located in the southern part of Guangling, and by capturing it, they blocked the connection of Yuan Shu's army. Other counties in Guangling County also surrendered. With the exception of Tangyi (present-day Liaocheng City, Shandong Province) in the west, the whole of Guangling was already in Liu Bei's pocket. When Liu Bei arrived at 10 miles below the city of Guangling, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had already led their troops to greet him. Seeing Guan Yu Zhang Fei from afar, Liu Bei called out:

"Second brother, third brother, my brother is here!"

Seeing this, Guan Yu Zhang Fei hurriedly ran his horse out.

"Big brother ah! I've missed you!"

Zhang Fei opened his big voice, the entire official road can be heard that sound. Guan Yu came forward and smiled:

"Big brother, we are fortunate not to dishonor, has captured Guangling, just waiting for big brother into the station!"

Liu Bei held Guan Yu Zhang Fei's hand, smiled and said.

"You two brothers have worked hard in this battle!"

"Eh! Big brother said this!"

Zhang Fei laughed:

"This surprise attack went extremely well, as soon as I and Second Brother arrived, the city was in our hands! I've never fought such a good battle since I was in the army!"

Liu Bei laughed:

"Heh heh's all thanks to the consigliere's brilliant plan!"

"Right, right, right!"

Zhang Fei's eyes glanced around, and as soon as he saw Liu Xian, he stepped forward and pulled Liu Xian eagerly:

"Consigliere, why are you hiding behind! Today's big day, I want to have a good drink with you!"

Liu Xian was pulled by Zhang Fei, it feels like a loudhailer is ringing in his ears, he can't help but laugh bitterly for a while:

"You'd better let me go, these days of marching, uprooting me is back pain, wait for me to rest, tomorrow we drink again."

"That won't do!"

Zhang Fei pulls Liu Xian forward and says: "You are a great merit, see how I can get you drunk!"

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